Month: March 2017 Page 1 of 2

Honorary Doctorate Degree in Culture and Social Anthropology awarded to Father Claude Boucher, M.Afr

Philip MerabaGreat Works Attract Great Admiration and Recognition.

By Philip Meraba, M.Afr.

Our Confrere, Fr. Claude Boucher, founder of the popular Kungoni Centre for Culture and Arts under Mua Mission in Malawi, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Culture and Social Anthropology by the Malawi Campus of the United Kingdom based Share-World University in 2014 during a colourful graduation ceremony.

Mzuzu a dHistory repeated itself this year when on the 24th of March 2017, Fr. Claude Boucher, M.Afr, received his 2nd Honorary Doctorate Degree in the same discipline by the University of Mzuzu at Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi. The 18th Congregation (graduation ceremony) of the Mzuzu University that lasted for four hours drew thousands of people from various part of the country. 851 graduated with Diplomas, first Degrees, Masters and P. HD in different fields.

Fr. Claude Boucher was honoured alongside two other hardworking and exemplary Malawians; Mr. Napoleon Dzombe with Doctorate in Entrepreneurship (Honoris Causa) and Mr. Felix Mlusu with Doctorate in Business Leadership (Honoris Causa).

Mzuzu 3b

The enriching heroic profile of our confrere about 40 years of intensive research in the Malawian Culture and languages attracted a lot of applause from the crowds and feeling of amazement and curiosity at the same time as the whole hall stood up to catch the glimpse of this unique cultural Priest not confined   in the sacristy. Mrs. Mercy Kaunda Chinula who read out the biography and presented him afterwards to the Vice-Chancellor of the Mzuzu University, Dr. Robert G. Ridley to confer on our confrere the award stressed that Fr. Claude Boucher well deserved the merit because of his love and respect for Malawi, her citizens, culture and languages, combined with the tireless research on blending culture with religion. This was an encouragement and a challenge to the newly graduates not to excel only in academics but to prove efficient in the field, putting into best the knowledge acquired during long years of intellectual formation and contribute their quota for the growth of the Nation. ‘‘Hard work pays, therefore, graduates of today, work hard and the society shall admire, recognize and honour you like Fr. Dr. Claude Boucher’’, said one of the organizers.

The ceremony was climaxed by interviews on different topics patterning to culture with the new Doctor of Culture and Anthropology. Fr. Claude recurred and narrated to his confrere who represented the White Fathers at the function when many years back he was requested by his Superiors to pursue further a Doctorate Degree in Culture and Social Anthropology after obtaining his M.A. and his reply was, he shall do the Doctorate in the field. This is a dream come true, with two Doctorates in the field. Big congrats Dr. Dr. or Dr² Claude!

SAP Stagiaires Meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi, Bethany Retreat Centre, Lilongwe, March 20 to 27, 2017.

By Chandan Nayak and Thierry Uyirwoth.

We all traveled safely to Lilongwe, Malawi, for our Southern Africa Provincial Stagiaires meeting: one came from South Africa, four from Mozambique, six from Malawi and eight from Zambia.

We were warmly welcomed by the Provincial Delegate of Malawi, Fr. Michel Sanou, and our two Stagiaires Coordinators Fr. Simon Kalore from Malawi and Fr. Camille Konkobo from Zambia who at the same time helped us to animate the meeting. Fr. Jean de Dieu Bukuru, Stagiaires Coordinator of Mozambique accompanied attended a few sessions.

It was a joyful encounter between brothers after many years of being away from each other. Our opening recollection helped us to surrender ourselves to God and to experience his presence in our meeting. The facilitator, Sister Teresa Mulenga, drew our attention to meditate on Mark 6, 30-31; “Come to a lonely place”. Indeed, we need time reflect on our lives.

We remained faithful to our tight program throughout the week with daily morning and evening prayers with Eucharistic celebrations. Attentive, thoughtful and open-minded, we listened carefully and honestly shared our experiences. We were reminded to be committed, passionate, dedicated, prayerful and always having hope with an appreciative discernment. We looked at our expectations, we heard the experiences of others and to learn from them.

