Month: June 2016 Page 1 of 3

Mafrwestafrica lettre du 30 juin 2016

Missionnaire d'Afrique Logo Afrique de l'ouestAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site


« Le nouveau maire de Ouagadougou » un article publié dans le magazine « Jeune Afrique » (lire la suite)

« Le développement plutôt que le sécuritaire » un article publié le 24 juin à propos de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. (lire la suite)


« Contempler les paraboles » un texte proposé par le père Herman Bastijns pour un temps de retraite. (lire la suite)

« Boko Haram au Niger » le texte reçu d’un étudiant Missionnaire d’Afrique qui vit son stage de formation à Niamey. (lire la suite)

« Formation chez les SMNDA » un article écrit par une « Sœur Blanche » et qui nous parle de la formation au sein de cette congrégation missionnaire très proche des Pères Blancs (lire la suite)

Dialogue interreligieux

« Ramadan, Dialogue, Coran » : trois articles récents pris sur le site de l’A.R.C.R.E. (lire la suite)
« Quel dialogue est possible ? » Une question qui se pose d’une manière de plus en plus forte dans la situation actuelle. (lire la suite)

Justice et Paix

« A l’aube d’un nouveau moyen-âge » Même si nous vivons en 2016, de nombreux signes préoccupants de notre société nous renvoient loin en arrière (lire la suite)

« Magistrats en colère au Burkina » un article datant du 16 juin, sur le site « ». Les magistrats remettent en effet en cause l’action des autorités politiques au sein du conseil supérieur de la magistrature (lire la suite)

Vu au Sud – Vu du Sud

« Où en est le Mali suite aux accords d’Alger ? » Ces accords datent du 20 juin 2015. Des informations prises sur le site de Radio France Internationale. (lire la suite)

« Le chef d’Ansar Dine menace les forces internationales » Toujours sur le Mali, des informations à la fois très récentes, et des explications plus anciennes au sujet des divers groupes islamiques s’y trouvant (lire la suite)

A Public Lecture, June 30, 2016 – the Amended Constitution and Referendum for the Bill of Rights, Zambia

A Public Lecturer constitution bill of rights June 2016Nipa cultural centre Lusaka

Invitation card for the priestly ordination of Mathew Wedamdaga Banseh in Ghana.

Invitation card Ordination Mathew Banseh




  1. A empresa holandesa dona da EMATUM

Para além da Mozambique EMATUM Finance BV, com sede na Holanda, foi criada uma outra empresa em Agosto de 2013, denominada Stichting Mozambique EMATUM Finance.

A Stichting Mozambique EMATUM é dona das acções da EMATUM na Holanda e partilha os mesmos escritórios com a Mozambique EMATUM Finance BV, em Amsterdão. A empresa tinha em 2014 como saldo bancário, 27, 8 mil euros no Banco alemão Deutsche Bank.

  1. Devido a mau comportamento
    • Filho de Nyusi corrido na ATCM

Depois de ter sido notícia devido aos luxuosos carros que ostenta desde que o seu pai se tornou Presidente da República, o filho de Filipe Nyusi volta a ser notícia. Ele está proibido de frequentar o recinto do Automóvel e Touring Clube de Moçambique (ATCM).

  1. Em menos de dois meses
    • Terceiro incêndio em sedes da Renamo na cidade de Chimoio

Esta é a segunda vez que é incendiada a sede provincial da Renamo em Manica. Anteriormente, já havia sido incendiada a sede da Delegação da Renamo na cidade de Chimoio.

  1. Centenas de pessoas saíram à rua contra a guerra e as dividas escondidas

Queremos que o ex-Presidente e o seu Governo respondam por estas dívidas”- Alice Mabota, Presidente da Liga dos Direitos Humanos.

Exigir o desarmamento da Renamo é uma falacia. O Governo deve também deixar as armas.

  1. Negociacoes entre Governo e Renamo deverão incluir mediadores e observadores

A Comissão mista encarregada de prepara o encontro entre Nyusi e Dhlakama anunciou que as negociações vão incluir mediadores e observadores da União Europeia, África do Sul e da Igreja Católica Romana.

