Month: December 2014 Page 1 of 5

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 31 décembre 2014

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Ils vous présentent leurs vœux les plus sincères pour cette année 2015 qui va commencer : qu’elle soit pleine de paix et de joie pour vous et vos proches. Qu’elle voie la progression de la justice et de la paix dans notre monde. 

Et voici les dernières nouvelles disponibles :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Décès et funérailles de Pierre Meynet » : le père Pierre Meynet nous a quittés le 14 décembre 2014 à l’âge de 72 ans, et ses funérailles ont été célébrées le 17 décembre. (lire la suite ) 

« Baobab Echo n° 21, décembre 2014 », la dernière parution du bulletin de la Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest (lire la suite )

« Prise d’habit à Kasama, Zambie », un texte et une photo envoyés par Jean Baptiste Uzele, novice originaire de la République Démocratique du Congo (lire la suite)

« Lettre de Laghouat Ghardaia, décembre 2014 », correspondance de Mgr Claude Rault, notre confrère M.Afr, évêque de ce diocèse.(lire la suite)

« Livret du personnel de la Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest » mis à jour le 1er décembre 2014. Il est possible de télécharger ce livret au format PDF (lire la suite)

« Liste des confrères ayant travaillé dans la PAO et décédés en 2014 » ils sont au nombre de seize au 31 décembre. (lire la suite)

« Messages du Pape François », celui du 22 décembre à la Curie Romaine et ses vœux urbi et orbi pour la fête de Noël (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :

« Droit d’asile en évolution en France », les réformes à venir dans ce domaine où il est bien difficile de trouver un consensus (lire la suite)

« Eliminer la pauvreté c’est possible », nous dit « Voix d’Afrique » dans le numéro 105 de décembre 2014 qui vient de paraître, et qui tente de dresser un bilan spécialement pour l’Afrique dans ce contexte (lire la suite). 

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :

« Kenneth Kaunda » un des « Pères de l’Afrique » qui fut à l’origine de l’indépendance de la Zambie et dirigea ce pays pendant 27 ans, de 1964 à 1991. (lire la suite)

« Un temps pour pardonner » un article paru dans le numéro 104 de Voix d’Afrique au sujet de l’assassinat du Père Louis Blondel (lire la suire)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« Journée interconfessionnelle pour la Paix ». Le Père Adrien Mamadou Sawadogo, directeur de l’IFIC à Bamako, a participé à cette rencontre à Ndjamena, au Tchad. (lire la suite)

« Pour le dialogue et contre l’intégrisme » quelques articles pris dans la dernière parution (n°102) du bulletin de l’Action pour la Rencontre des Cultures et des Religions en Europe (lire la suite)

« Pas de paix sans dialogue », de nouveaux extraits du bulletin de l’ARCRE n° 103 du 29 décembre 2014, et des témoignages éloquents de personnes engagées. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :

« Le 8 décembre à Zinder », Hassan Boukary Venant, stagiaire qui est dans sa deuxième année de présence à Zinder au Niger, retrace la rencontre qui s’est tenue entre les trois communautés des Missionnaires d’Afrique au Niger. (lire la suite)

« Nouvelles de Nouakchott » quelques extraits du dernier bulletin, et la possibilité de télécharger l’ensemble pour ceux qui ont une bonne connexion. (lire la suite) 

« Serment et diaconat à Abidjan » le témoignage de l’un des onze nouveaux confrères de notre Société, ainsi que le lien avec le site pour compte rendu et photos des cérémonies concernées (lire la suite)

Christmas and Farewell Party in Woodlands, Lusaka, Zambia

Jaya Farewell Party 2014 04 - CopyThe five communities of Missionaries of Africa in Lusaka, including the M.S.O.L.A. Sisters, gathered on Sunday 28th December 2014 for a Christmas and Farewell Party to Father Jaya Bordhan who is leaving Zambia on the 2nd January for a new appointment in India. Jaya invited also some friends for the occasion. Fortunately, it was not raining like the previous day and the barbecue was much appreciated. The Provincial gave a small gift to Jaya who cut the cake for the occasion.