We are happy with this third phase of formation which is helping us to build a foundation for our missionary life by looking into our different apostolates. We have been privileged to learn new languages and experience international community life.

We also visited two M.Afr communities; Chezi and Kanengo on our way to Salima were we enjoyed a picnic on the shore of the Lake.

The last day of our sharing, the Provincial Delegate came for an official visit. He shared with us his experiences and encouraged us. We appreciated very much his presence. We shared supper together with other confreres from Lilongwe.

Truly, we had a fruitful and effective meeting. We are grateful to God and also to those who made it possible for us to experience such a helpful and enriching moment; the Provincial Council, the Provincial Delegates and the Stagiaires Coordinators. Thanks to all who have contributed to this memorable experience.

SAP Stagiaires meeting 2017 bParticipants: Emile Baguma, Congolese, Kasamba, Zambia, Landry Busagara, Congolese, Chezi, Malawi, Patient Cimanuka, Congolese, Lusaka, Zambia, Jean-Marie Vianney, Congolese, Namushakende, Zambia, Olivier Ngizwenimana, Rwandese, Beira, Mozambique, Dimitri Bobloinde Yampa, Burkinabe, Dombe, Chimoio, Mozambique, Thierry Jawiyambe Uyirwoth, Congolese, St. Lawrence, Lusaka, Zambia, Paul Sanogo, Malian, Kanengo, Lilongwe, Malawi, Pascal Sambi, Burkinable, Henley-kwaMphumuza, South Africa, Lazare Ndagijimana, Rwandese, Zolozolo, Mzuzu, Malawi, Chandan Nayak, Indian, Lusaka, Zambia, Valentin Muzi, Congolese, Mzuzu, Malawi, Jean de Dieu Meda, Burkinabe, Chezi, Malawi, Innocent Matata, Congolese, Lumimba, Zambia, Pascal Mare, Burkinabe, Chimoio, Mozambique, Benoit Kouakou, Ivorian, Sussundenga, Mozambique, Emmanuel Kokpe, Togolese, Kasama, Zambia, Augustin Kambale, Congolese, Kanengo, Lilongwe, Malawi, Innocent Manjune, Congolese, Serenje, Zambia, Fr Simeon Kalore, Ethiopian, Parish Priest of Chezi, Malawi, Fr. Camille Konkobo, Burkinbe, Vocation Director of Zambia.

Death of the mother of our confrere Paul Kitha, M.Afr

Mother of Paul Kitha

Maman n’est plus, sans nous dire au revoir! Paix à son âme ! Mama, Teleza Kayuni you don’t even say goodbye. May your soul Rest in Eternal Peace!

The Provincial Delegate of SAP in Malawi sent us a message through WhatsApp announcing the death of the mother or our confrere Paul Kitha who is currently in Burkina Faso as a missionary. Thereza Kayuni passed away yesterday in Mzuzu. She died peacefully as she was having her midday meal. She dropped her plate and felt on the side. The program of her funerals and burial is not yet final. Let us pray for Paul’s mother and also for Paul and the entire family.

SAP Provincial Council, March 2017, at FENZA, Lusaka, Zambia

SAP Provincial Council March 2017 05SAP Provincial Council gathered on the third week of March at FENZA, Lusaka, for its first meeting of the year. As usual, the four Sectors of the Province were represented by their Provincial Delegates and their Councillors. From Rome, Francis Barnes was also present with his usual sense of humour. A word of thanks was given by the Provincial, Felix Phiri, to Serge St-Arneault who will be ending his mandate as Provincial Secretary in few months from now. He has been appointed as Director of the Afrika Center in Montreal, Canada. Michel Meunier will replace him from July 2017.

SAP Provincial Council March 2017 02bSAP Provincial Council March 2017 03b

Centre Afrika logo


Léopold Lalonde_JPEG “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies. ” John 11, 25

 Friday, March 10, 2017

Father Gilles Barrette, Provincial of the Americas, informs you of the death of FATHER LÉOPOLD LALONDE, M. Afr. He died on March 10 2017, in Sherbrooke, at the age of 89 years of which 62 of missionary life in Zambia and Canada. Let us pray for the repose of his soul.

