Month: February 2013 Page 1 of 4
Words of thanks from Jean-Bosco Masaba
Dear Serge and all the confreres of Zambia.
Thanks for all what you have done for me, especially for helping me throughout my medical needs.
Thanks to the community of Mwapona Road for your warm welcome. “I was feeling good at home!”
Thanks again to all the confreres and stagiaires of Zambia. I am keeping good memories of all of you.
Thanks to the community of Kabwata, FENZA and Misisi.
Thanks also for my short stay in Kitwe. The confreres are very kind. Thanks for your availability.
Thanks to all of your who have prayed for me and sent messages through the blog and e-mails.
How can I thank you? I say: “Twatotela and twatasha”.
Ps: I came to Lubumbashi without problem. Only that I am feeling pain on my leg. I have stated some treatments. It will be OK!
Thanks Mingi, Jean-Bosco Masaba
Message de Jean-Bosco Masaba
Cher Serge et tous les confrères du secteur de la Zambie.
Merci beaucoup pour ce que vous avez fait pour moi, particulièrement pour les soins médicaux.
Merci à toute la communauté de la rue Mwapoma pour votre sens de l’accueil. “J’étais très très bien chez nous”.
Merci à tous les confrères et stagiaires du secteur Zambie. Je garde un bon souvenir de vous tous.
Merci à la communauté de Kabwata, de FENZA et de Misisi.
Merci encore pour le séjour que nous avons eu à Kitwe chez les confrères. Ils sont bien gentils et merci pour leur disponibilité.
Merci aux confrères qui m’ont soutenu par leurs prières et messages envoyés sur le blogue et par courriel.
Comment vous dire merci? Je vous dis : “Twatotela et twatasha”.
Ps: Je suis bien arrivé à Lubumbashi: il y a juste la jambe qui continue à me faire mal. J’ai commencé avec la kiné. Ça ira!
Merci Mingi, Jean-Bosco Masaba
Lilongwe, Malawi (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Bishops of Malawi have expressed gratitude for the solution to a serious two week tug of war between the government and civil servants demanding a 67% pay rise. Protests caused serious social disruption. The authorities have agreed on a 61% per cent increase to the lowest salaries and 5% to the highest ones.
In a statement sent to Fides by the Bishops’ Commission for Justice and Peace, the Catholic Church in Malawi, tracing the roots of the trade union crisis, takes a position regarding the economic crisis which has afflicted the country for some time. The statement says the decision to devaluate Malawi Kwacha and continued floatation and the linkage of the fuel prices to the global market prices leading to automatic fuel price adjustments is worsening the economic situation of the people.
The Commission also criticises certain economic moves of the government such as the decision to privilege some investments over others.
These economic measures, say “Justice and Peace” have created a serious social fracture. “Malawi is seriously entrenching a two-tier society with over 80% of the population struggling to survive and depending on poor, over-stretched and quality-compromised public service delivery; while the 20% are affording privatized education, health and security services.” the statement affirms “This 20% of the population that is able is creating a section of passive and irresponsive citizenry that has become silent to the plight and cries of the majority poor”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 25/2/2013)
Brief History, by Phelim Malumo, M.Afr
In 1993, the Missionaries of Africa with the team of Jean-Marie Beliveau and Maurits De Weerdt took over the two parishes of Kawama and Twatasha which was under the SMA. These Parishes were former outstations of Chimwemwe Parish. The team settled in Kawama, house No. 558. This house is owned by the diocese.
Kitwe is the largest city of the Copperbelt. The confreres are living in Kawama compound in the midst of families originating from all parts of Zambia and some from neighbouring countries (Congo, Tanzania, and Angola, etc). Kawama parish comprises Old Kawama, New Kawama and Kamatipa with a total population of about 40,000 of which 8,000 are Catholics. The White Fathers also serve Twatasha parish which covers Twatasha compound and Race Course with a population of about 25,000 people of which 6,000 are Catholics.
About 5% of the population work for different companies in Kitwe as skilled workers, but a good number are employed as watchmen or security guards and others work as house servants, charcoal burners, at the service of commercial farmers or tiling their own small plots along the Kafue River and Chingola road. However the majority of people struggle for survival in small businesses or trading in a variety of commodities.
2013 Updates, by Serge St-Arneault, M.Afr
According to Jean-Bosco Masaba, who was on his journey back to Lubumbashi, Kawama means “the solitary man there!” A man was living on his own telling people that the place will be a good one in a near future; “pa kawama”. Also, Twatacha refers to a thankful man happy for the plot he had received; “thank you!”
There are fifteen small Christian communities in Kawama and nine in Twatacha. At the moment, four confreres are members of Kitwe community: Piet van Heijst from Holland, Jacques Bédard from Canada, Felix Kamunenge fom Zambia and Venance Shundu, stagiaire from Tanzania.
JCTR Press Release 22 February 2013
Persistent late delivery of farming inputs harmful to food security, says the JCTR Timely delivery of farming inputs such as seeds is crucial to ensuring a good harvest. The delivery of adequate and timely inputs by the government is important to many small-scale farmers who continue to heavily rely on the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP). This is why the delivery of farming inputs continues to attract attention from both the government and non-governmental stakeholders. READ MORE
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I regret to inform you that our candidate Hendricks Chisanga, currently in the novitiate at Samagan, Bobo in Burkina Faso, lost his mother – Ms. Bibian Muchinshi. She was sick for some time and passed on in Mwewa near Lubwe, Zambia. Sadly, Hendricks also lost a nephew last week.
The two deaths are surely a big blow to Hendricks. He needs our prayers and support in this most difficult time.
Let us join together in praying for Hendricks’ mother, his nephew and Hendricks himself.
May the good Lord guide and inspire us during this Lenten season.
Fr. Christopher Chileshe, M.Afr
Passion of Christ,
Passion of Victims of Modern-Day Slavery
After his campaign in the different cities and towns of Europe, Cardinal Lavigerie went back home to Algiers. The campaign was not finished. He immediately seized on the celebrations of Good Friday (19th April 1889) to invite the Christians to see, in the sufferings of the slaves, the continuity of the passion and cross of Christ. For him, Christian compassion with the suffering Christ should necessarily lead to com-passion with the victims of slavery. Elsewhere in his campaign, he used the text of the Last Judgment of Mathew 25: 31ff, to come to the same conclusion. (…) By Richard Nnyombi, M.Afr READ MORE
Dear All,
This morning we received the sad news that Pierre Kuppens, Jos’ elder brother, has died. He suffered a brain haemorrhage on Wednesday and passed away at about 9 o’clock. Pierre leaves a wife and three grown children. May his soul rest in peace.
Let us keep Jos Kuppens and his family in our prayers at this sad time.
William Turnbull Sector Superior-Malawi Message sent on the 22nd February 2013
William Turnbull Sector Superior-Malawi Message sent on the 22nd February 2013