The Centre was founded in 1968 by the White Fathers/Missionaries of Africa as a Catechists Training Centre and Centre of Investigation. It was in the forefront of many new developments in the Church in Mozambique at that critical and exciting time. One example is the Adult Catechumenate.
Independence until Today:  Formation Centre
At independence it fell into Government control. The Centre was handed back to the Archdiocese in 1992. Odilo Cougil became Director in 1993 and built it up to what it is today.  It would no longer be a Catechists Formation Centre but a formation centre for all the groups and necessities of the Archdiocese.
These are centred on Human and Christian Formation for different groups exercising Ministries in the local Church. Youth Programmes are especially prominent, accounting for half of those who frequent the Centre. In 2012, over 3000 youth participated in programmes. The main programme is Boas Maneiras – Good Manners, building on the values of the tradition and modernity to help young people in their Life-Project. Linked to this we offer Initiation Weeks for young people.  Various other groups, archdiocesan, regional and national, use the centre. Inter-religious Dialogue, Ecumenism, JPIC, Development are prominent.
Other programmes organised by the Centre fill out the general programme.  There are the Annual Theology Week, Social Study Week, Weeks on Natural Medicine, and programmes for Catechists and Introductions for New Missionaries. The Centre is also open to other groups such as NGOs. In 2012 over 7000 participated in activities offered by and in the Centre.
As you can see from the photographs the Centre is famous for its chapel and many visitors come to see them. We our also famous for the meat and milk offered to guests which come from our own cattle, over ninety of them.  We are founder members of the local milk cooperative.
Investigation and Study
Since 1993 there have been 17 Theology Weeks, centred on topics related to the religious situation of Mozambique. They have been an unparalleled opportunity to increase awareness of and deepen, in the light of the Gospel, the Mozambican religious identity. The proceedings are published and form a bibliography important on Inculturation in Mozambique. This year, 2013, the topic will be the Pastoral Document of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes. In the same period there have been seven Social Study Weeks on various topics related to problems and challenges of Mozambican society.
In the last few years the Centre has played a key role in the preparation and running of the First Archdiocesan Synod of Beira. The six sessions took place in the centre. Now the Centre has a key role in the making known the final documents and the implementation of their recommendations.
Hugh Seenan from Scotland is the Director, Fidel Salazar from Mexico is Assistant Director. Fernando Perez from Spain is in residence producing a Chisena-Portuguese Dictionary.