Month: August 2014 Page 1 of 2

New Constitution, Better Lives for all – Zambia

Grand Coalition New Constitution Mulungushi 2014 06The Great Coalition for a People-Driven Constitution organised a major event at Mulungushi International Conference Centre on the 30th August 2014 under the theme: New Constitution, Better Lives for all.
The Panellists drove the attention of about 300 people representing every Province of the country calling for the new constitution to be made public and approved through a referendum before the next general election in 2016. The Panellists were from various Churches and the Islamic Supreme Council of Zambia, from the Labour Movement, the Disability Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Youth Movement and Students Movement. A political leader spoke also on behalf of the 16 Political Parties existing in Zambia. Dr. V.J. Mwaanga, former well-known Politician gave also a solidarity speech encouraging the Coalition to increase its mobilisation drive in favour of a People-Driven Constitution. Father Cleophas Lungu form the Zambian Episcopal Conference concluded the speeches on behalf of Oasis Forum.

Attack on a peaceful gathering of several civil society organisations in a church – Lusaka

What is so “golden” about Zambia’s jubilee? Asks Oasis Forum!

Press Statement by the Oasis Forum – 20th Feb 2014

The Post LogoZambians should hold politicians to account – Mwaanga
Vernon Mwaanga says Zambians should awaken and begin to hold politicians accountable for their promises.
And Fr Cleophas Lungu said Zambians need to bring into question the integrity of their leaders when they renege on their promises.  
In his solidarity speech at the grand coalition for a people-driven constitution meeting in Lusaka on Saturday, Mwaanga said politicians should honour their promises.
“Far too long, we have allowed politicians as Zambians to go scot-free on promises they make. The PF promised to accord Zambians a new constitution but to date, nothing seems forthcoming. We don’t have the draft constitution yet and we don’t even know where it is,” the veteran politician said. “Zambians should awaken and hold politicians to account for their promises. If PF does not keep their promises, in 2016, it will face brunt consequences.”
Vernon-MwaangaMwaanga said it was not correct for the government to advance reasons of cost for the delay in the constitution-making process.
“When the PF made a promise to deliver a new constitution, obviously they knew that the exercise is costly. Indeed democracy is costly,” said Mwaanga.
And Fr Lungu, in his address on behalf of the Oasis Forum, said it was sad that politicians liked using falsehoods to deceive Zambians.
“We need to begin bringing into question the integrity of our leaders when they make promises. They come with falsehoods and make promises but make political U-turns when in government,” he said.
“Let’s state here that the day of reckoning is surely coming. The government should respect the will of Zambians in their demand for a people-driven constitution… I would therefore, like to warn the PF that God is watching. Let’s cast out fear as Zambians. Let’s not be afraid of going to prison for demanding for a people-driven constitution. Great liberation is demanding and is a costly affair.”
Fr Lungu said Zambians should mobilise and campaign peacefully to press the government to release the draft constitution.

Newsletter South Africa no 42 – August 2014

Newsletter South Africa no 42 logo

Death of Robert Gagnon

Robert Gagnon 2014 copieRobert Gagnon 1958 copieLieutenant Colonel (retired), Robert Gagnon passed away at the age of 81 after a short illness, on June 28, 2014 at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
Bob was ordained a ‘White Father of Africa’ in 1958 (01-02-1958) and served as a missionary in Malawi for 8 years. He then served as an RC Chaplin in the Canadian Forces on numerous bases until his retirement in 1992.
The Funeral took place on the 2nd July 2014 and a Memorial Mass was held on Thursday July 3rd in St. Joseph’s Church, Ottawa, Canada.
See the PDF file for more details
“Life is good.” That phrase popped out of Bob Gagnon’s mouth so often, it struck many people as a “have-a-nice day” pleasantry. But those close to Bob knew that his habitual greeting meant something. His words were a purposeful affirmation that good will ultimately prevail, and that, as one friend noted at his wake, “Life is inherently good, worth the effort, and worth preserving.”

Priestly ordination of Remi Nyengere in Malawi

05-Presentation-of-the-son- - CopyOn Saturday 16th August, Christians gathered together in the compound of Lilongwe Cathedral to celebrate the Jubilee of three diocesan Priests and witness the priestly ordination of five deacons, among them one of our confreres; Remi Nyengere. With songs of praise and thanksgiving, people came to welcome their new pastoral leaders. A good number of Missionaries of Africa, MSOLA, the delegation of Zambia and some visitors from Spain were present to support him in his new commitment.
In his homily, the Archbishop of Lilongwe, Most Rev. Tarcisio Ziyaye, explained the importance of prayer in the life of a priest. “Prayer, he said, is like an engine of a car in the life of a priest’’. He also invited parents to offer their children to the Church for the sake of salvation. The six hours Mass ended with a reception organized in the bishop’s house for all religious.
Remi celebrated his first Mass the following day in his home Parish at Mponela which is about 55km north of Lilongwe. Remi is the first Missionary of Africa from his Parish. “His ordination, said Monsignor Sonkani, Parish Priest of Mponela, is the opening door of missionary vocations’’. During this celebration, the family members of our confrere expressed their gratitude to the entire family of Missionaries of Africa for accompanying Remi during his formation journey.
Remi is appointed to Katakwi Parish, Soroti, in Uganda. We wish him all the best!
Etienne Ngoma – Stagiaire at Chezi Parish, Malawi


Kalimba Reptile Park, Lusaka

Crocodile-farm-August-2014-13Alvin Escabusa, John William Nkhoma and Dominic Kapatamoyo visited Kalimba Reptile Park situated near Lusaka on Sunday the 18th August 2014. Alvin, Filipino, is waiting to get his official documents in order to apply for a visa and go to Mozambique for his stage. John had better luck and got his visa for Nigeria. Dominic came to Lusaka to pass his English exam at the British Council in view of going soon to Jerusalem for his first year Theology.

