- Our house in Kitwe. Standing: Jacques Bédard and Piet van Heijst
- Courtyard
- Jacques Bédard and Jean-Bosco Masaba in front of the gate
- Twatacha church situated at 3km from our house
- Youth group. Standing: Jacques Bédard
- Twatacha Parish Office
- “What shall I do?”
- “Let me think!”
- “Let us pray.”
- Opening Mass procession
- Inside Twatacha church
- Main celebrant: Piet van Heijst
- Consecration
- Piet in front of his 1991 Toyota, still running strong
- Number plate AAK; All Against Kaunda on the first year of multi-party election
- Kawama church
- Inside the church
- Wedding taking place
- Main celebrant: Felix Kamunenge
- Jacques Bédard with a group of women
Robert chipumbu
Thanks Ba malumo, we need more written historical works of some of our parishes and special apostolates, but nothing is said of the mines which attracted people in all the neighbouring towns of the CB.
Please, tell us more! We need your contribution.
Many people come to the Copperbelt hoping that they would find jobs at the mines. Some are fortunate but in the two parishes of Kawama and Twatasha very few have got the share from the resources coming from the mines. As mentioned above, majority of the people find their own livelihood for their basic needs. Blessed are those who can send their children to the Secondary schools and Colleges. Otherwise, with my 5 years experience living and working with the people of Kawama and Twatasha, it was a daily routine that I could hear the cry of the poor in our midst.
Thanks for reading my message! Coro
Umwina Mbulo
Thanks Bakalamba Ba Malumo Mutambekwa. We need writers to help us know more our History and what is happening. Bravo and God Bless. Cle
I am looking for a church to go.
Edú Arão
May God bless you!