Bulletin JIPC-ED No 8 February – March 2013

Bulletin JPIC-ED No 8 February -march 2013

Passion of Christ,
Passion of Victims of Modern-Day Slavery
After his campaign in the different cities and towns of Europe, Cardinal Lavigerie went back home to Algiers. The campaign was not finished. He immediately seized on the celebrations of Good Friday (19th April 1889) to invite the Christians to see, in the sufferings of the slaves, the continuity of the passion and cross of Christ. For him, Christian compassion with the suffering Christ should necessarily lead to com-passion with the victims of slavery. Elsewhere in his campaign, he used the text of the Last Judgment of Mathew 25: 31ff, to come to the same conclusion.  (…)          By Richard Nnyombi, M.Afr    READ MORE


Death of Pierre Kuppens, brother of our confrere Jos Kuppens


MALAWI: Bishops Urges Government to Act on Hard-Hitting Economy

1 Comment

  1. John ITARU. M.Afr

    If we really want and are willing, individually and as community groups, members of the Missionaries of Africa Society where we are and whatever we do, we could be ambassadors of Hope for the victims of the modern slavery! It is painful how the situation is getting worse! The recent documentary on what is taking place in the Sinai desert where thousands of Eritrea women and children are trafficked is painful! Lets join our forces and accept that the one who is not against us is for us!

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