We wish Father Jaya a good and fruitful ministry in India. He warmly invited any of us who wish to visit him in his home country. Have a nice journey dear Jaya. We will miss you!

2014 SAP Blog annual report

2014 Annual Report SAP BlogClick on the picture above to see the full report.

Congratulation to Karl Kälin who was the most popular post on January 13th 2014.

crunchy numbers SAP BlogVisitors of SAP Blog are from 152 countries. Most of them came from The United States. Zambia and Canada were not far behind.

2014 Annual Report SAP Blog countries



A South African Hail Mary


A South African Hail Mary

Hail Mary,

Pregnant with the aspirations of our people;

The Lord is with you.

Blessed are you among the oppressed,

And blessed is the fruit of liberation of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of South Africa,

Pray for us who hope in the Spirit of God,

Now when our people take up the struggle for justice,

And at the hour of our freedom.


This prayer was written by a young South African Sister and given to Michel Meunier at the end of a retreat in Maria Trost on 21st December 2014.


Happy Holy Family Day

Sainte Famille

Death of relatives of Fidel Makara, Fr. Africano’s Mucunguzi and Patrick Sebyera

Fidèle_Mugalihya_Macara - CopieDear Confreres and Friends,

Yesterday, we announced you the death of the grandmother of Fidel Makara. Today, we are receiving the following messages. Let us remain united in prayer. 

Africano Mucunguzi 2014“I am informing you about the death of Mr. Bagumenda Luciano, the father of our confrere Africano Mucunguzi . He is being laid to rest today the 28th December at their ancestral home Kibagarwa Ibanda. We pray for the repose of his soul and pray for the family in this difficult times.” 

Message sent by Lawrence Tukamushaba, M.Afr student in Nairobi.

Raphaël Patrick Sebyera Ndirenganya“I’ve just received a sad news from home that my elder sister, Sebyera Marie-Claire, passed on today around 10:00 am. She has been sick for some years. She had two children and she was in her forties. The burial will be tomorrow the 29th December 2014. It is too bad and painful to me at the same time, as I am traveling tomorrow to Jerusalem in Israel. Please remember her in your prayers that the good Lord may receive her soul.” From Patrick Sebyera, M.Afr student. 

Present Magazine, December 2014

 Present Magazine December 2014“At Christmas, we celebrate the great truth that our God entered human history. At the heart of Christianity is the belief that the most loving word God spoke became a person, Jesus… We rejoice in Emmanuel, God with us!”

This year 2014 is closing with a lot of good events. PRESENT would like to highlight some few points among many.

‘’Vocation is a gift, it is a call.’’ We are all invited to share, talk, and encourage vocations from all the various corners of our apostolic service.

Present Magazine December 2014 02This year, from 13th January to 12th June, we had in Kolibo centre our aspirants from Kasama, Samfya, Chingola, Ndola, Lusaka, Chipata, Chadiza for the Candidacy course. The experience was very nice and enriching, with a colourful cultural mixture. Beginning of September, they went to Balaka, Malawi, for Philosophy and they are flourishing, full of joy. (Up: Horris, Ivor, Patrick and Innocent; down: Evans and Francis).

The 2nd years and the 3rd years are supporting the 1st years in terms of integration and knowing the culture and realities of Malawi since they are veteran.

Present Magazine December 2014 03Present Magazine December 2014 042nd year: John, Saviour, Alfred and Leonard. 3rd year: Emmanuel, Peter, Biness, Benjamin and Grant

From 14th to 20th July 2014, and 13th to 20th October, we had ‘Come and See’ program in Kolibo. In total, nine aspirants attended. For both, we ended the session with a prayerful recollection day and picnic. We thank God for the gift of our aspirants!

