Month: August 2015 Page 1 of 2

Ordination and First Mass of Fr. John Mubanga, M.Afr

19 Kitwe_modifié-2By Peter Mutasha, Student, and Camille Konkobo, M.Afr, Vocation Director

On 6th August, the Church commemorated the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. On this very day, the Catholic Church of Ndola Diocese elected eight deacons to the order of Melkisedek, among them our brother John Mubanga. The colourful ceremony was held at the Cathedral presided by Rt. Rev. Dr. Alick Banda, Bishop of Ndola, and concelebrated by Bishop Kasonde of Solwezi Diocese. Many priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers and seminarians were present together with the Missionaries of Africa. The liturgical celebration was magnanimous even though it was held on a working day.

In his sermon, Bishop Banda emphasized on three things which are important for one to be a good priest namely to serve God’s people by remaining in communion with the Lord, to be men of prayer and, finally, the need to meditate the Word of God.

According to the Bishop, the ordination was an “affirmation of God’s love for us” as He did to our Lord Jesus Christ at the Transfiguration.

The First Mass was held on the 9th August at St Mary’s Parish, Twatasha, in Kitwe which is the home parish of the newly ordained. Started at 10:30, the Mass ended at 15:30. The celebration was “wonderful,” with lots of joy, dancing and singing. Family members from various Churches joined in to witness the First Mass of their son. The church was packed, in and out. We were 15 M.Afr and 2 M.S.O.L.A. and few M.Afr students. There were also some other Religious who attended the thanksgiving Mass.

We wish God’s blessings on Fr. John Mubanga as he begins his mission in God’s vineyard.

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 30 août 2015

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Confrères décédés en 2015 » ils sont dix au jour de publication de cette lettre à nous avoir quittés en 2015, parmi ceux qui ont servi dans la Province d’Afrique Occidentale. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
« Jubilé sacerdotal Raphaël Lubala » 
: un texte et quelques photos au sujet de cet événement. Le Père Lubala a servi plusieurs années au Burkina Faso (lire la suite)
« Ordination sacerdotale Gautier Sokpo » Missionnaire d’Afrique originaire du Togo. Ordination qui a eu lieu le 8 août 2015 à Lomé. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Dialogue : nouvelles début août » quelques articles pris sur le site de l’ARCRE au début du mois d’août 2015 (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Messages du Pape François », les deux derniers messages du Pape François, l’un au sujet de la paix, l’autre à propos des migrants (lire la suite)
« Message du SCEAM » le Symposium des Conférences Épiscopales d’Afrique te Madagascar vient de publier ce message qui traduit la préoccupation au sujet de nouvelles formes d’esclavage (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud »:
« Quel statut pour les femmes ? »
 le dernier article publié sur le site du SEDELAN : « Née étrangère, étrangère tu resteras ! » (lire la suite) 
« Projet ferroviaire Ouest-Africain »
 la présentation de ce projet grandiose d’une boucle reliant le Bénin à Abidjan, passant par le Niger et le Burkina Faso. (lire la suite)

Priestly ordination of Lawerence Tukamushaba M.Afr.

Lawrence Tukamushaba 02My priestly ordination took place on the 8th August and thanksgiving Mass on 9th in Muko Parish, Rushekye Muko village, Kabale Diocese Uganda. I was ordained to the order of priesthood together with a diocesan deacon and four other candidates from neighbouring parishes who were ordained deacons. The ordination ceremony was attended by 78 priests including Missionaries of Africa and many Religious. Some politicians were also present such as the Hon Minister Henry Banyenzaki. Some people have described it as an “international ordination”.

I thank each and every person who supported me in my journey. May God bless you all.

Below are some photos taken at my first Mass on Sunday 09/08/2015.

Newsletter South Africa No 54 – 26th August, 2015

Newsletter South Africa no 54 titleMy dear Friends, Greetings! I hope you are well.

This month has been quite busy, as usual! I guess it has been the same for you too. But let us always take some time to stop and relax and pray. This is important if we want to listen to God who whispers to us mostly in stillness.

In the last two months we were very fortunate in the Southern Africa Province to have two ordinations to the priesthood: one in Malawi and one in Zambia. If you like to see beautiful pictures and read about those events, you can go to our blog at I am sure you will find plenty of other interesting news as well.

On Monday 10th, Fr. Seán O’Leary, M.Afr, left us. Fr. Seán has been in South Africa for over 30 years! During the apartheid era, he was even jailed because of his opposition to the oppressive regime. After many years of work in different parishes and then at the Bishops’ Conference – where he was in charge of the Bishop Hurley Institute –, he is now appointed to Ireland, his native country. He will be the Sector Bursar as well as coordinator for all matters of Justice and Peace for the M.Afr throughout our European province. We wish him all the very best and accompany him with our prayers. Thank you, Seán! You will surely be missed and you will miss South Africa, we are sure! This is the lot of missionaries: we come and go!