Missionnaires d’Afrique, 1640, rue St-Hubert, Montréal, H2L 3Z3



Arrival Mambwe



Teaching Abercorn  






Foundation Kantensha  
1963-07-01 Supérieur




Retreat Villa Cavalletti  




1978-10-01 Supérieur




Regional Councillor    
1984-01-01 Curate


1986-01-01 Parish Priest Isoka – Mbala



Home leave/Prov.>18.09.88    
1992-05-01 Home leave /Prov.>00.09.92    


Sabbatical Italy/Canada   Canada
1994-10-31 Focolarini, Loppiano Incisa, Val d’Arno



Home leave /Prov.>10.12.95    
1995-10-01 Ministry to the sick Kasama, St Joseph’s



Home leave /Prov.>14.08.98    
2001-07-21 Home leave /Prov.>08.11.01    


Home leave /Prov.>06.09.04    
2010-11-01 Back to Canada  



Death Sherbrooke


Léopold Lalonde medalSee the link: The President’s Insignia of Mercy attributed to Léopold Lalonde

Also: PDF file: The President’s Insignia of Mercy attributed to Léopold Lalonde


First edition of Mansa Diocese Roundup for the year 2017, Zambia.

Mansa Roundup Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue 1 No. 21 logoBy Rt. Rev. Patrick Chisanga, OFM Conv., Bishop of Mansa Diocese

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as the Year 2017 Unfolds, I present to you this first edition of Mansa Roundup for the year 2017: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The Pastoral Theme that is accompanying our programs this year is: Ba Minshioni ba Lelo Nifwe (We are the Missionaries of Today). This is inspired by the ongoing commemoration, of 125 years, since the arrival of the first Catholic Missionaries into the present day Zambia, and 116 into today’s Mansa Diocese.

On the national level, this Jubilee was inaugurated, on 6th August 2006, at Mambwe Mwela in Mbala District, the very site of first settlement by the pioneer White Fathers (1891). The celebrations will conclude, on 15th July 2017, with the solemn celebration of the Eucharist in Lusaka.

Locally, in Mansa Diocese, the celebrations were launched on 2nd October 2016 at Santa Maria wa Mwelu, near Chibote Mission, where the first missionaries settled in 1900 and intended to establish the first Catholic mission in the Luapula region. The ruins and bricks of the house for priests are still intact up to date – a living sign of the continued sacredness of this site. To this very place we are returning on 7th October for the diocesan solemn closure of this year of celebrating the arrival and works of the pioneer missionaries. This would also be the fitting occasion to consecrate this holy site as a Diocesan Marian Shrine, dedicated to the Queen of Missionaries. Let us all work together towards the success of these events, for Ba Minshioni ba Lelo Nifwe.

Patrick Chisanga, OFM ConvThe beginning of this year has been crowned with significant events in the life of our Diocese and the realization of its Vision. It was very remarkable, for instance, that the very first procession into the Cathedral, for the New Year Eucharistic celebration, was led by a person with special needs who carried the processional cross and served during Mass. Our dear friend, Billy Beddor, who was born with Down Syndrome 51 years ago, came all the way from the US with his sister Sandy and sister-in-law, Coleen, together with Amy Hewitt and her team from the University of Minnesota.

The training they conducted regarding people with disabilities was a great step towards the realization of our Vision of “A Diocese that Embraces Everyone with Christ’s Love.” To this effect, I call upon every parish and diocesan institution to put in place deliberate policies that fosters love, respect and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Another significant blessing at the beginning of this year (5th January) was the Government’s handover of Kabunda Girls Secondary School as a Catholic Mission School with Grand-Aided status. This followed the arrival of the Dominican Sisters in the Diocese (4th January) who have since been entrusted with management of the institution, which on 24th February was re-dedicated as Holy Trinity Girls Secondary School during the solemn Eucharistic celebration. Welcome to Mansa dear Sisters and thank you for taking up the challenge. The needs of this school are immense; let us all contribute to its rebuilding.