  1. Na Escola de Formação Prática da Policia de Matalane

Formandos queixam-se de serem retidos arbitrariamente.

  1. A conversa telefónica de dois dias entre Afonso Dhlakama e Filipe Nyusi

O Presidente da Renamo Afonso Dhlakama, anunciou que durante dois dias de conversa com Filipe Nyusi, alcançou consensos sobre o processo de negociações para a busca de paz.

ZAMBEZE, 23/06/2016


  1. Diálogo por um lado. Ataque militar à Gorongosa por outro
    • Governo faz jogo duplo a Dhlakama

A Renamo lamenta que ao mesmo tempo que se esta a criar condições para o retorno ao diálogo, tendente a devolver a paz no pais, o Governo esteja a levar a cabo uma ofensiva militar de grande envergadura desde o dia 18 deste mês na Serra da Gorongosa onde se presume que esteja refugiado o líder da Renamo.

  1. Ecos dos utentes da EN7
    • Passageiros e transportadores queixam-se de demora e extorsão nas colunas da EN7

Vários passageiros e transportadores que circulam através de escoltas militares na EN7, principalmente no troco Vanduzi e rio Luenha, nas províncias de Manica e Tete, queixam-se da demora e das constantes acções de extorsão aos transportadores, protagonizados por alguns elementos das FDS que garantem a segurança.

  1. Camiões malawianos alvejados em Macossa

Dois camiões tanques do Malawi foram alvejados, na manha da última segunda-feira por supostos homens armados da Renamo.

  1. Moçambique e Malawi chegam ao consenso sobre segurança na EN7

Autoridades Malawianas chegaram a acordo com Moçambique para a garantia da segurança na Estrada Nacional número sete, no centro do país.

  1. Repúdio à Guerra e dívidas ocultas (TAMBÉM TRATADO NOUTROS JORNAIS)

O povo não pode ser manipulado por coisas que não sabe.

  1. Tensão política-militar

PRM confirma ataque em Nhapassa e Machanga

  1. Província de Tete

Agentes da PRM envolvidos num sequestro na província de Tete.

  1. Governo de Sofala receia encerramento de fábricas

O Governo da província de Sofala esta preocupado com a intensificação dos ataques protagonizados pelos homens armados da Renamo e alerta que a situação pode levar a falência de algumas empresas que se encontram paralisadas desde o reinício da actual situação de tensão política no país.

  1. Em teleconferência fala de entendimento com PR
    • Dhlakama entende-se com Nyusi, mas não cessa ataques por falta de confiança.

O líder da Renamo, Afonso Dhlakama, falando em teleconferência à imprensa explicou que parar com os ataques militares no centro do país, passa pela garantia dos dois lados, mas principalmente do lado do Governo que é quem movimenta contingentes militares de Maputo para procurá-lo nas matas de Gorongosa.

SAVANA, 17/06/2016


  1. Sobre a divida publica de mocambique
    • Doadores não recuam e exigem esclarecimentos da dívida para libertar dinheiro
      • Queremos responsabilização dos autores

Presidente cessante do Grupo de Parceiros de Apoio Programático e embaixador de Portugal diz que dívidas escondidas é um assunto muito sério que merece a devida correcção. E quanto a tensão política, aquele diplomata diz que falta esforço para conquistar a confiança.

  1. PR reforma FDS debaixo de tensão político-militar
    • Nyusi apregoa diálogo com arma em punho

Numa altura em que a Comissão Mista composta pelos mandatários do governo e da Renamo ainda busca mecanismos para o encontro ao mais alto nível das respectivas lideranças, o Presidente da República e Comandante em Chefe das Forcas de Defesa e Segurança, Filipe Nyusi, orientou as Forcas de Defesa e Segurança para se manterem em prontidão combativa de modo a garantirem o controlo eficiente e eficaz de cada metro quadrado do território nacional, de cada milha do mar e ar.