Now that Fr. Seán is gone, Fr. Christophe Boyer, the South Africa Sector Bursar, and I are alone here in Edenglen. Without counting all the pastoral commitments (helping around in parishes and schools, giving retreats and sessions to various Movements like Cursillos, CWL, St. Vincent de Paul, etc.), we are often running to the airport and bus stations to receive and send off visitors, and preparing evening meals for them. 

As mentioned last month, most of our new candidates arrived to start their theology studies in Cedara, near our Formation House of Merrivale in KZN. Finally, on 12th August, Hallen and Shiby arrived from India; they were happy to stay with us overnight and board the bus for Pietermaritzburg the following day. The next Sunday, Francis from Nigeria arrived also at OR Tambo airport and took the bus on Monday morning. We are still expecting the two from D.R. Congo; they are still waiting for their visa! We hope they’ll be here soon because their school year has already started three weeks ago! At the moment, in Merrivale, we have thirty one theology students.

There, our students are very busy; first of all, with their studies, of course; this takes a great part of their time. Then their life of prayer takes surely a good chunk of their day. And especially on weekends, they are occupied with all kinds of pastoral work in the nearby parishes. Some of them are particularly involved in our own parish of Henley (more on this, next month). We have also some who are members of the KZN Pastoral Care of Vocations: with seminarians of other congregations as well as Sisters, they regularly visit parishes for their Sunday Masses and meet with the youths afterward. We hope and pray that they may in this way plant the seed for some vocations to flourish from those parishes.

Our only candidate from this Sector, as you know, is Patrick Kadima. He is still on holiday with his family, but preparing to go for his noviciate early next month in Zambia.

Let us continue strong in our faith and confident that the Good Lord is still calling many of us to be his true missionaries. God bless you all!

Fr. Michael Meunier, M.Afr

Newsletter South Africa No 53 – 27th July, 2015

Newsletter South Africa no 53 titleMy dear Friends, You know, the last Sunday of each month from February to September, there is a Vocation Discernment Day at the Johannesburg Cathedral for all the youths eager to discover the path God wants them to follow in their life. On 28th June, about 25 boys and girls of grade 10 and over met there from 10 am to 3 pm. As I was busy with another Mass in the morning, I could make it only at 2 pm to celebrate Mass with them. During the homily, I asked them if they were “attractive”! Pope Francis always comes back on this fact: we do not convert people to come to Jesus by force or intimidation, but we draw them like a magnet by being “attractive” Christians! Attractive, not by dressing smartly or charming them by our “cool” behaviour, but by witnessing to them in being Christ-like. “Always preach, and sometimes use words”, said saint Francis of Assisi.

Between the 7th and 10th of July, six new students arrive to start their theology in Cedara and take residence in our nearby Formation House of Merrivale; they are from Zambia, Burkina Faso, Burundi and Mali. (2 Congolese, 2 Indians and one Nigerian are still waiting for their visas) On Saturday, they leave with our deacon Serge (DRC) and soon-to-be-deacon Douglas (Kenya), who came to fetch them with the mini-bus of Merrivale. Patrick Kadima joins them to spend a few days with our 25 students in Merrivale. He just came back from Malawi on 30th June after his graduation following his three years of Philosophy. He had the great joy of having his father, 2 of his sisters, his brother and his brother-in-law present at the graduation! He is now on holidays with his family, waiting to start his noviciate in Zambia in September.

On Sunday 12th July, as I am preparing to go celebrate Mass in Vlakfontein Township, I hear on the 6am radio news that motorists have to avoid travelling on the Golden Highway because of violent unrest in Vlakfontein to protest against bad service delivery. Fortunately, when I arrive there, everything is over and the Police has dispersed the protesters. So, the community of over 100 faithful celebrate the Holy Mass in peace and joy, yet praying devoutly for more calm and justice in the country. Afterward, I rush to Pretoria to celebrate a 50th Jubilee of a Portuguese couple whom I know from Charismatic Renewal weekends. There are more than one hundred family and friends! Thank the Lord for this beautiful example of matrimonial love and fidelity!

On 18th, Mandela Day, I spend about four hours painting in a Home for abused, abandoned and orphaned children. With some youths, we refresh the neglected house that the Home has just pursued for the older teenage boys. I hope and pray that you all did something positive to celebrate Mandela Day, and that you will do it regularly throughout the year.

Finally, on Sunday 26th we have again a beautiful discernment day at the Cathedral. In the morning, the Good Shepherd Sisters present their vocation, working among women and girls all over the world. After lunch, Patrick and I present our vocation of Missionaries of Africa. The participants are very interested and keen to learn more about our specific vocation among African people everywhere in Africa and the rest of the world.

Keep well! Be missionaries everywhere and at all times!

Fr. Michael Meunier, M.Afr

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Where African and Conventional Medicine Converge!

By Romaric Bationo, FENZA Director

African and Conventional MedicinebOn Friday, 7th August, FENZA convened a discussion on the importance of African Medicine under the theme: “Where African and conventional medicine converge, if at all they do”. From 9:00 hrs, 35 people; traditional healers, medical doctors, religious sisters, priests and people with interest in traditional medicine gathered in the hall of FENZA. Among the attendees, there was honourable Guy Scott who represented the Parliament.

