Category: Missionaries of Africa Page 2 of 3

2017 calendar leading to the Jubilee celebrations of 150 years since the foundation of the Missionaries of Africa – made in South Africa


Final Oath of Moses Sense Simukonde and Elvis Ng’andwe

Moses Simukonde  and familyTogether with five new confreres, Moses Sense Simukonde made his final Oath on Saturday April 2016 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, South B, Nairobi. It was a great moment for him as members of his family went to Kenya for the event.

Oath 02-07-2016 06Elvis Ng’andwe also made his final Oath on the 2nd July 2016 at Kapisha Parish in Chingola, Zambia. The main celebrant was Rev. Fr. Ngosa, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Ndola, who acted on behalf of Bishop Alick Banda. His Oath read in Chibemba was received by Father Stanley Lubungo newly chosen to become the Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa, residing in Rome.

Moses was born on the 28th June 1988 in Monze, Zambia. He is the first born of five children. The mother is originally from Kenya. Elvis was born on the 14th July 1981 in Chingola, Zambia. He is the 10th born in a family of 12. He obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Laws from Tumaini University in 2008.

Both Moses and Elis speak French fluently. We are proud that they have become members or our Society as Brothers.

Mafrwestafrica lettre du 30 juin 2016

Missionnaire d'Afrique Logo Afrique de l'ouestAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site


« Le nouveau maire de Ouagadougou » un article publié dans le magazine « Jeune Afrique » (lire la suite)

« Le développement plutôt que le sécuritaire » un article publié le 24 juin à propos de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. (lire la suite)


« Contempler les paraboles » un texte proposé par le père Herman Bastijns pour un temps de retraite. (lire la suite)

« Boko Haram au Niger » le texte reçu d’un étudiant Missionnaire d’Afrique qui vit son stage de formation à Niamey. (lire la suite)

« Formation chez les SMNDA » un article écrit par une « Sœur Blanche » et qui nous parle de la formation au sein de cette congrégation missionnaire très proche des Pères Blancs (lire la suite)

Dialogue interreligieux

« Ramadan, Dialogue, Coran » : trois articles récents pris sur le site de l’A.R.C.R.E. (lire la suite)
« Quel dialogue est possible ? » Une question qui se pose d’une manière de plus en plus forte dans la situation actuelle. (lire la suite)

Justice et Paix

« A l’aube d’un nouveau moyen-âge » Même si nous vivons en 2016, de nombreux signes préoccupants de notre société nous renvoient loin en arrière (lire la suite)

« Magistrats en colère au Burkina » un article datant du 16 juin, sur le site « ». Les magistrats remettent en effet en cause l’action des autorités politiques au sein du conseil supérieur de la magistrature (lire la suite)

Vu au Sud – Vu du Sud

« Où en est le Mali suite aux accords d’Alger ? » Ces accords datent du 20 juin 2015. Des informations prises sur le site de Radio France Internationale. (lire la suite)

« Le chef d’Ansar Dine menace les forces internationales » Toujours sur le Mali, des informations à la fois très récentes, et des explications plus anciennes au sujet des divers groupes islamiques s’y trouvant (lire la suite)

New CD of St. Peter’s Main Choir – Serenje Catholic Church, Zambia

St. Peter's Main Choir - Serenje

St. Peter's Main Choir - Serenje2Title: : Let’s praise You.

Songs: 1. You who serve the Lord. 2. The body of Jesus. 3. Confession. 4. Praises. 5. Father, I have overcome the world. 6. He is blessed. 7. My child. 8. You, our God, care for us. 9. Let’s praise You. 10. I send you. 11. He is born. 12. You God, come! Note: all the songs are in Chibemba.

The CD is a thanksgiving for 53 years of presence of the Missionaries of Africa in Serenje, Zambia. Currently in Serenje are Father Saju Jose Akkara, Indian, Deacon Douglas Ogato, Kenyan, and Innocent Majune Iranzi, Congolese.

