Month: April 2013 Page 1 of 4
What would be your last word at the end of the interview?
Once reconciled with oneself, everything else seems possible. It is like putting the Gospel into practice; loving your neighbour as yourself. In this regard, with his simplicity, our new Pope Francis is inspiring me greatly.
Our confrere , who was part of the Lua-Luo noviciate in Kasama last year, has been diagnosed with cancer of the bones. He is undergoing radiation treatment in Nairobi which will last till the 10th May. After it, according to the results of another medical test, he will continue with chemotherapy. Even though Clement is a strong man, as we know him, this treatment is heavy on him. Let us unite our prayer for him that he may find health and strength once more.
Together with the whole Church we warmly welcome the new Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis. Since the day of his election, he has repeatedly asked his audiences to pray for him. Let us also in our daily prayers commend him to God to bless him in his new challenging ministry. … Continue reading
1. Abusa Zimba-Catechist-(Mwanya outstation),
2. Fr Phelim Malumo (Assistant Priest-Ministry),
3. Abusa Mpande-Catechist (Chasera outstation)
4. Br Jonas Mensah (Stagiere-1st Year)
5. Fr Pawel Mazurek (Parish Priest)
6. Fr Frederic Ajaruva Bedijo (Curate & Community Animator). Sitting: 1. Abusa Gondwe (Catechist Lumimba outstation)
2. Abusa Zimba (Chiweza Outstation).