A hearty welcome also to members of other religious institutes who have recently come on board to contribute to our mission of giving life in abundance to God’s flock (John 10:10). I thank in particular the superiors of the Little Servants of Mary Immaculate (LSMI), the Franciscan Missionaries of Divine Motherhood (FMDM), the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters), the Sisters of St Joseph (Soeurs de Sant Joseph Auxiliatrice de L’Eglise) and our own Sisters of Mercy for the personnel they have made available to serve in the various apostolates of the Diocese in the recent past. Furthermore, I welcome the many lay faithful who have come to our Diocese and are already fully involved in the life of their respective new parishes.

Events such as the foregoing are a source of great hope for our Diocese despite the many challenges we face, especially those arising from the economic crisis that have always haunted our region of Luapula. Let us be united and fight this dehumanising evil of poverty. Let us also demand positive action from all our leaders, especially those appointed to high portfolios of central Government who tend to forget their roots. There shall be no excuse for them not to make a difference.

As the year 2017 unfolds, I invite everyone to pay heed to the Lord’s command, which we have also adopted as the theme for our Diocesan Strategic Plan 2016-2021, to “Let Down the Nets for a Catch” (Luke 5:4). All departments and individuals must strive to implement the strategic goals that pertain to them. Let us be true missionaries of today who pledge not to betray the great sacrifice and works of the pioneer missionaries.

May God bless all our readers of Mansa Roundup. Thank you for your constructive feedback and every support. Have a fruitful Lenten Season.

Click here to open the PDF file of this magazine.


Mafrwestafrica lettre du 07 mars 2017

Mafrwestafrica logoAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site


« Rencontres littéraires de Niamey 2017 » qui auront lieu au Niger du 20-26 mars 2017. Événement littéraire majeur de la sous-région, ces rencontres ont pour ambition de provoquer la rencontre du grand public avec des auteurs nigériens et des pays voisins (lire la suite)

« Décès du père Joseph-Roger de Benoist » le 15 février à Bry-sur-Marne. Il travailla entre autres au Sénégal, Mali, Bénin, Burkina Faso. (lire la suite)

« FESPACO 2017 » des textes et images parues sur le site de Radio-France-Internationale le 4 mars 2017 (lire la suite)

« Palmarès du Fespaco », informations prises elles aussi sur le site de RFI le 5 mars 2017 (lire la suite)


« Communauté de Toulouse en France ». L’installation du nouveau curé a été l’occasion de vivre une célébration multiculturelle très appréciée. (lire la suite)

« Message du Pape pour le carême » Le pape y médite sur la parabole du riche et de Lazare, mettant en garde contre l’attachement à l’argent et encourageant à « une conversion sincère » (lire la suite)

« Un jésuite israélien témoigne » dans un ouvrage hétéroclite et foisonnant, le jésuite israélien autour des thèmes qui lui sont chers, notamment la théologie de la Terre sainte et le dialogue interreligieux au Proche-Orient. (lire la suite)

Dialogue interreligieux

« Décès du père Claude Geffré » Si ce prêtre dominicain décédé à l’âge de 90 ans était expert en herméneutique biblique, le pluralisme religieux était également l’un de ses domaines de recherche et de réflexion (lire la suite)

« Que disent les musulmans de Jésus », la recension d’un livre ou Douze Musulmans parlent de Jésus, sous la direction de Fawzia Zouari (lire la suite)

« Karima Berger écrivaine franco-algérienne » et préside l’association « Écritures et spiritualités » a organisé le 4 mars, à Paris, un salon du livre ouvert aux auteurs s’inspirant des grandes traditions spirituelles (lire la suite)

Justice et Paix

« Alep se relève malgré la guerre » le témoignage de Andrea Avveduto le 31 janvier 2017, suite à sa rencontre avec le frère Ibrahim Alsabagh, curé dans une paroisse d’Alep depuis octobre 2014 (lire la suite)

« Meilleures relations entre Burkina et Côte d’Ivoire » La venue du président Ivoirien à la clôture du Fespaco n’est pas anodine et  semble bien signifier une amélioration des relations entre les deux pays (lire la suite)

