Month: July 2014 Page 1 of 3

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Visit of Jean-Guy Labrecque and Jean-Claude Robitaille to Zambia and farewell to Jules Roy

Jean-Guy-Jim-Robi-08Jean-Guy Labrecque and Jean-Claude Robitaille came back to Zambia for a short visit of two weeks after seven years absence for Jean-Guy and twenty-seven years for Jean-Claude. They travelled together to the North of the country that they knew very well. Jean-Claude could speak Chibemba without any problem as he has kept the language alive with a friend of him from Zambia who lives in the Unite-States. Both of them were impress by the economic progress of the country. Indeed, it was a great moment and an opportunity to discover a new reality, at least something different than what they knew. We hope to hear again from them soon.
Together with them, Jules Roy made his last farewell to Zambia after 51 years of missionary life. A large gathering took place yesterday night with the presence of the Archbishop Mpundu of Lusaka and close friends of Jules Roy. We wish him a nice retirement in Canada.
Below, some confreres wishing them a safe journey back home. Departure time from Woodlands: Thursday the 31st July 2014 at 14:30.

Communiqué of the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly in Lilongwe, Malawi

AMECEA Communiqué July 2014See PDF FILE

Link and pictures: 

AMECEA 2014 Plenary Assembly – Lilongwe Malawi


Newsletter South Africa no 41 – July 2014

Newsletter South Africa no 41 logo

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 30 juillet 2014

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Ordination sacerdotale d’Armand Dakouo », Missionnaire d’Afrique, à Bamako au Mali, le 13 juillet 2014. (photos et texte) –(lire la suite) 
« Lettre du diocèse de Laghouat Ghardaia », juillet 2014, dernières nouvelles de ce diocèse à la tête duquel se trouve notre confrère missionnaire d’Afrique, Mgr Claude Rault (lire la suite) 
« Nouveaux supérieurs délégués » en particulier : Le Père Oskar Geisseler pour la Suisse, le Père Terry Madden pour la Grande Bretagne, le Père Patrick Bataille pour la France (lire la suite) 
« Enterrement du Père Michel Tremblais » à Mours, en France. Photos prises par le Père Jean Yves Chevalier. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
«  Merci au Père Michel» un texte envoyé par Vincent. Somboro, étudiant Missionnaire d’Afrique à la Maison Lavigerie à propos du Père Michel Tremblais qui vient de nous quitter. (lire la suite) 
« Aux anciens d’Afrique du Nord », un texte du Frère Jan Heuft qui nous parle des relations très simples qui ont pu s’établir entre les missionnaires et les populations. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Message à l’occasion de la fin du Ramadan », envoyé à nos frères musulmans par le Conseil pontifical pour le dialogue interreligieux à l’occasion de la fin du ramadan, et signé par son président et son vice-président. (lire la suite) 
« Qu’est-ce que la fin du Ramadan ? », un article pris sur le site (lire la suite) 
« Qui est Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi ? » le chef de l’EIIL (État Islamique en Irak et au Levant) nouvelle figure mondiale du djihad islamique. Article pris sur le site de l’ARCRE. (lire la suite) 
« Nouvelles de Tunisie », articles pris sur le site Action pour la Rencontre des Cultures et des Religions en Europe, bulletin n° 86. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Commission Justice et Paix Jérusalem », l’appel à la paix et au dialogue lancé par la commission JPIC des ordinaires catholiques de Terre Sainte. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :
« Producteurs de riz CEDEAO » : l’injustice flagrante dont les producteurs continuent d’être victimes malgré la taxe de 10 % qui sera effective à partir du 1er janvier prochain. (lire la suite)  

Come and See Program in Serenje, Zambia, from 14th till 19th July 2014.

First picture: Darius from Mansa, Louis from Kasama, Kelvin from Chingola Sandram from Mukushi and George from Chingola.
In addition in the second picture; Armand Bamouni, stagiaire in Serenje.

