Kitwe Parish, Zambia

Brief History, by Phelim Malumo, M.Afr
In 1993, the Missionaries of Africa with the team of Jean-Marie Beliveau and Maurits De Weerdt took over the two parishes of Kawama and Twatasha which was under the SMA. These Parishes were former outstations of Chimwemwe Parish. The team settled in Kawama, house No. 558. This house is owned by the diocese.
Kitwe is the largest city of the Copperbelt. The confreres are living in Kawama compound in the midst of families originating from all parts of Zambia and some from neighbouring countries (Congo, Tanzania, and Angola, etc). Kawama parish comprises Old Kawama, New Kawama and Kamatipa with a total population of about 40,000 of which 8,000 are Catholics. The White Fathers also serve Twatasha parish which covers Twatasha compound and Race Course with a population of about 25,000 people of which 6,000 are Catholics.
About 5% of the population work for different companies in Kitwe as skilled workers, but a good number are employed as watchmen or security guards and others work as house servants, charcoal burners, at the service of commercial farmers or tiling their own small plots along the Kafue River and Chingola road. However the majority of people struggle for survival in small businesses or trading in a variety of commodities.
 2013 Updates, by Serge St-Arneault, M.Afr
According to Jean-Bosco Masaba, who was on his journey back to Lubumbashi, Kawama means “the solitary man there!” A man was living on his own telling people that the place will be a good one in a near future; “pa kawama”. Also, Twatacha refers to a thankful man happy for the plot he had received; “thank you!”
There are fifteen small Christian communities in Kawama and nine in Twatacha. At the moment, four confreres are members of Kitwe community: Piet van Heijst from Holland, Jacques Bédard from Canada, Felix Kamunenge fom Zambia and Venance Shundu, stagiaire from Tanzania.


CJTR Lusaka Press Release February 2013


MALAWI: Rich 20% of population silent to plight of 80% poor


  1. Robert chipumbu

    Thanks Ba malumo, we need more written historical works of some of our parishes and special apostolates, but nothing is said of the mines which attracted people in all the neighbouring towns of the CB.

  2. mafrsaprovince

    Please, tell us more! We need your contribution.

  3. Coro

    Many people come to the Copperbelt hoping that they would find jobs at the mines. Some are fortunate but in the two parishes of Kawama and Twatasha very few have got the share from the resources coming from the mines. As mentioned above, majority of the people find their own livelihood for their basic needs. Blessed are those who can send their children to the Secondary schools and Colleges. Otherwise, with my 5 years experience living and working with the people of Kawama and Twatasha, it was a daily routine that I could hear the cry of the poor in our midst.
    Thanks for reading my message! Coro

  4. Umwina Mbulo

    Thanks Bakalamba Ba Malumo Mutambekwa. We need writers to help us know more our History and what is happening. Bravo and God Bless. Cle

  5. I am looking for a church to go.

  6. Edú Arão

    May God bless you!

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