Month: February 2014 Page 1 of 3

MIMSAF Calendar March 2014

March 2014 CYou may like to set this picture from MIMSAF as your desktop background. 

Jubilee of Oath in SAP Province – 50/60/65 years

SAP Jubilee of Oath 2014 02

Candidates of the Missionaries of Africa in Malawi

Candidates in Kanengo, Lilongwe, 2014

Malawi candidates 2014 03

Philosophy students in Balaka, 2014

Malawi candidates 2014 01

CfSC Press Review January 2014, Malawi

2014-01 Press Review

Sussundenga in celebration – Mozambique

Serge Kasombo Kabwakila 02Boris YabreEvery promise that we make in our life, no matter how small, is a landmark. This is what happened on the 16th February 2014 in Sussundenga when Serge Kabwakila Kasombo made his declaration of Intent on the same day as Fr. Boris Yabre, M.Afr, was officially welcomed as curate.
The event started the day before with the participation of 73 young adults who shared theirs views on contemporary challenges affecting family life. A vocation takes root in a family and grows until it matures into marriage or religious life as the Declaration of Intent of Serge was intended to signify.
The Sunday celebration brought six Missionaries of Africa and three Stagiaires together with some Sisters and about 500 Christians who were jubilant throughout the Mass. The main celebrant was Father Richard Ujwigowa who received the declaration of Serge on behalf of Father Timothée Bationo, Delegate Superior of Mozambique. Other confreres did not managed to come because of the rain which had cut-off the road from Beira to Chimoio.
The readings and homily centered on the call made by the owner of all vocations; Jesus. As a good shepherd, he is the one who guides us, especially in times of difficulty. Serge trusted his own vocation into the hand of our Mother Mary when the choir sang the “Santa Maria”.
After Mass, in the Parish hall, all the families who contributed in the preparation of the day were invited to have a bite together enjoying a variety of food and drinks. Music and dance, both traditional and modern, added to the festive atmosphere.
Compiled by Maurice Odhiambo, Stagiaire in Dombe

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Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 20 février 2014

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
« Frère chez les « Pères Blancs »», une interview du frère Jan Heuft, originaire de Hollande et qui travaille en Algérie depuis de nombreuses années. 
(lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Lettre du Pape pour le Carême » 
le texte du Pape François pris que le site du Vatican, qui invite à se mobiliser contre la misère. (lire la suite) 
«  Les confrères décédés en 2014 »
. Il s’agit des confrères anciens de la Province qui nous ont quittés depuis le 1er janvier de cette année (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :
« Carte ethnique du Burkina Faso » qui permet de situer géographiquement les nombreuses ethnies présentes dans ce pays. 
(lire la suite) 
« Coopération alimentaire »
, article paru sur le site du SEDELAN et qui parle d’une expérience en cours : des femmes cuisinières mexicaines ont été invitées au Burkina pour montrer comment utiliser le maïs – plutôt que le blé. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Action Enfants de Tous à Ségou »
, quelques extraits du bulletin de cette association malienne, dont le directeur est Jean Dzene, et qui vise à faire sortir de la rue les enfants en difficulté. (lire la suite) 
Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« L’Eglise et les R.T.A.», l’éditorial du Petit Echo n° 1048, écrit par le père Emmanuel Ngona, Assistant Général, et qui présente le thème principal de cette édition de notre revue, à savoir la Religion Traditionnelle Africaine. 
(lire la suite) 
« Pour une évangélisation toujours nouvelle »
, un texte du Père Bernard Delay, qui prend la responsabilité du Centre Sénoufo à Sikasso. Ses années d’apostolat à Korhogo en milieu sénoufo lui permettent de parler lui aussi de la R.T.A. de manière éclairante. (texte pris lui aussi lui aussi dans le Petit Écho n° 1048) (lire la suite)

Lusaka BNB January 2014 and Press Release

JCTR LusakaPress Release, 11th February 2014
Increased debt amidst high cost of living a cause for concern
Lately, there have been statements by senior government officials commenting on the state of debt levels in the country. The comments have partly been assurances that the current debt stock is sustainable.
Various sections of society have expressed fears that the country’s debt stock is increasing to levels that may become unsustainable. While the government has made several assurances that the nation’s debt levels are within manageable limits, it is important that the government is seen to contract and manage debt in ways that do not potentially worsen the livelihoods of the majority poor.  If debt being contracted is not prudently invested on high return projects to enable debt repayment without compromising social sector spending, then debt contraction even in the current sustainable debt levels is a source of concern. Increasing debt levels now also imply higher future taxes on the already heavily taxed workers and consequently a higher cost of living.
Press Release
BNB January 2014

Press Statement by the Oasis Forum – 20th Feb 2014

Oasis Forum all LogosDelivering unto ourselves a new and people driven constitution is the best way to celebrate Zambia’s golden jubilee
The Oasis Forum, do hereby fully support the recent observations made by Reverend Suzanne Matale from the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) that it is difficult to see the “joy” of the Jubilee-Year in Zambia when so many of our people, including our dear freedom fighters, are wallowing in abject poverty and being subjected to fear and intimidation by their own leaders. In addition, we would like to reiterate the demand we earlier made that the best Jubilee gift for Zambia in this “Year of the Lord’s Favor” is a new and people driven constitution. Thus, notwithstanding the current Government’s many attempts to stall and their maneuvers to abort the constitution making process, we the Oasis Forum remain resolved to mobilize the masses at the grassroots and campaign, in a peaceful manner, for the immediate release of the final draft of the constitution and its enactment through a national referendum. So, help us God! FULL TEXT

Bulletin JPIC-ED No 11 January / February 2014

Bulletin JPIC-ED logo-No. 11-January-2014
Born in Latin America, Reborn in Rome
At the beginning of this New Year, I travelled to Mexico to attend a meeting organised by our Province of the Americas on Justice and Peace, Integrity of Creation, Encounter and Dialogue. In preparation for this journey and during the long hours at the airports and in the air to Mexico, three points attracted my attention:
a) The large number of Catholics in this region – Brazil and Mexico are considered first and second respectively as the most Catholic countries in the world;
b)  Liberation Theology from Latin American
c)  The gift of Pope Francis from the Latin American Church to the Universal Church in particular and to the World in general READ MORE.

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