  1. De protesto contra a situação político-militar e económica do país
    • Promotores da marcha queixam-se de ameaças

Alice Mabota e João Pereira falam de mensagens com tom intimidatório

  1. Liberdade de expressão sob ameaça?
    • PIC causa pânico no ZAMBEZE

A semana que finda, começou nebulosa no Jornal Zambeze. Em pleno dia de fecho, terça-feira, a Policia de Investigação Criminal (PIC), a nível da cidade de Maputo, notificou e com efeitos imediatos o Director e Chefe da redacção deste semanário, João Chamusse e Egídio Plácido, respectivamente, a prestar declarações, acerca de dois artigos publicados na sua penúltima edição (datado de 9 de Junho).

  1. Académico desmonta tese de Maleiane de que a dívida pública não afecta o bolso do cidadão

Tido como o maior disparate de sempre vindo da boca de um economista, Adriano Maleiane, o Ministro da Economia e Finanças, afirmou em voz alta, em Maio ultimo, que o bolso do cidadão não será afectado por causa da divida publica moçambicana. É uma teoria que, em meandros habilitados, incluindo antigos colegas de carteira do ministro não encontra acolhimento algum e, de tanta polémica, o Savana foi bater a porta de um dos mais activos economistas moçambicanos, mesmo em termos de produção científica, João Mosca. Mosca diz que “isso não é verdade”, para que diz que o Governo pensa que ninguém sabe mais do assunto, que as pessoas não sabem pensar, ou que quer aldrabar, mentir e considerar os cidadãos como pessoas de menor idade, o que é muito mau para a credibilidade de um Estado.

  1. Biodiversidade em risco no Parque Nacional das Quirimbas
    • Chineses devastam espécies marinhas protegidas

Depois de ter tomado conta das florestas nacionais e devastado todas as espécies valiosas de madeira existente em Moçambique, os chineses, com o beneplácito de algumas figuras ligadas ao poder em Moçambique, viraram as suas atenções para a biodiversidades marinha e estão a por em causa varias espécies em protecção.


Qual é o real Estado da Nação? A resposta a esta pergunta é única “péssimo”, ou “Pior de todos os tempos”.

Numa altura em que há uma luz no fundo do túnel com vista a busca de paz efectiva, embora sabemos que não será Perpétua como pensava um dos maiores filósofos alemão Emmanuel Kant. A tenção político-militar continua na ordem do dia, as Dívidas ocultas começam a causar tensão arterial aos moçambicanos e quanto aos recursos minerais, já não há muita prosperidade em virtude de o preço no mercado internacional ter baixado de forma exorbitante, o crime organizado continua a propalar-se a níveis assustadores e por conseguinte, o custo de vida a subir de forma avassalador.

As últimas informações indicam que a nossa dívida pública atingiu os níveis mais alarmantes de todos os tempos a nível de toda África. Moçambique está em risco de cair na caixa de lixo de maior devedor da História. E agora? Prendam os responsáveis. A impunidade de Guebuza e os seus dois filhos gelou a Procuradora-Geral da República no seu informe anual aos moçambicanos a ponto de não ter trazido dados substanciais para por cobro as situações da sua responsabilidade.

Por favor: Devolvam-nos o sossego, a concórdia, harmonia, a tranquilidade, a liberdade e a Paz que são os únicos garantes da dignidade de um Povo por um lado e por outro são estas, as sementes que possibilitam a construção de uma sociedade moderna democrática de direito e de justiça social.


A luta continua…. “Enquanto não encontrarem-se a misericórdia e a fidelidade, enquanto não abraçarem-se a paz e a justiça”, não calaremos….

O Secretário: João Dambiro, O Coordenador: Pe. Fidel Salazar   

Coming Up – Open Day – 13th August 2016

Open Day 2008 28The proposed date for the Open Day at Mua, Malawi, is Saturday 13th August 2016.

The Open Day (also known as Chamare Day) is an annual celebration of the work of Kungoni Centre, which features the Kungoni Dance Troupe, dances contributed by people around the Mua area and a lot of Gule Wamkulu.

The culmination of the Open Day is a play, which this year will be inspired by the story of Kachirambe, who liberated his people by slaying the Pumpkin Monster.

Proceedings should start with an inculturated Mass at 8.30 a.m. and conclude mid-afternoon. 2016 is the fortieth anniversary of Kungoni Centre, so the Open Day will be especially memorable.

