Month: May 2014 Page 1 of 2
Dr. Evans describes himself as growing up in fragmented settings that led to attending Baptist, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran churches. As a teenager lost in various destructive circumstances, he drew strength from biblical teaching he remembered hearing as a boy in a revivalist camp. He then moved into new life as he cried out to Jesus, “Help me.”. He has worked in various ministry contexts. While living in Washington, DC, David was the Junior/Senior High Director of an out-of-school time program on Capitol Hill. Later he served as Community Development Resource coordinator with MCC East Coast. Most recently he was co-pastor of Boonton United Methodist Church in New Jersey. Professor Evans is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the History of Christianity at The Drew Theological School. He has academic degrees from Spring Arbor College in Michigan, Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., and Drew University in New Jersey. Professor Evans is interested in how white Protestant American forms of Christianity have been perceived through the eyes/experiences of people who live in the national, religious, and racial margins of the United States. He is currently working on a project exploring Methodist missionaries’ perception of Italian immigrants in early twentieth-century America as racial others. He currently is a faculty in Mission, Intercultural and Interfaith Studies at Eastern Mennonite Seminary.
Amy Potter Czajkowski works for the Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership Program coordinating monitoring and evaluation and curriculum development. Amy is an adjunct instructor teaching in the areas of program evaluation and peacebuilding practice. She was the Program Director of Coming to the Table, an initiative that addresses the legacies and aftermaths of the US institution of slavery and has also served as Associate Director of the Practice and Training Institute and Coordinator of University Accord, a campus-wide program at EMU that provides mediation, facilitation and restorative justice services. Her areas of interests include reconciliation, historical trauma, trauma healing, process design and facilitation, evaluation and program development. Before coming to CJP, she worked at the Iowa Peace Institute conducting mediation, peer mediation, and conflict resolution trainings as well as intervening in interpersonal and organizational conflicts. She holds a B.A. from Principia College and an MA in conflict transformation from Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Amy is married with two sons, a stepdaughter and stepson.
Ray Motsi, Ph.D. was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He left Zimbabwe at the age of 19 and attended college in England. After he graduated, he learned that there had been a massacre in Zimbabwe. This massacre was part of Robert Mugabe’s Gukurahundi Conflict. He knew it was time to take a stand and make a change. He has dedicated his life to combatting the conflict in Zimbabwe through peace-building and non-violence. President of the Theological College of Zimbabwe (TCZ) since January 1991. Dr. Motsi previously has served as a Baptist pastor in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for more than 20 years and, in 2002, he founded Grace to Heal, a faith-based organization focusing on community peacemaking and conflict transformation. He graduated from TCZ with a B.A. in Practical Theology in 1990 and then later from the University of Pretoria in South Africa where he earned his M.A. in Old Testament and Hebrew in 2001, and his Ph.D. in Peacebuidling, Conflict Resolution, and Trauma Healing in 2009.
01/04/1960 Kasama
05/04/1964 Supérieur Kasama, Zambia
20/09/1969 Vicaire Mpolokoso
02/03/1970 Hospitalisé Ndola
01/03/1971 Vicaire Lubushi
01/01/1973 Vicaire Ipusukilo
30/06/1976 Audio-Visuel Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
01/09/1985 Grande Retraite Jérusalem
10/11/1992 Animation missionnaire à Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
24/11/1995 Responsable Audio-Visuel 12/97
01/01/1998 Aumônier Mouvement Charismatique Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
10/09/2003 Session 70+ Roma
01/09/2012 Résidence Montréal, Canada
01/09/2013 Résidence Sherbrooke, Canada
28-05-2014 : retour auprès du Père à Sherbrooke, Canada
Some name the 1st May “Labour Day” while others “Workers Day.” Some name it both and others one of the two but putting the other in brackets! Which is right? Whichever name or names one gives this day, what is at stake are both the worker and the work. It is the issue of the dignity and value of the human person as well as the dignity and value of human labour for the individual and society.
