New academic year Abidjan 2017 01 copieBy Goodwell Levison.

The opening Mass of the new academic year in Abidjan took place on Friday September 15, 2017.  The first purpose of the event was to welcome the new members of the formation house called the Lavigerie Centre. Paul Pipe started his first year while Joseph Goodwell Levison made his declaration of intention as a second-year student. Both of them are Malawians from the Southern Africa Province (SAP). A third-year student is also from SAP; Brian Banda from Zambia. The new rector, Fr. François Xavier Bigeziki was also presented to the community at Mass.

It is a custom in Western part of Africa to welcome visitors with a cup of water. This local ritual was performed to welcome the new rector and students once they have knocked at the door outside the campus. Then, the visitors were being asked to express their intention of coming. Few pictures below are showing this cultural behaviour. The new academic year starts on Monday 18th September. We wish them all a fruitful year.

On behalf of my fellow brothers here in Abidjan and my own behalf, we appreciate and recognize always the members from SAP and those working in SAP for your unceasing moral, financial and spiritual support.