Report – Africa Day – 2016 – Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art, Mua Mission, MALAWI

June 21, 2016. On 20th May MultiChoice Malawi brought journalists from across Malawi to Kungoni Centre to celebrate Africa Day.

Father-ChisaleAlso in the Nation on 24th May: Thoughts from a retreat. By Yvonnie Sundu, May 24, 2016.

Claude Boucher Chisale, Visual Artist

Sam Banda JnrBy Sam Banda Jnr

It is on a Friday, MultiChoice Malawi has organised yet another annual trip for journalists to celebrate Africa Day which falls on May 25 every year. This is the annual commemoration on May 25, 1963 of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). On this day, leaders of 30 of the 32 independent African states a founding charter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

However, the trip has been organised much earlier on May 20 to give a chance to journalists to sensitise people about Africa Day. Just as MultiChoice has done every year, they have not told the journalists where they are taking them to having departed early in the morning in Blantyre. It turns out to be a long trip which takes us close to three hours and finally we arrive at Mua in Dedza. Such a quiet place and one would be compelled to think it a dull area.

Welcome to Mua Mission which also houses Kungoni Arts Centre of Culture and Art. The road to the place is not tarmac. But wait a minute, we are journalists from Blantyre and so as we arrived, we met fellow journalists from Lilongwe, what an exciting outing this is going to be.

We greet each other before being taken through the programme. What a trip, we are going to meet artist Claude Boucher Chisale, who founded Kungoni Centre in 1976.

There is a lot to learn here and Chisale tells us that there is so much but since this was a day’s trip, they would try as much to tell us more on the history of Kungoni which is built on the grounds of Mua Mission. Chisale speaks Chichewa fluently having come to Malawi in 1967 from Canada. He loves Africa and loves Malawi which is now his home and he is proud of it. When he was speaking, we all stayed quiet as he moved us with his story and that of Kungoni, telling us the beauty of Malawi and the beauty of preserving “our culture.”

And while many of us prefer going for holidays outside the country, there is a lot we are missing out and I would recommend many of you to take time out and visit Mua. It is a place that offers visitors a unique insight upon the cultural and artistic inheritance of Malawi and preserves for Malawians a treasure house of what is distinctive in the cultures of the Chewa, Ngoni and Yao people, who converge in the Mua area.

Back to A Chisale as he is fondly called, a lot has been said about him but for those of you who do not know his story, he was born in Canada in 1941. He followed in the steps of his maternal aunt to come to Malawi as a priest of the Missionaries of Africa (the White Fathers) in 1967.

Apart from brief periods of study in Uganda and London, he has remained in Malawi ever since.

“I love Malawi, this is my home. I am proud to be here,” said Chisale, when asked whether he does not have ambitions of going back to Canada. Chisale’s life work has been at Mua Mission, where he founded Kungoni.

According to him, the centre started as a cooperative for wood carvers and that over the years, it has grown to encompass the Chamare Museum (which holds important ethnographic collections on the Chewa, Yao and Ngoni peoples of Malawi). The centre also [comprises] the Kafufuku research library, Namalikhate lodge and Ku Mbewu (a women’s cooperative).

He said Kungoni has decorated churches throughout Malawi and elsewhere, as far afield as Kenya and Germany; and that example of its work, both religious and secular, are to be found in collections which include the Vatican Museums.

The priest, artist and anthropologist, took the name Chisale when he became one of the few non-Chewa to be initiated into Nyau, the secret society which is responsible for Gule Wamkulu.

He has sought over the 40 years of his work at Mua Mission to create dialogue and understanding where before there was hostility and suspicion. As a result, he has been granted unparalleled access to Chewa traditional access to Chewa traditional custom; and Chewa participants in Gule Wamkulu no longer feel themselves excluded from the life of the church.

“Religion and culture go together and this is why when I came I made sure I associated with the people who were deep rooted into culture. First you must understand that as people we have culture and then with it there is also religion,” he said with a little smile.

He has written several books and one of his extensive accounts of his life and work is his book When Animals Sing and Spirits Dance. This year Kungoni Arts is celebrating its 41st anniversary while Chisale is celebrating his 75th birthday.