Kalimba Reptile Park

A Few Lines of Gratitude

Jean-Guy-Jim-Robi-add2Thank you Zambia! You have put the fire back into our hearts. You have rejuvenated our spirits. You have given us a sense of well-being. You have affirmed us as Missionaries of Africa as we slowly enter the winter of our lives.
Thank you for your warm welcome.
Thank you especially to all our confrères from the Provincial and his staff to all the young men we met who were on their journey from the novitiate to their respective countries to begin their stage experience.
We were amazed at the changes that have taken place since the 27 years that I’ve been away and Jean Guy’s seven.
Our eyes were wide open at the site of cars, traffic jams, asphalt roads, cell phone, TV dishes, soap, cooking oil, salt, water, cheese, flour, cement, iron sheets, etc. being so plentiful.
We enjoyed all our Zambian friends we met. Their warmth and hospitality is still the same.
During the Communion hymn, which was being sung by the local congregation, Jean Guy shared with me with tears in his eyes “it’s at a moment like this that we realize what we have given up by accepting to do home service.” That says it all.
United in Him. God is good!
Gene and Jean Guy
Link: Visit of Jean-Guy Labrecque and Jean-Claude Robitaille to Zambia and farewell to Jules Roy

À Propos du Décès du Père Lawrence Croussette

Louis-Philippe Girard 2Chers confrères,
Nous avons tous été choqués par le décès inattendu de notre confrère, le Père Lawrence Croussette, survenu le dimanche 3 août 2014.
Avec plusieurs confrères, j’ai pu participer aux funérailles du P. Croussette qui ont eu lieu le lundi 11 août 2014, dans la chapelle de la Maison Mère des Sœurs Antoniennes de Marie.
Cette célébration, présidée par le P. Julien Cormier, s’est déroulée dans un climat de prière et de recueillement.
Les témoignages des Pères Richard Dandenault et Denis Paul Hamelin ainsi que ceux des Sœurs France Thivierge et France Croussette ont vraiment touché l’assemblée.
Finalement, une jeune nièce du Père Croussette est venue dire, avec sobriété, tout l’attachement qu’elle avait envers son oncle.
Plusieurs prêtres diocésains étaient présents.
Certains d’entre vous se sont demandés ce qui s’était vraiment passé à cette partie de pêche où était présent notre confrère Louis-Philippe Girard (Paddy).
Une journaliste du journal “ Le Courrier du Saguenay” a interviewé notre confrère Paddy.
Vous trouverez le texte de cette interview en pièce jointe.
Le courrier du SaguenayNous pouvons remercier notre confrère Louis-Philippe Girard qui a su gardé son calme et a été remarquable dans les circonstances.
Il a pu se reposer et retrouver ses énergies après cette aventure tragique.
Il  continue à nous accueillir avec son sourire pacifique.
Fraternellement, Marc Beaudry, M.Afr

Lien: Death of Father Lawrence Crousette in Canada

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 16 août 2014

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Baobab Échos n° 20 », la dernière édition (mois d’août 2014) du bulletin de la Province d’Afrique Occidentale est disponible.-(lire la suite) 
« Assemblée plénière du SCEAM », Le Symposium des Conférences Épiscopales d’Afrique et de Madagascar (SCEAM) a fêté sa journée baptisée “Journée du SCEAM” à Accra, au Ghana, le 29 juillet 2014 (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Témoignages» :
« Edmond Banda au Châtelard » : Edmond Banda est originaire du Malawi et a travaillé 7 années dans la Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest, dans le diocèse de Kayes au Mali. Il vient de terminer sa formation à l’accompagnement spirituel au Châtelard près de Lyon. (lire la suite) 
« Animation vocationnelle à Abidjan» : Vincent Kiye étudiant en quatrième étape de théologie à Abidjan, contribue une fois de plus à notre site en nous faisant parvenir un texte sur son expérience en tant qu’animateur vocationnel. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Les Pays du Monde en chiffres », des statistiques publiées par les Nations Unies et qui classent les pays du monde selon l’ « Indice de Développement Humain » (IDH). (lire la suite) 
« Action Enfants de Tous à Ségou ». Dans cette ville du Mali, une association travaille depuis de nombreuses années à la réinsertion des « enfants de la rue » particulièrement les talibés (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :
« Les jeunes et l’alcool » : le pourquoi, les dangers, et les éventuelles solutions: un article paru dans le numéro 103 de « Voix d’Afrique, » du mois de juin 2014. (lire la suite) 
« Une Afrique qui souffre et se lève » : quelle est le place de l’Afrique dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, pourquoi y a-t-il autant de difficultés, et comment espérer s’en sortir, un article du Petit Écho de Juillet 2014, écrit par notre confrère Bernard Ugeux (lire la suite) 
« Alpha Blondy », l’histoire de cette star mondialement connue, originaire de la Côte d’Ivoire et dont le premier disque est paru en 1983 – Voix d’Afrique n° 103 – (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Vive critique de l’État Islamique » par le Conseil Pontifical pour le Dialogue interreligieux, un texte publié à Rome le 12 août 2014 : un appel à une réaction claire et courageuse des responsables musulmans. (lire la suite)