« Se mobiliser contre l’insécurité », c’est ce que font des peuls du Mali, du Burkina et du Niger (lire la suite)

Vu au Sud – Vu du Sud

« Au Burkina, émotion et colère des enseignants » après la tuerie dans le Soum, le double assassinat du directeur d’école et d’un habitant à Karfayel (lire la suite)

« L’ONU contre Boko Haram » les diplomates ONUSIENS se sont rendus à Ndjamena puis à Niamey pour faire le point de la situation (lire la suite)

« L’opposition manifeste au Niger » pour réclamer plus de transparence dans la gestion des ressources du pays (lire la suite)

« Lutte contre le terrorisme au Mali » les premières patrouilles mixtes entre soldats maliens, groupes armés pro-gouvernementaux et ex-rebelles relancent timidement les espoirs de paix dans le nord du Mali (lire la suite)

Nice story of Sister Vickness in Paris, France

vickness-namgogo-b-2015BY Sister Vickness Nangogo Muleya, MSOLA.

On the 26th February, five days after my arrival in Paris, Sister Agnes, who once was my Novice mistress, and I went to visit our Sisters in Sceaux where we were invited for lunch.

When I had heard about the invitation, I was not sure whether I really wanted to go because I did not know how to speak French. I told myself not to trouble the elderly Sisters when I cannot speak French and they cannot speak English! I wondered to myself what it would be like and as I thought of it, I said to myself, “I won’t go but would propose to Agnes to go there when I could speak French!” Indeed, I tried to propose to her as, so far, since my arrival she has been so kind to show me around the place also because she can speak English easily. However, when I proposed to her to inform the Sisters that I would go there sometime later in March and not then, she did not agree with me. She believed that it would be no problem and that the Sisters did not mind at all even though I did not believe her. Mmmmnh! My plan to escape could not work.

However, on that particular Sunday, after Mass, we prepared to go. We took a train and in no time, we were there! Inside me I was trying hard to recollect all little words of French I had heard or learnt before but to no avail!

We arrived in time before lunch so that I could greet the Sisters and be introduced to them and vice versa. Upon arrival, we found Sister Marie Cécile waiting to welcome us with a big smile on her face! I told myself ‘now what to say Vicky’ and before I knew it, I was also beaming with a smile, we hugged and said our “bonjours” and that was all, I was mute, my French was finished! Turning around, the Sisters were all there coming one after the other to greet and welcome us.

Nonetheless, surprisingly enough, the Sisters seemed not to mind at all that I could not speak French. What seemed to be more important for them was that a younger Sister, their own Sister, fresh from Africa was there to visit them. They were eager to hear from me the news about where I was coming from, what I was doing and so forth.

Inside myself, there was no question of language anymore but I was only filled with love for these Sisters of mine who were so happy and graceful! They are all old but very serene and happy, grateful for whatever they have been, lived and are in their life.

At lunch, I sat with Sister Françoise de Traversay. We were in the same community during my postulate; Sister Agnes, who had accompanied me, Sister Claire-Michelle, who has worked in Uganda, and Sister Nicole Robion. I leave you to imagine the conversation!

To my happy surprise, after lunch, I saw each Sister getting busy with a little service. Some were cleaning the tables, others were cleaning the dining floor and others offered to place the washed dishes in their respective places! Noticing my admiration, one Sister explained that, in fact, they do most of the simple and sometimes big responsibilities themselves such as bursar, accounts, secretariat and administration! After it, they went for a short nap each to their room while Sisters Marie-Cécile, Francoise and Agnes took me for a walk through the park of Sceaux. A very big and beautiful park.

parc-de-sceauxIn addition to the beauty of the day, at 2:30 pm, all the Sisters gathered in the sitting room where I was to share with them the video about the Thanksgiving Mass and departure of MSOLA from Zambia. This moment was so solemn and created a reflective, appreciative atmosphere among the sisters. They were very happy and grateful that I had shared the video with them. They even proposed to show it to all the other communities I would visit later, in the days to come. At the end of the day we had a cup of coffee together and interacted more, it was wonderful!

