Month: April 2015 Page 1 of 2

Farewell Party for Father Jean-Pierre Sauge, Lusaka, Zambia

Sauge-13A farewell party took place at Woodlands, Lusaka, on the 29th April 2015 for Father Jean-Pierre Sauge who is going to his own country Switzerland for retirement. Sauge came to Zambia on 1st September 1970. With the exception of few years as Bursar at Totteridge, London, from 1999 till 2001, Sauge spent most of his missionary life in Zambia, namely at Ilondola, Mulilansolo, Chilonga, Lubushi, Serenje, Lwitikila, Kasama, Lusaka, Kolibo Centre, Regiment Parish and Lua-Luo Noviciate. His last years in Zambia were in Serenje.

Over the past 45 years, Jean-Pierre Sauge worked as a Teacher and Bursar, in vocation animation, Chaplain in secondary schools, Curate, was Councillor, Assistant Regional and Regional.

Talking about his relationship with Father Sauge, Bernhard Udelhoven mentioned that he was appointed to Ghana and then to Nigeria as his first and final appointment. As paper work for his visa was taking long, being at Kasama after his noviciate, Bernhard was encouraged to learn Chibemba. This is how he remained in Zambia. “With Sauge, there is no final decision”!

We wish Father Sauge a safe journey back home. His flight is tonight. Is it his final departure? There will always be friends and confreres happy to see him again in Zambia. But, his family members, twelve brothers and sisters still alive, are also eager to see him closer to them.

Thanks for your wonderful and fruitful missionary life in Africa. Good bye!

SAP Provincial Council Meeting, Chipoka, Malawi 20th – 24th April 2015

The meeting took place at the newly built Chitsulo Lodge on the lake shore of Lake Malawi at Chipoka, 30 km south of Salima. The Lodge was built by the Diocese of Dedza as an income generating project which seems to be quite successful.

PC-Meeting-Chipoka-April-2015-14bThe meeting lasted four days between the 21st and the 25th April with a day break on Wednesday. Fr. Jos Kuppens inaugurated the first day with a condense session on Training For Transformation (TFT). The presentation of the ‘Pastoral Cycle’ was greatly appreciated. We should expect more commitments from Justice & Peace and Encounter/Dialogue in this field.

The eleven participants from all SAP Sectors worked intensively from 8:30 till 18:00 every day with a break between lunch time and 15:00.

Thanks to the Sector of Malawi which hosted the meeting.

Were present: Christopher Chileshe (Provincial), Timothée Bationo (First Councillor and Delegate Superior of Mozambique), Philippe Docq (Delegate Superior of South Africa), Oswald Mallya (Delegate Superior of Zambia), William Turnbull (Delegate Superior of Malawi), Michel Sanou (Councillor, Malawi), Richard Ujwigowa Bikerong’a (Councillor, Mozambique), Romaric Bationo (Councillor, Zambia), Raymond McQuarrie, (Councillor, South Africa), Karl Kälin (Provincial Treasurer) and Robert Tebri (Rector Lechaptois).

Death of Father Pierre-Alfred Leclerc, M.Afr

PIERRE-ALFRED LECLERC copieFather Julien Cormier, Provincial of the Americas, informs you of the death of FATHER PIERRE-ALFRED LECLCERC, M. Afr.

He died on April 27, 2015, in Sherbrooke (Canada), at the age of 83 years of which 59 of missionary life in Malawi, United States of America and Canada.

Let us pray for the repose of his soul.

Updates in pictures of the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia – April 2015

Link: Ongoing construction at the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia Updates December 2014

Newsletter South Africa No 50 – 26th April, 2015

Newsletter South Africa no 50

Say no to xenophobia 2015


Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference logo copie

A Malawi CCJP media statement in condemnation of the xenophobic attacks of immigrants in South Africa

JPIC-ED Logo Malawi

A CCJP media statement in total condemnation of the resurgence of the xenophobic attacks of immigrants in South Africa.

  • Preamble

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi is a social justice and advocacy arm of the Catholic Church in Malawi that is committed to bring about the reign of the Kingdom God in which justice and peace, respect for human dignity, upholding the sanctity of human life and human equality prevail.

The Justice and Peace Commission is saddened and shocked by the resurgence of xenophobic attacks in different parts of South Africa aimed at killing foreign nationals from different countries of origins. We categorically state that this is criminal and Chris Chisoni 3 copieretrogressive to the civilization that the global village is promising in this era. Those South Africans perpetrating this hatred and the killings must stop these belligerent actions and remember the oneness of humanity enshrined in the Ubuntu philosophy that their own son, Archbishop Desmond Tutu preaches. South Africa, especially her leadership, must remember their history and the original vision and values of their forefathers who fought against the apartheid regime that pitied whites against blacks.

Signed by: Chris Chisoni, National Secretary, 19th April 2015


Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 15 avril 2015

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Semaine sainte et Pâques à Rome » : quelques liens permettant d’avoir accès à ces nouvelles récentes, avec le pape François en première ligne. (lire la suite) 

« Un Missionnaire d’Afrique nommé évêque au Congo » C’est avec joie que nous publions cette nouvelle. Une lourde tâche attend le Père Christophe Amade, qui était supérieur de la Province d’Afrique Centrale (lire la suite)

« Serment et jubilé Nairobi 2015 », l’annonce des célébrations qui auront lieu le 16 mai 2015 à Nairobi au Kenya (lire la suite)

« Echos du Conseil provincial », suite à la réunion de ce conseil qui s’est tenu à Sikasso du 69 au 13 mars 2015 suite au deuxième forum de la Province (lire la suite) 

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :

« Venir en aide aux malades mentaux » : une sœur Missionnaire de ND d’Afrique témoigne de son vécu dans ce contexte au Kenya. (lire la suite)