“This country was given to us by our parents and so let’s preserve it, let’s treasure our culture and extract from it important elements which will help develop our country,” he said.

Chisale observes that many Malawians do not value their culture and that other wishes they were not born here. ‘We can do better, we have to thank God that we were born in Malawi and Africa. Africa is not poor and Malawi is not poor as others always put it. This is a rich nation with so much to treasure,” he said.

In his book When Animals Sing and Spirits Dance, Chisale tells us more about his 40 years encounter with Gule Wamkulu, the Great dance of the Chewa people of Malawi. Gule Wamkulu is an extraordinarily rich tradition, which United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) recognised as constituting part of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2005.

Chisale said he understands it as the vehicle by which the ancestors return to the village to offer social commentary and advice to the living. Gule Wamkulu has a vast plethora of characters, both masked and concealed with structures, which we appreciated in the museum. He said Gule Wamkulu is an indispensable part of initiation and funeral rites and of ceremonies to commemorate the dead and that nowadays it is performed during cultural events and political gatherings.

Through the Kungoni Dance Troupe, journalists appreciated traditional dances from the Ngoni and Chewa which were held at a place known as Matako Apekesana. Throughout all the traditional dances which included Ngoma from the Ngoni and Gule Wamkulu, Chisale explained in detail why these traditional dances were performed as well as the different regalia’s worn.

“I am happy that MultiChoice thought of bringing journalists here as we look ahead to celebrating Africa Day. We have so much to share here and apart from that we also teach cultural courses and even art,” he said.

This was surely a good encounter with A Chisale, a man who has always valued culture and so why can’t we do the same?

Welcome to KUNGONI Online, the portal for Kungoni Centre’s three websites and the Kungoni weblog!

Welcome to KUNGONI OnlineWelcome to KUNGONI Online, the portal for Kungoni Centre’s three websites and the Kungoni weblog!

New Blog created by Evans K. Chama, M.Afr

Evans-PNGI’m Evans K. Chama, Zambian, and member of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. I’m currently based in Brussels, Belgium. Before that I worked as missionary in Democratic Republic of Congo, precisely in Kinshasa and Goma.

I enjoy writing! So far I have written two books: We fought wrong fight and A woman like mum. I have also contributed a number of articles to The Southern Cross, a Catholic weekly in South Africa.

A Woman Like Mum front pageI believe in humanity. Every person, given the right conditions, is capable of giving birth to the best of one’s humanity. That is why I consider the fight for social justice as a struggle to create conditions that liberate and allow the human spirit to excel to its heights.

I identify myself with the words of Terence: “I am a human being, and thus nothing human is alien to me.” It is, indeed, human to let oneself be touched by what is happening to another person. That is why promoting our single humanity is something that naturally belongs to a human person.

I also believe that every tradition, religious or cultural, has a mine of resources to enable a human person to bring out the best of his humanity. That is the single world project that should keep us all busy. And that is exactly my intention in starting this blog: I lay my brick, and I wait for yours, so that together we can build our common humanity.

Single Humanity Logo BlogYes, this is our space where we can act together in favour of our common humanity. If you have a story, a reflection, a proverb, a testimony or a picture that can encourage others to rise and act in favour of our single humanity, this is the place.

Note: the book A woman like mum is available for sale at the Provincial House in Woodlands, Lusaka.

SAP JPIC-ED Coordinators Meeting, Beira 2016

The annual meeting of the JPIC-ED coordinators of SAP, was held at Nazare Centre in Beira, Mozambique from the 22nd to 23rd June 2016. Due to some travelling complications that one or the other encountered on the way, we had to start the meeting a day later. There were the 4 of us: Christophe Boyer (South Africa), Philip Meraba (Malawi), Romaric Bationo (Zambia) and Fidel Salazar (Mozambique).

JPIC-ED Beira 016bBecause of the many reshuffles that happened in the province last year, this meeting could not take place as per planning. So it was imperative that we come together, get to know each other and do some planning this year. The objective of the meeting was threefold:  1) to make known to each other what is happening in our respective sectors, 2) to review the resolutions that were made in previous meetings and 3) as a result, to design some follow-up and planning.  