Perceptions and conceptions are not always what the reality is. Today I am happy to have a joyful, happy appreciation of our common mission. I was happy to see life among these elderly Sisters, looking at them being so happy and at peace with each other. I felt encouraged and I experienced God very close to his loved ones. With God, life is eternal!


Traduction en français de sœur Vickness qui ne fait que commencer à s’exprimer en français. Félicitation!

Une belle histoire de Sœur Vickness à Paris, France.

Le 26 février, six jours après mon arrivée à Paris, Sœur Agnès, qui a été ma maîtresse de Novice, et moi-même, sommes allé rendre visite à nos sœurs à Sceaux où nous avions été invités pour le déjeuner.

Je n’étais pas sûr si je voulais vraiment y aller, car je ne parle pas la langue de Molière.Pourquoi déranger les sœurs âgées si je ne peux pas communiquer avec elles ? J’ai plutôt pensé à m’y rendre seulement lorsque je parlerais le français! C’est ce que j’ai proposé à Sœur Agnès qui était d’ailleurs si gentille avec moi et peu parler anglais. Mais elle n’a pas été d’accord. Elle savait que les sœurs ne se souciaient pas du tout de ce problème linguistique. Mmmmnh ! Mon plan de fuite n’a pas fonctionné !

Toutefois, après la messe du dimanche, nous nous sommes préparés à partir. Nous avons pris un train et nous y étions en peu de temps! Je m’efforçais de me rappeler toutes les petites paroles de français que j’avais entendues ou apprises, mais sans succès!

Nous sommes arrivés avant le déjeuner pour que je puisse être présenté à la communauté. Nous avons trouvé Sœur Marie Cécile qui nous attendait avec un grand sourire ! Je me disais « maintenant quoi dire Vicky ? » et avant que je le sache, je rayonnais aussi avec un sourire. Nous avons simplement dit “bonjours”. C’était tout. J’étais muette ! Me retournant, les sœurs sont apparues pour me saluer et nous accueillir.

Les sœurs ne semblaient pas du tout gênées que je ne puisse parler français. Ce qui leur était important, c’était de voir une sœur cadette venue d’Afrique pour les visiter. Elles étaient impatientes d’avoir des nouvelles de mon pays, ce que je faisais et ainsi de suite.

À l’intérieur de moi-même, il ne s’agissait plus de langage. Je n’étais que remplie d’amour pour mes sœurs qui étaient si heureuses et si gracieuses! Elles sont toutes âgées, mais très sereines, heureuses et reconnaissantes pour ce qu’elles ont été et vécu dans leur plus jeune vie en Afrique.

Au déjeuner, je me suis assis avec Sœur Françoise de Traversay qui a été dans ma communauté pendant mon postulat. Agnès, qui m’avait accompagnée, Sœur Claire-Michelle, qui a travaillé en Ouganda, et Sœur Nicole Robion. Je vous laisse imaginer la conversation ! Après le déjeuner, à mon heureuse surprise, j’ai vu chaque sœur s’occuper d’un petit service. Certaines nettoyaient les tables, d’autres le plancher de la salle à manger, d’autres plaçaient les assiettes et plats lavés dans les armoires! Remarquant mon admiration, une sœur a expliqué qu’elles assument la plupart des responsabilités; économat, secrétariat et l’administration. Puis, elles allèrent faire une petite sieste dans leur chambre tandis que les Sœurs Marie-Cécile, Françoise et Agnès m’ont amené faire une promenade dans le parc de Sceaux. Un très grand et beau parc.

En après-midi, toutes les sœurs se sont rassemblées dans la salle de télévision pour visionner une vidéo sur la messe d’Actions de grâces et la fermeture de notre dernière maison de Lusaka en Zambie. Ce moment a été solennel et a créé une atmosphère réfléchie et appréciative parmi les sœurs. Elles étaient très heureuses et reconnaissantes que j’aie partagé cette vidéo avec elles. Elles m’ont même proposé de le montrer à toutes les autres communautés que je visiterais plus tard. À la fin de la journée, autour d’une tasse de café, nous avons pu poursuivre nos échanges. C’était merveilleux !