« Vivre ensemble, c’est dialoguer » comme nous le partage le Père Anselme Tarpaga, Missionnaire d’Afrique et qui est présentement en Algérie (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« Les chrétiens visés par le terrorisme islamique », trois articles illustrant cette réalité qui devient malheureusement de plus en plus tangible (lire la suite) 

Collection of a 1000 Chewa proverbs, Zambia

Dzedzere-dzedzere salingana nkugweratu

Collection of a 1000 Chewa proverbsToon 001

By Toon van Kessel, FENZA Publication, 2015

Proverbs and sayings of the Nyanja speakers

Common proverbs and sayings are the grass roots of our cultures, even more so for the oral African traditions. Our nation is blessed with many cultures and languages handed down from one generation to the other. Our village is becoming global; peoples move and cultures interact; particular ways of expression blend and mix. With it, there is the danger of losing the particular wisdom of each language and custom. This collection is one more attempt among many to safeguard and preserve our cultural wisdom as expressed in proverbs and sayings of the elderly. Many of these proverbs were told to help educate and pass wisdom from elderly to young. Till this day, these proverbs can help us to understand the past and better prepare the younger generation to build their future.

To facilitate the use of this past wisdom each proverb is quoted in the original language after which a rather literal translation is given. Next, the meaning of the saying is explained and then summarized with a catchword. The subject matter of a proverb is indicated in the index of these watchwords for easy consultation.

Anton van KesselI hope this collection will facilitate understanding the richness of the “Chewa” language and to love the people more.

Fr. Toon van Kessel, Missionary of Africa, Zambia.

Chewa Proverb Collection

Anyani aonana zikang’a. Baboons see one another’s behind. (work warts)

(Those who laugh at other’s mistakes often make the same mistakes themselves, are worse.) Proverb No 30 collected by Toon van Kessel. search for Chewa proverbs

Click on the following picture to order the book on Internet. Then, simply click on “Add to Cart” and follow the normal procedure. Enjoy the reading.

Collection Proverbs Toon 2015

Visit of Theresa Sikateyo to Lua-Luo Spiritual Centre, Kasama, Zambia

Theresa SikateyoBy Theresa Sikateyo

Born and bred in Kasama, Location at house No. F37, had experience of the surrounding of location.  Ku Lwaluwo we would call it, was where we had fields for maize and each farming time was an experience of climbing the hill past through the Kasama Lodge, hospital sometimes till we reach the fields.  Coming back was easier because kutentemuka.  This was not the same experience I had on 23rd February 2015.  We had gone to pay condolences to our auntie in Musa village who lost her husband.  I decided to call our son Priest Fr Saju and he invited us to visit their house.  Oh thank God we had dinner got some good constructive comments about future MIMSAF calendars. Then I learnt that Fr Oswald was also in Kasama and so I called him.  Surprisingly happy also invited us to visit Lua-Luo.  “You need to see Lua-Luo bana Sikateyo”, he said. 

At 17:00 hours Fr Oswald and Fr John showed us the way to the Formation Centre.  Whaaal! Up to now I still cannot forget the peace that resign there.  My sister only said these people go through a lot.  You can only tell that we were there by viewing these pictures but it will be difficult for anyone to imagine how we felt.  That we leave it your imagination.

JCTR Press Release April 2015 – Mealie Meal in Zambia

JCTR March 2015

It is without doubt that strides towards reducing the cost of mealie meal have been made by the Patriotic Front (PF) government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Recently, the government through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) offloaded maize onto the domestic market at a discounted price of K65 from the previous price of K76 per 50kg bag in an attempt to influence reduction in mealie meal prices. Government has also held negotiation meetings with milling companies to see how best this can be actualized.

Citizens were highly expectant when the government announced that this would lead to a reduction in mealie meal prices by K4 even though marginal. This is also at the backdrop of a 2014 maize bumper harvest that Zambia experienced. Despite these measures, the expected price reduction has not been fully realized. The JCTR’s Basic Needs Basket for Lusaka for March 2015 shows an increase in average mealie meal prices by K1.15 per 25kg bag. According to the JCTR’s Basic Needs Basket Mpika and Luanshya are two other towns that have also recorded an average increase of mealie meal prices of K6.04 and K0.38 respectively. In some areas, mealie meal prices have remained static. For instance in Chipata, Chinsali and Kasama prices still averaged K81, K80 and K74.60 per 25Kg bag respectively. In Livingstone, Choma, Kitwe and Mansa mealie meal prices have slightly reduced from the previous month of February by K1.08, K2.38, K1.32 and K2.05 respectively.

The JCTR is concerned about the current state of mealie meal prices and the cost of living in general. The cost of living for the month of March 2015 as measured by JCTR’s Basic

Needs Basket (BNB) for an average family of five living in Lusaka is K3, 797.55. This shows an increase of K29.87 as compared to February’s BNB which stood at K3, 767.68. The increase in the BNB is mainly attributed to the increase in prices of the following food items; Beans and Beef which increased by K11.61 and K3.00 respectively. In contrast, other commodities showed decrease in price namely, Charcoal, Tomatoes and Vaseline.

The JCTR would like to appeal to government to implement comprehensive package of measures that will effectively address the high cost of living in general and the high mealie meal prices in particular. Government should for instance speed up the setting up of milling plants in rural areas and also offer incentives to local business entrepreneurs to set up milling plants. This will not only result in mealie meal price reduction but promote local business ownership and sustainability. Government must also work with various stakeholders towards reviewing and diversifying the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) to make it more efficient in reaching the intended beneficiaries-the poor and guaranteeing that the Programme indeed achieves its purpose of poverty reduction.

BNB March 2015

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