Category: Declaration of Intent

Declaration of Intent of Thierry Uyirwoth

Declaration of intent Thierry 01By Thierry Uyirwoth/ Stagiaire at St. Lawrence Parish

I renewed my declaration of intent to continue my journey with the Missionaries of Africa on Sunday, 11th March 2018. I freely made the decision after the fulfilment I am gaining in my pastoral training at St. Lawrence Parish. The ceremony itself was simple but prayerful, meaningful and well prepared. Father Babaine Venerato, the Provincial Delegate of Zambia Sector was the main celebrant and received my declaration of intent in the presence of Father Frédéric Ajaruva, my Parish Priest, and Father Antoon, the Superior of my community. Father Michel Meunier the Southern African Province (SAP) secretary was also present. Many of our parishioners witnessed the event and were very pleased to see that I am making a step ahead in my formation.

May I take this opportunity to thank God for helping me to continue finding joy in my training toward missionary life. Thanks also to my community for the support and good preparation of the event. Thanks to the Provincial Delegate who came to receive it. Thanks to all my parishioners and to you all for your prayers. May God continue helping me to discern his will.

Declaration of intent Thierry 04

Message of Fr Gilbert Rukondo, M.Afr, from Nigeria.

Father Rukundo sent a message from Nigeria sharing with us his missionary life. Here below a short presentation of himself (in English) and his story (in French).

02 Gilbert 2I was born in Rwanda in 1982. After my secondary school, I started my studies in philosophy in the Democratic Republic of Congo at ‘La Ruzizi’ formation Centre from 2004 to 2007. Then, in 2007-2008, I did my spiritual year at Kasama situated in the Northern Part of Zambia. From there, I went to Malawi where I spent two years between 2008 and 2010 for my pastoral experience. I learnt Chichewa at Mua when Serge St-Arneault was in charge of our language course. I still have the certificate he awarded us at the end of our language course.

Serge Gilbert Salima LakeInterestingly, Stephen Kajendran, Didus Baguma and myself, we arrived at Mua the day before the Kungoni cultural day. It was very colourful only that I could not understand what was happening. At Mua, we were in the community with Serge, Julio Feliu and Claude Boucher. After it, I joined the community of Chezi on the top of the mountain between the capital Lilongwe and Lake Malawi. It was in November 2010. I stayed with André Bilodeau, Jean Arnaud and Michel Sanou who left soon after my arrival for his studies. Then Serge St-Arneault joined us sometimes in May of the same year.

Sisters of Mary MediatrixChezi was a beautiful place to be. Moving around to various churches was challenging but I liked it and I felt that people loved me. I had a nice community that trusted and supported me. I also appreciated visiting the orphanage under the care of the Sisters of Mary Mediatrix. I enjoyed as well the organisation of Malawi as a Sector, the moments of meetings and celebrations of various events.

I remember the day I renewed my declaration of intent! It was a great day for me, many confreres came from Lilongwe to grace it and Martin Onyango called it a “mini-ordination”. By the way, the binocular you gave me is still functional. I have it still. Life in Malawi was great. Thank you for those years we shared. Zikomo kwambiri!

Dans les eaux profondes : une église à construire.

Par le père Gilbert Rukundo, M.Afr

J’ai été nommé à la Paroisse de Saint-Vincent de Paul à Ogo-Oluwa dans le diocèse d’Osogbo lorsque je suis arrivée au Nigeria en octobre 2013. J’y ai vécu une expérience épanouissante pendant trois ans. Je m’y sentais très à l’aise avec tout le monde. Ensuite, j’ai été nommé à Saint-Augustin à Oojo dans l’archidiocèse d’Ibadan qui était une succursale de la grande paroisse de l’Apôtre St-Thomas à Agbowo avant de devenir une paroisse autonome.

En accord avec l’Archevêque et le conseil provincial des Missionnaires d’Afrique, nous avons unanimement accepté de prendre en charge ce projet même s’il devenait inévitable que l’un de nous quitte son poste. Le choix est tombé sur moi et je l’ai acceptée d’un bon cœur. À vrai dire, j’étais l’un de protagonistes pour que Saint-Augustin devienne une paroisse.

En conséquence, je devrais me séparer de la communauté chrétienne d’Ogo-Oluwa qui a été témoin de mes premiers pas missionnaires juste après mon ordination sacerdotale le 17 août 2013. Ce fut une séparation douloureuse. Comme un adage dit : partir c’est mourir un peu.

La communauté chrétienne d’Ogo-Oluwa a organisé une fête d’adieu en soulignant quelques faits marquants de mon séjour. Étaient présents l’Évêque Mgr John Akinkunmi Oyejola les prêtres et religieux de notre doyenné, les staffs de l’hôpital Our Lady of Fatima où j’étais aumônier et les chrétiens de St-Vincent de Paul. Ils resteront toujours gravés dans ma mémoire.

Par contre, la communauté chrétienne de Saint-Augustin est à construire. L’église et les bureaux sont encore en chantier tout comme le presbytère. Milieu dynamique, Saint-Augustin englobe plusieurs tribus venant de partout au Nigeria. La population est composée de quelques pensionnaires militaires et des jeunes venus d’un peu partout à la recherche d’une meilleure vie et qui font des petits commerces au marché d’Ojoo qui n’est pas loin de l’église.