Perceptions et préconceptions ne reflètent pas la réalité. Aujourd’hui, je suis contente de pourvoir apprécié notre commune mission. J’ai été heureuse de voir ces sœurs âgées pleines de vie. Elles sont sereines et vivent en paix les unes avec les autres. J’ai senti la présence de Dieu dans celles qu’Il aime. Avec Dieu, la vie est éternelle !

Return to the Lord of Brother Willem (Wim) van Dijk, M.Afr

willem-van-dijkBrother Willem (Wim) van Dijk return to the Lord of on Saturday the 18th of February 2017 at Heythuysen (Netherlands)at the age of 90, of which 30 years of missionary life in Zambia and 36 years in the Netherlands. Let us pray for him and for his loved ones.

Milestones of Brother Wim van Dijk’s life: Brother Wim van Dijk was born on the 20th of November 1926 at Tilburg in the Diocese of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. He began his Spiritual Year at ‘s-Heerenberg on the 7th of September 1946, where he took his Temporary Oath on the 17th of September 1948 and his Final Oath on the 7th of August 1954.


from Lubushi to Lusaka Zambia



Ilondola, Diocese of Mbala




Ilondola, Diocese of Mbala




Lubushi Seminary




Mansa, Diocese of Mansa


01/01/1988 Services Lubwe, Diocese of Mansa


09/03/1990 Services Kasaba, Diocese of Mansa


South Africa Sector Post Cap Deliberations – Formation House in Merrivale, KwaZulu/Natal


post-cap-feb-2017-01cThe South Africa Sector held its Post Capitular Assembly from Tuesday 14th February till Thursday 16th February. We thank especially Fr. Bill Turnbull, M.Afr., from the Malawi Sector for preparing our documents and for guiding us all through our Post Cap. Bill put a lot of effort into this event.  He focused primarily on our fundamentals and foundation as Missionaries of Africa: our Spirituality-Charism and Community living, then looked at our Mission, with all its complexities of pastoral insertion; placing ourselves at the service of Africa at the existential peripheries; encountering and dialoguing with others, especially other faiths and Islam; addressing issues of poverty, corruption, land, racism and migrants, justice & peace and ecology.  Even though we had three full days, it wasn’t enough to really address and process the issues affecting us in our mission here in South Africa. Despite our very diverse cultures, languages and ages etc., we could sense a real unity of purpose and direction in the spirit of the Chapter. We look forward to the final Provincial Strategic Plan to come from the upcoming Provincial Council to be held in a couple of weeks’ time. 

Father, Son & Holy Spirit Guide Us

At the opening on Tuesday morning, following the Chapter’s example, we held a small ceremony of the lighting of candles which remained lit for the duration of our Post Cap. The candles represented the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Triune God, and we prayed this God guide us, and keep us united, through our sharing’s, discussions and deliberations. Bill composed three prayers which were read out as each of the three candles were lit. Each morning, as we opened our discussions, these candles were lit.

Ecological – ‘Paperless-Digital’ Gathering

One significant change of this Post Cap and the general Sector Meeting, which was held on the Monday before (13th Feb), was that we had a ‘paperless’, or ‘digital’ Post Cap. Basically, the only paper we used was the actual Chapter document itself. This was a first for our Sector and we will continue to be ecologically sensitive to how we run our meetings and gatherings. Everything was done on computer, using flash drives and projecting our documents onto a large screen. Feedback was done by a group spokesperson or secretary who typed up everything onto the group flash drive. This was then given to the moderator and to the Post Cap secretaries. We are happy that during this Post Cap we could begin to implement the call to be more ecologically sensitive.

Nkosi sikeleli Afrika

We pray for our Province of SAP, and we pray for each of the four Sectors. May we each be true witnessing Apostles and good stewards in our mission and service of Africa where we are – and may our Mother Mary, Queen of Africa, guide and direct all our actions to and through her beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Kingdom come.

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