Theological week in Nazaré, June 2014, Mozambique

Theo week Mozambique 2014Nazaré Centre organised its 19th « semana teológica » or its theological week from the 16th till the 20th June 2014 under the topic: “A Familia Em Mocambique, Desafios Para O Terceiro Milenio” translated by: “a family in Mozambique, challenge for the third millennium”.
People came from different areas of Mozambique such as Beira, Chimoio, Tete, Nacala, Quelimane, Inhambane and Maputo. Inputs, group works and the plenary helped the discussions surrounding family life; its challenges and what the Church is saying about it looking into various documents such as Vatican II, Familiaris consortio, Ecclesia in Africa and Africae Munus. The questionnaire of the synod “so Desafios pastorais da família no contexto da evangelização” was also explained.
The family remains the cell of life where human beings give birth and develop. In this third millennium, we are invited to take into consideration the importance of living together as a family and to rediscover its value and identity, both human and spiritual.   
Hugh SeenanFernando Perez 2014On the 29th June, the compound of the church of Inhamizua / Beira was full of joy and dance. There was something unusual on that Sunday Mass. Fathers Hugh Seenan and Fernando Pérez were celebrating respectively 25 years and 50 years of priestly ordination. The thanksgiving song was followed by many gifts from the parishioners where Hugo and Fernando worked. That day was also the official launch of the Friends of the Missionaries of Africa in Mozambique (AMAMO). 
Florent Sawadogo, Dombe parish, Mozambique

Francis Kangwa visiting Ilondola church, Zambia

Third from the left is Father Francis Kangwa, on his right is his brother Father Richard Kangwa and on his left his cousin, Chaplain of Iwitikila Girls Mission School.

AMECEA 2014 Plenary Assembly – Lilongwe Malawi

Christopher_Chileshe1By Christopher Chileshe, M.Afr
The 18th Plenary Assembly of AMECEA is currently taking place at Lilongwe – Malawi under the theme “New Evangelization through True Conversion and Witnessing to Christian Faith”.
The opening ceremony was held on Thursday 17th July 2014. It started with the Holy Mass presided by His Eminence John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi and Patron of AMECEA. This Mass took place at Civo Stadium and was attended by thousands of people who completely filled the stadium. Gracing the occasion was his Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika the President of the republic of Malawi, his vice and other political leaders. The Eucharistic celebration was well organized, inculturated and very inspiring. The Malawians once more showed their faith not only in attendance but also in expressing their hospitality and joy at hosting the plenary.
In the afternoon the opening celebration continued at the magnificent Bingu International Conference Center. The session was opened by acknowledging the AMECEA Bishops who have passed away during the past three years. Among them was Bishop Patrick Kalilombe M.Afr. The Delegates met to listen to welcoming remarks from Bishop Joseph Zuza, President of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Archbishop Julio Murat the Apostolic Nuncio to Malawi and Zambia, Archbishop Tarcisius Zyaye Chairman of AMECEA and Fr. Fernand Lugonzo the Secretary General of AMECEA.
Solidarity messages were also given by SECAM, CAFORD, CAMEC ACWECA among others.
The opening ended with a dinner and cultural night sponsored by the Catholic Women’s League of Malawi.

FENZA, a place to study, stay, pray and rest!

Since its establishment in 2007, FENZA (Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia) has been a resource centre on faiths and cultures in Zambia. Its library offers excellent volumes on social, cultural and religious concerns. Every year hundreds of students and researchers within and outside Zambia make use of these special documents, in the library and through online consultation. The staff of FENZA are resource people and always available to help on social, cultural and religious matters. FENZA also offers unique initiation courses on Zambian cultures and language courses in Nyanja and Bemba. Since last year, FENZA has equipped itself with a hostel of 12 self-contained rooms, which provides very good accommodation for those who want to stay at FENZA while using the library or attending a course. Moreover, with this hostel it’s now possible to have a recollection/retreat or take some time off to rest at FENZA. Now FENZA is an ideal place to study, to stay and to pray.

Fenza blog

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