The event started with a display of various traditional medicine as a way to welcome the attendees.

Four speakers brought to light various points and situations regarding African traditional medicine. Dr Muyangana Chrispin and Dr Mampwe Gertrude spoke of the convergence of African and conventional medicine. Mr Saili Kelvin from ZABS (Zambia Bureau of Standard) expounded on the need of standards for African medicine and what it involves. Mrs Chabinga from Canvendish University, made a strong appeal on building networks and collaboration among traditional healers, on training in traditional healing in order to promote African traditional medicine. The discussion ended after 12:00hrs.

The conference made it clear that the time has come for African traditional medicine to be officially and internationally recognised and promoted. This will entail joined efforts from all stakeholders. With the enthusiasm and passion shown by the participants a follow-up of the conference could be expected soon.”

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 12 août 2015

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Déclaration d’intention et Lectorat à Bobo» ; c’est le 18 juillet 2015 que les 11 novices de Samagan ont prononcé leur déclaration d’intention et reçu le ministère du lectorat. (lire la suite) 

« Burkina Faso août 2015 » Quelques nouvelles récentes du Burkina, prises sur le site de Radio France Internationale : pluies, élections, Blaise Compaoré… (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :

« Chapitre 2016 à venir » : trois témoignages au sujet du 28ème chapitre général de la société des Missionnaires d’Afrique, qui aura lieu en 2016 (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« José Cantal Rivas à Zagreb » l’intervention de notre confrère Missionnaire d’Afrique à la Conférence internationale de Zagreb, sur le thème de la « présence médiatique chrétienne en milieu musulman » (lire la suite)

«  Un dialogue pas évident » trois articles pris sur le site de l’ARCRE : un livre, une rencontre mondiale, un texte sur la jeunesse et l’état islamique (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix »  :

« Le Pape en Bolivie », quelques courts extraits des interventions du Pape François lors de son séjour dans ce pays les 9 et 10 juillet, ainsi qu’un article paru dans le journal « Le Monde ». (lire la suite) 

« Quel Proche Orient ? » trois articles sur ce sujet, qui remettent en cause les idées reçues à propos de l’actualité politico-religieuse.(lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :

« Subsahariens chrétiens au Maroc » un article signalé par le Père Daniel Nourissat, Vicaire Général de Rabat. (lire la suite) 

« Exposition missionnaire sur camps de déplacés en RDC » laquelle exposition a été réalisée.par le Père Pino Locati. (lire la suite) 

« Présidentielles à venir en Côte d’Ivoire » lesquelles élections doivent normalement avoir lieu en octobre 2015. Les candidats ne manquent pas…(lire la suite)

« Insécurité au Mali » : trois articles récents sur la situation dans ce pays qui est bien préoccupante (lire la suite)

SOUTH AFRICA – The beatification ceremony of Benedict Daswa will be held on September 13, the first martyr of South Africa recognized by the Church

Benedict-Daswa-Sept-2015Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) – On 13 September the Church in South Africa is preparing to celebrate the beatification of Benedict Samuel Tshimangadzo Daswa, martyred on 2 February 1990 (see Fides 30/09/2014), the first martyr of South Africa recognized by the Church.

For the occasion, a special website ( has been created that presents the life of this devout Catholic. In February 1990, following a series of strong storms that raged in the area of his native village, the local people thought that these phenomena were due to acts of witchcraft. The council of elders therefore decided to consult a “healer” and the villagers were asked an individual contribution of 5 Rand to pay for his advice. Benedict said that thunderstorms are natural phenomena and refused to give his contribution to pay a sorcerer, thus arousing the anger of many residents.

On 2 February 1990, the car Benedict was traveling in was blocked with a road ambush by some individuals. He managed to escape on foot, and hid in a house. But faced with the threat to kill the woman who hid him, Benedict gave himself to his captors, entrusting his soul to the Lord. He was stabbed to death and his body covered with boiling water.

On January 22, Pope Francis authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree which recognizes the “martyrdom of Tshimangadzo Samuele Benedetto Daswa (Bakali), lay, killed in hatred of the Faith, on February 2, 1990, in Mbahe (South Africa)”.

The beatification ceremony in the presence of the representative of Pope Francis, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will be held on September 13 at the Benedict Daswa Shrine, in Tshitanini in Limpopo Province. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 07/08/2015)


Crossing a river on a bike, Norbert Nkingwa experience!

Crossing a river on the bike 02_modifié-1Riding a bike may be as difficult as crossing a river on a traditional boat made out of a log. This is what Norbert Nkingwa experienced recently. Reaching the Luombwa River from Serenje was already an achievement and riding a bike proved more difficult to do on the sand. Keeping the balance is the main challenge. But what about doing it while crossing the river? Some time back, Faustin Kerumbe did it with a motorbike. Please, have a look at the seriousness of the mother crossing with her children. Who’s next?

Link: Networking the land instead of surfing the net

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