Mgr. Gabriel Adeleke Abegunrin 2À l’exemple de Saint-Augustin élevée au statut de quasi-Parish en février 2015, une autre succursale nommée St-Martin-de-Porres prend racine, située à cinq kilomètres seulement de Saint-Augustin. La fondation de l’église a été bénie par l’archevêque d’Ibadan Mgr. Gabriel Adeleke Abegunrin le 21 mai 2017. Les fidèles prennent à cœur le défi de bâtir les bâtiments dans l’entraide.

Les nouveaux registres des chrétiens demandent beaucoup de travail. Pour le moment, je garde la plupart des dossiers paroissiaux dans ma chambre en attendant la construction d’un bureau temporaire qui est une priorité, dès que le toit sera mis sur l’église.

Nous célébrons la messe quatre fois par semaine. Le dimanche, même inachevée, l’église est n’a pas assez d’espace pour tout le monde. Confiant que tout se passera bien, la joie et l’enthousiasme des communautés très généreuses qui célèbrent son Seigneur sont au rendez-vous. Je considère ma mission actuelle comme une plongée dans les eaux profondes. Conscient que ce n’est pas ma mission, mais une participation dans la mission du Christ, je trouve ma consolation dans le service que j’offre comme Missionnaire d’Afrique.

New academic year 2017-2018 opening Mass in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

New academic year Abidjan 2017 01 copieBy Goodwell Levison.

The opening Mass of the new academic year in Abidjan took place on Friday September 15, 2017.  The first purpose of the event was to welcome the new members of the formation house called the Lavigerie Centre. Paul Pipe started his first year while Joseph Goodwell Levison made his declaration of intention as a second-year student. Both of them are Malawians from the Southern Africa Province (SAP). A third-year student is also from SAP; Brian Banda from Zambia. The new rector, Fr. François Xavier Bigeziki was also presented to the community at Mass.

It is a custom in Western part of Africa to welcome visitors with a cup of water. This local ritual was performed to welcome the new rector and students once they have knocked at the door outside the campus. Then, the visitors were being asked to express their intention of coming. Few pictures below are showing this cultural behaviour. The new academic year starts on Monday 18th September. We wish them all a fruitful year.

On behalf of my fellow brothers here in Abidjan and my own behalf, we appreciate and recognize always the members from SAP and those working in SAP for your unceasing moral, financial and spiritual support.

Declaration of Intent of Innocent Matata Foto, Lumimba, Zambia

declaration-intent-lumimba-jan-2017By Fr. Mathew W. Banseh, M.Afr

Innocent Matata Foto renewed his Declaration of Intention to pursue his formation with the Missionaries of Africa on the Feast of the Epiphany at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, Lumimba. From early hours, the Holy Childhood children group was singing and practising for Mass. 60 of them brought animation in the liturgy presided by Father Brendan O’Shea together with Father Camille Konkobo, representing the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, and Father Mathew W. Banseh.

In his homily, Fr. Brendan exhorted parents to take care of their children as they are a precious gift from God. He also asked the children to be obedient and respectful towards their parents just like Jesus was. He also invited Innocent Matata Foto to remain focused in his vocation journey and allow the signs of God to lead him like the Magi did in today’s Gospel. He used the occasion to explain the meaning of the habit of the Missionaries of Africa Innocent had put on; the gandura and burnous originally from North-Africa.

The declaration was pronounced in Chichewa and signed on the altar followed by a song of praise. A gathering followed in the evening to mark this joyful event animated by various dances and sharing of stories. It is our prayer that the Lord will guide Innocent on his vocation journey.

Declaration of intention of Patient Mushagalusa Cimanuka, Kabwata Parish, Lusaka, Zambia.

declaration-of-intent-pascal-cimanuka-dec-2016-06b2On Christmas Day, Patient Mushagalusa Chmanuka made his Declaration of Intention to proceed with his formation with the Missionaries of Africa. He signed his declaration in the presence of the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, Fr Venerato Babaine. This declaration added to the joyful spirit shared by the Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus. Though Mass lasted three hours, nobody felt it long. We are all invited to come back next year to welcome the declaration of Chandan Nayak.

Closing celebration of the Lua-Luo noviciate – July 2016

Arsene Kiboba 02 2016_JPEGBy Félix Arsène Kiboba, stagiaire on his way going to Nigeria.

We ended the 2016 spiritual year at St. Anne Parish in Kasama in July 2016. Twenty novices made their Declaration of Intention and were admitted to the ministry of Reader in the presence of our new Superior General, Father Stanley Lubungo. He was proud to say that it was his first duty as Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa. Were also present; Leonard Hategekimana, Clenerius Chimpali, Justin Sebakunzi, Lawrence Tukamushaba, Norbert Nkingwa, Didasio Mwanza and Anselm Mahwera, a confrere from Tanzania. Lots of our friends from various immersion places, where the novices made a short community experience, came to share this joyful celebration.

The Declaration of Intention was individually pronounced by each novice after the Gloria followed by the traditional song of Sancta Maria.

Closing ceremony 01 July 2016_JPEGIn his homely, father Stanley told us that Jesus Christ is inviting each Christian, not only to know the Holy Scriptures, but to put them into practice. He advised the students to live what they teach.

Friends and visitors were invited to Lua-Luo after Mass for a meal. Few gifts were given to the novices by some friends who wished them a bright future in their ministry as stagiaires.

Closing ceremony 02B July 2016

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