This day and month could be an opportunity for ecumenical and interreligious mutual awareness on this issue trying to discover the ‘St. Josephs’ of other Churches, religions and even of those who do not believe in God. The Encyclical of St. John Paul II ‘Laborem Exercens’ (On Human Work) could offer us some food for thought in this exercise.
When we look around us and look at the statistics vis-à-vis the youth and employment-unemployment, we cannot remain indifferent. The figures of unemployment are so worrying that some speak about it as a ‘ticking time bomb’! How are we handling this ‘bomb’ in our respective areas?
Nnyombi Richard, M. Afr. Bulletin in English Bulletin en Français
15/08/1967 Nommé pour fondation Mabanda, D. Bururi, Burundi
07/01/1970 Nommé à Treviglio, Italie
01/09/1970 Petit Séminaire Buta, D. Bururi, Burundi
01/07/1971 Nommé Service Généraux Bururi, Burundi
31/05/1979 Expulsé du Burundi > Italie
26/09/1979 Session-Retraite Jérusalem, Israël
01/10/1980 Études d’anglais Dublin, Ireland
24/06/1981 Nommé Zaïre, Ituri
01/11/1981 Construction Grand Séminaire Bunia Zaïre, Ituri
03/05/1984 Nommé (Revue) Milano, Italie
01/01/1986 Économe Provincial +local Treviglio 1, Italie
01/09/1990 Économe Provincial +local Milano, Italie
01/01/1993 Sabbatical London, Great Britain
02/07/1994 District Accountant Lilongwe, Regional House, Malawi
05/03/1995 Nommé Conseil Financier
07/02/1997 Économe Maputo, Semi. Major, Mozambique
01/07/1999 Économe Provincial Milano, Italie
01/12/2000 Nommé Conseiller Pr
01/10/2005 Économe Provincial Treviglio, Merisio, Italie
01/12/2006 Sector Bursar Inhamizua, Mozambique
18/06/2013 Économe Secteur Italie Treviglio, Italie
22-04-2014 Retour au Seigneur à Treviglio en Italie
« Centième anniversaire de la fondation en Guinée » un texte paru sur le site Merci à notre archiviste le Père François Richard. (lire la suite) – Dans la rubrique « Maisons de formation » :
« Nouvelles d’Abidjan », un texte publié par la maison de formation de 4ème étape des Missionnaires d’Afrique dans la capitale économique de la Côte d’Ivoire (lire la suite) – Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Petites bonnes en Afrique », un article paru dans Voix d’Afrique n° 102 du mois de Mars 2014. (lire la suite)
« Lutter pour la liberté », un texte du Père Serge Moussa Traore, originaire du Burkina Faso, et présentement en mission au Brésil. (lire la suite)
« L’école pour enfants de migrants » en Algérie, un article du journal “EL WATAN”, du 25 avril 2014, démontrant combien il est difficile pour des enfants de migrants venant d’Afrique subsaharienne de bénéficier d’une formation scolaire (lire la suite)
« Livre de Leonora Miano », auteure camerounaise. Ce livre « La saison de l’ombre », paru en novembre 2013, parle de la traite négrière et de ceux qui y ont résisté (lire la suite) – Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
« Arnaud, 1er curé noir de Paris » tel est le titre d’un livre qui est paru il y a déjà plus d’un an, où un prêtre congolais (Congo Brazzaville) partage son expérience. (lire la suite)
« La semaine sainte telle que je l’ai vécue », un texte reçu du Père Jean Paul Guibila, originaire du Burkina, en mission au Mexique. (lire la suite)
« L’année de la foi et le synode africain », merci au du Père Noël Kindo, aui a écrit cet article publié dans le Petit Echo n° 1051. (lire la suite) – Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Les lycéennes enlevées par Boko Haram», trois articles tirés des deux derniers bulletins de l’ARCRE (N° 75 et 76) parus les 8 et 15 mai 2014, (lire la suite)
« Interview du Père Cyriaque Mounkoro », Missionnaire d’Afrique originaire du Mali, et présentement en mission à Ibadan au Nigeria, au sujet de Boko Haram.- Journal « La Croix » (lire la suite)