On the 2nd August 2014, in Minga, we were blessed with the priestly ordination of Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga of Kalichelo Parish, Chipata Diocese. The first mass took place in his home parish on 3rd August. Blessed mission in Mali Fr. Emmanuel! Fr. Emmanuel and Deacon Remy (from Malawi, now priest in Uganda).

On the 10th of October, Fr. Francis Kangwa took off for his new mission in Uganda. Always smiling! Continue with the same spirit. Thank you for the work done in the vocational ministry and blessed apostolate in Katakwi Parish, Uganda!

24th October 2014, we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Zambia. The celebration took place in Lusaka at the Heroes Stadium. We pray and wish that we may remain: “One Zambia, One Nation” and show signs of good leadership not only in the southern African region but in the rest of the world. Happy Jubilee!

To all the candidates, aspirants and those who are searching for their vocation, the Missionaries of Africa are there for you. Don’t hesitate to “Come & See” for yourself. You may be misled by other friends and pear group.

From January to June: Candidacy course in Kolibo, Serenje. 9 aspirants are expected! In February, a “Come and See” program will be held for those who have completed Grade 12, with full certificate.

May this Christmas bring peace and joy in our heart. Happy and fruitful year 2015!

All the best and See you soon. Fr. Camille Kolibo, Vocation Director, Vocation Centre, Zambia.

Newsletter South Africa No 46 – 25th December, 2014

Newsletter South Africa no 46 logoMy dear Friends, HAPPY CHRISTMAS! May the birth of the Son of God among us (Emmanuel) fill you with hope and joy!

On 28th November, most of the M.Afr were in Merrivale to witness the missionary oath of one of our students from DR Congo, Serge Boroto. By taking his oath, Serge has become a full Missionary of Africa! The following day, Saturday morning at Henley Parish, he was ordained a deacon by our confrere Jan De Groef, Bishop of Bethlehem Diocese. Many of his relatives and friends came for the occasion and rejoiced with him and all of us for these happy events! Congratulations, Serge! We all pray for you to be a good and faithful servant of the Lord and of his Church in Africa!

Year of the Consecrated lifeOn 2nd and 22nd December, I took part in two meetings to prepare the great vocation youth rally which will take place on 7th February in Johannesburg, to celebrate the YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE. This special year proclaimed by Pope Francis on the 1st Sunday of Advent (30th November) has for theme Wake Up the World! Yes, all consecrated people – we all are, as per our baptism – , especially the religious priests, brothers and sisters, we ALL have to pray and work very hard in order to wake up our world to the reality of the presence of Jesus in our lives. This Year of Consecrated Life will last until 2nd February 2016. It is a golden occasion to pray more and reflect on our vocation…

Newsletter South Africa no 46 Tomb stone NdrutsomiFrom 11thto 20th December, I was in MariaTrost Pastoral Centre in Mpumalanga, giving a retreat to some Religious Sisters. I took the occasion to go to pray on the tomb of late Fr. Sebastian Ndrutsomi, M.Afr, who was killed in a car accident last January 5th. Let us pray for his eternal rest and for some young people generous enough to pursue a vocation to replace him in his work in the vineyard of the Lord. (See his profile on this PDF file)

This month, I had a few contacts with some youth interested to join us. One who used to search his vocation with us, has abandoned the idea and is pursuing some other studies. Another one has gone to another religious congregation who are not missionaries. Two others have showed some interest, but are still unsure. Let us pray for them all.

Newsletter South Africa no 46 ChristmasAnd those of you who have just written Matrics, we wish you all some good results.

Wishing you all a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Above all, let us remember the real reason for Christmas!

“God so loved the world that He gave his only Son” (Jn. 3: 16)

God bless you all! Fr. Michael Meunier, M.Afr

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Blog

Best wishes and prayers from Claudio Zuccala, Mozambique

Mamma con bambina[1]

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