From our sharing, it was evident that in our province we are involved in various JPIC-ED undertakings although our commitment in ED seems weak. Despite this variety of involvement there is little sharing and discussion about them. We seem not to know how to tell our stories. It was also noticed that in every sector the JPIC-ED team is trying to establish itself and get to animate the sector.

Considering the present various endeavours and situations, and the plans that were decided by the previous meetings, we resolved to prioritise or revive our commitment to fight the new forms of slavery, our care for creation in line with “Laudato si”, our effort to promote reconciliation and empower the impoverished. We should do all this in the spirit of Encounter and Dialogue. In addition, we believe that the increasing presence of Islam in Southern Africa that is causing apprehension, fear with prejudices among some Christians, calls us to take a lead in the encounter and dialogue with Muslims. The provincial Coordinator and the sectors JPIC-ED teams will make every effort to animate and stimulate our M.Afr communities in these areas.

After the meeting, we had a guided tour of Nazare Centre and the city of Beira. Everything considered, it was a good meeting; not only did it give a kick-start to our SAP JPIC-ED team that had stalled for some time, but it helped us to pick things up where our predecessors left them, and draw a roadmap that will guide us . It is our hope that with the collaboration of every confrere and community we will be able to implement the resolutions taken.

Many thanks to the staff of Nazare Centre for hosting us and making our stay enjoyable.

Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, SAP JPIC-ED Coordinator

Blessed are those who are persecuted in the name of the Lord.

Tomas Seunda Jallet  c 2016By Tomas Seunda Jallet

On the 3rd and 4th June, the Islamist group Boko Haram stormed Bosso, a town in the eastern part of the Republic of Niger. At least 30 soldiers from the army were killed and several military equipment set ablaze. Armaments and food meant for the Nigerien soldiers were stolen. According to the United Nations, at least 50,000 people have been displaced. The government declared no civilian casualty.

Bosso is found in the Diffa region where Boko Haram has already perpetrated attacks resulting in human lost. The tiny Christian community is visited by our confreres who live in Zinder situated at 468 km away. Bosso is also at 870 km from Birni N’Konni and almost 1,200 km from the capital Niamey where I am doing my apostolic experience (stage).    

Sadly enough, while the government denies the existence of civilian victimisation, we lost one of our brothers called Rémi Lawson, a converted Christian from Islam. Since his conversion, Rémi was known for his boldness in bearing witness to his faith. After dispersing the army, Boko Haram stormed the area where Rémi was. They shot him on the left shoulder. Then, Rémi knelt down and made the sign of the cross in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Seeing it, an extremist militia man cried out “infidel” and killed him on the spot.

Already on the 16th and 17th January 2015, our churches and convents were set ablaze by ordinary Muslims. Why is it that our places of worship were maliciously burnt down? Our faith is being threatened. The example of Rémi is a proof that the public profession of our faith is not genuinely accepted. Niger is a secular state, yet this is only true on paper.

On the same day of his assassination, Rémi’s spouse gave peacefully birth to a child at the maternity ward. It was the wishes of Rémi to be so. But Rémi’s death is a drama to the family and a serious blow to our small Church in Niger. As my brother Lefterius Mwamba pointed out on the 2015 attacks, “we are persecuted but not forgotten”. A prayer vigil was organised so as to call the Lord’s strength upon us. We are still on a journey in making a Niger where all religious affiliations will be recognised. We call upon God’s name through his Son and our mother Mary so that we may all accept and move forward in mutual respect into our common humanity.

“In the world you will have hardships, but be courageous: I have conquered the world” said Jesus (Jn, 16: 33).  The zeal and hope to continue our mission in Niger can only be found in the peace promised by our Lord Jesus Christ who is also calling us to “go and make disciples of all nations (…..) And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time” (Mt 28:19a, 20b). We profess our faith through our commitment to building a peaceful Niger for all. 

Dear confreres, families and friends of the Missionaries of Africa, let us keep Rémi’s family in our prayers. We continue praying for the mission in Niger so that the harder the mission may become the bolder and zealous we may be in proclaiming God’s Kingdom.  

Bosso, Niger

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