Priestly Ordination of Emmanuel Mubanga in Minga, Zambia / First Mass at Kalichero

Emmanuel-Chisanga-Mubanga-00bThe 2nd August 2014 was a blessing to the Church in Chipata Diocese as seven of its sons, together with our confrere Emmanuel Mubanga, were ordained priests in Minga:  one for the Missionaries of Africa, one for the Comboni  Missionaries, one for the St Patrick Missionaries and  four for the Diocese of Chipata.  A rare event of its kind! An “amazing harvest”! A special gift on this Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Zambia and on the 25th anniversary of the visit pope John Paul II to Zambia, as Bishop George Lungu remarked.
On this special occasion, crowds of lay faithful, missionaries, priests and religious from all corners of Chipata Diocese and beyond flocked to Minga to witness  the event, to thank God and to support the seven young men. The M.Afr representation was equally impressive.  A delegation of 25 M.Afr, MSOLA and friends, led by the Provincial of the SAP and the Delegate Superior of Zambia Sector, was present at the ordination in Minga and the Thanksgiving Mass of Emmanuel Mubanga in Kalichero.
As the number of Zambian confreres keeps growing, we are likely to have more of these celebrations even though this one will remain unique.
They go out carrying seeds for the sowing; they come back, they come back full of song! (Psalm 126:6).
Congratulations and Fruitful ministry to Emmanuel Mubanga and his companions!
By Romaric Bationo, M.Afr
Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga on the 3rd August 2014 at Kalichelo.
 After the solemn Mass of ordination of the seven deacons, i.e. four diocesans, one from St. Patrick Missionaries, one from Comboni Missionaries and our very own Emmanuel M.Afr, by Bishop George Lungu at Minga Parish, we went to Chipata were we would spend the night in readiness for the thanksgiving Mass the following day at Kalichelo Parish.
On Sunday 3rd August, we all left for Kalichelo which is about 45km from Chipata town. Upon arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the “amai apamtondo” (Catholic women) and the Parish Priest Fr. Mathias and his assistant Fr. Vincent. Shortly after dressing up we began the procession. It was colorful with about 14 priests and 10 stagiaires all in their “ganduras”, and one MSOLA sister. The Holy Mass started at 10:20 hours presided by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mubanga. We were welcomed with a song by the choir and the whole congregation. After the Gospel reading, Fr. Didasio Mwanza gave the homily. He urged the Christians to be always ready to offer themselves to the service of the Church in following Christ who offered himself for the salvation of all as a good shepherd. He further advised Fr. Emmanuel to love Christ, the Church and its people now that he has offered himself in “marriage” to the Church.
After communion, Fr. Emmanuel thanked different people who had been instrumental in his vocation journey and asked the people to pray for him as he would pray for them also. Speeches from the Parish council, the Parish priest, and Fr. Oswald the delegate superior followed.
Before the solemn blessing, the new priest was “commissioned” and sent. He carried the cross around the church escorted by all the Missionaries of Africa present and MSOLA as a symbolic gesture. We then committed our brother in the hands of our Mother Mary by singing the “Sancta Maria”.
After the Mass, we were all invited for the a special meal in the Parish hall were we interacted with the leaders of the church council, the religious who were present, friends and family of Fr. Emmanuel.
We wish Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga God’s favor and blessings as he prepares to go to his first mission in Mali.
“….who will go for us? Here I am, I said… send me” (Is 6:8)
By Leandre Chembe, M.Afr


Priestly ordination of Lamec Remacle Ciza and Alain Christian Muhineza

Lamec CIZA

Lamec CIZA

Christian MUHINEZA

Christian MUHINEZA

Lamec Remacle Ciza and Alain Christian Muhineza were ordained priests together on Saturday the 12th July 2014 at the Marial Sanctuary of the Shoenstatts Fathers by the Archbishop of Bujumbura Evariste Ngoyagoye. They were ordained together with five other priests and eleven deacons. Father Muhineza celebrated his first Mass the following day at his home Parish of Gihosha while Father Ciza did it a week after at him home village of Gakenke situated at 40km from Bujumbura.

Father Muhineza has been appointed to the Parish of Lumimba, Chipata Diocese, Zambia and Father Ciza to the Parish of Henley in South Africa.
We wish them both good apostolate. Welcome to SAP.
See the PDF text written in French by Patient Bahati Humuli.

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