Search results: "Chezi "

Father Dominic Kapatamoyo’s Priestly Ordination in Chezi, Malawi – July 7, 2018

By Vitus Danaa Abobo, M.Afr On the 7th of July, the parish of Chezi in Malawi witnessed an unforgettable event as our confrere Dominic Kapatamoyo was ordained priest. There was a big crowd of people present to this memorable event, the first of its kind in the parish. Sisters, Brothers, Fathers and students in formation […]

25 years Chezi Parish (Lilongwe, Malawi) & Catechist Chagwa, 50 years Jean Arnaud who also bye to Africa – 12 August 2017

By Brother Landry Busagara On the twelfth of August, Chezi Parish had a great joy of celebrating 25 years of its existence. We were so happy on that day. We have been preparing for it for more than a year. Then when the day arrived we were really excited to celebrate it and to welcome […]

Message of Fr Gilbert Rukondo, M.Afr, from Nigeria.

Father Rukundo sent a message from Nigeria sharing with us his missionary life. Here below a short presentation of himself (in English) and his story (in French). I was born in Rwanda in 1982. After my secondary school, I started my studies in philosophy in the Democratic Republic of Congo at ‘La Ruzizi’ formation Centre […]

SAP Stagiaires Meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi, Bethany Retreat Centre, Lilongwe, March 20 to 27, 2017.

By Chandan Nayak and Thierry Uyirwoth. We all traveled safely to Lilongwe, Malawi, for our Southern Africa Provincial Stagiaires meeting: one came from South Africa, four from Mozambique, six from Malawi and eight from Zambia. We were warmly welcomed by the Provincial Delegate of Malawi, Fr. Michel Sanou, and our two Stagiaires Coordinators Fr. Simon […]

Lavigerie memorial day celebration in Malawi on the 26th November.

By Landry Busagara, Stagiaire. Under the theme of “flourishing communities”, the M.Afr and MSOLA gathered at Chezi, about 50 km from Lilongwe, to celebrate the memorial of Cardinal Lavigerie, our Founder. First, a recollection centred on the philosophy of Ubuntu, “I am because we are”, helped each one to recognise that our interdependence and interconnectedness […]

Hervé Tougma renouvelle sa Déclaration d’intention à Jérusalem

By Dominique Arnauld, M.Afr, Jérusalem Thank you and “Bonne fête” à vous aussi! Ce soir, 26 novembre 2014, Cletus Atindaana, David Elweu et Hervé Tougma renouvellent leur Déclaration d’intention et reçoivent le ministère de l’acolytat. Réjouissez-vous avec nous! Note: Hervé a fait son stage apostolique à Chezi au Malawi. Il poursuit sa deuxième année d’étude […]

Priestly ordination of Remi Nyengere in Malawi

On Saturday 16th August, Christians gathered together in the compound of Lilongwe Cathedral to celebrate the Jubilee of three diocesan Priests and witness the priestly ordination of five deacons, among them one of our confreres; Remi Nyengere. With songs of praise and thanksgiving, people came to welcome their new pastoral leaders. A good number of […]

Return to the Lord of Father Adriaan van Pinxten

Father Adriaan died on January 27, 2014 in St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg Netherlands at the age of 79, of which 54 of missionary life in Malawi and in Netherlands. The funeral will be this coming Saturday afternoon at St Charles; afterwards we will lay him to rest in our cemetery at Heythuysen. He will be […]

Our confreres in Malawi

– Father Jean Arnaud, French, Chezi Parish – Father Claude Boucher, Canadian, Kungoni Centre – Father Christophe Boyer, French, Lilongwe, CfSC – Father Michel Côté, Canadian, Lilongwe, Sector House – Father Richard Deschênes, Canadian, Mzuzu – Father Filiyanus Ekka, Indian, Chezi Parish – Father Ortega Julio Feliu, Spanish, Lilongwe, Sector House –  Father Bonaventure Gubazire, Ugandan, […]

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