28th General Chapter of the Missionaries of Africa

Logo Chapter 2016 copieChapter 2016 01bOn Friday morning the 13th May 2016, our Superior General, newly ordained Bishop of Wa in Ghana, came back to preside over the 28th General Chapter of the Missionaries of Africa, at least until a new Superior General is elected. At 12:30 on Friday, the Community of the “Maison Généraliste” together with all the capitulants already arrived, came together to welcome and congratulate Richard.

Newsletter South Africa No 58 – 26th December, 2015

Newsletter South Africa no 58 titleMy dear Friends, Christmas Greetings to you all! It is with joy that I write to you on this day after Christmas, which is celebrated here in South Africa as the “DAY OF GOOD WILL”. Consider the message of the angels on Christmas night: “…Peace to people of good will”!

Newsletter South Africa No 58 Deacons SA Dec 2015As mentioned in the last Newsletter, on 27th November six of our candidates became officially Missionaries of Africa by taking their missionary oath. The next day, they were ordained deacons. Now they are all gone to different M.Afr parishes in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to help out during their Christmas holidays. They will be back by mid-January for their annual retreat and their last academic year in Cedara.

From 3rd to 6th December, there was the mini World Youth Day in Bosco Centre near Walkerville. Over two thousand youths came from all over, including Botswana and Lesotho! On Saturday 5th, with two youth interested in the M.Afr, we put up our exhibition; many visited it and asked questions. We hope and pray for vocations.

On December 8, Patrick and his co-novices received the M.Afr habit and rosary in the noviciate in Zambia. From 11th to 14th I took part in the Xaveri Camp in Rustenburg: 85 youths and adults were present. Nice occasion to introduce them to a possible vocation as missionary priest, brother and sister!

Fr. Jean-Pierre Le Scour, M.Afr who works to combat human trafficking in the Mozambique-South Africa border had a serious heart operation and is now resting here. Your prayers for him, please.

Christmas is still here. May it last the whole year: “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” (Mother Teresa)

Fr. Michael Meunier, M.Afr

Newsletter South Africa No 58

Meeting of the Treasurers of the Society in Zambia

Treasurers meeting FENZA Dec 2015 03bThe Treasurers of the Society are meeting this week in FENZA, Lusaka, Zambia. They are going through heavy work since Monday hoping to end up in time on Friday for the final barbecue. We wish them a fruitful meeting and plenty of good ideas for the financial health of our Society.

Present: Jim Green, Jean-Guy Labrecque, Claude Venne, Diarmuid Sheehan, John Abobo, Jérôme Kodjo, Antony Baaladong, Denis Laflamme, Edmond Banda, José-Manuel Gordejuela, Didier Lemaine and Fons Vanden Boer.

Oath and Diaconate in South Africa, November 27, 2015

neralOath Diaconate SA Nov 2015 01By Amorain Wayikpo and Jean-Paul Basikaba, Media Committee, Merrivale.

Some of the young men in the Formation House in Merrivale, South Africa, professed their final Oath on the 27th November 2015. They are six: Albert Kondemodre (Burkinabe); Alphonse-Marie Byishimo (Rwandese); Damian Ahimbisibwe (Ugandan); Douglas Ogato Momanyi (Kenyan); Konrad Simon Millanzi (Tanzanian) and Robbin Simbeye (Zambian). Rev. Father Jozef Van Boxel, 1st Assistant of the General Council presided over the Eucharistic celebration and received the missionary Oath of these young confreres who have become full members of the Society of the M.Afr. After the community Morning Prayer, as it is required in view of a diaconate ordination, the candidates confessed their faith and belief in the Roman Catholic Church. They all signed the declaration of faith as their resolute will of serving and leading the people of God according to the official teaching of the Church.

In his homily, Father Jozef Van Boxel mentioned some similarities between the Prophet Samuel’s call (Sam 3:1-10) and the missionary call. This call to serve God comes from God. It is something very personal and intimate between God and those who are called. It includes listening, discerning and answering. The preacher pointed out some basis of the missionary call found in the Gospel (Matthew 11:25-30): the importance of a disciple to have a childlike trust and confidence in God that involves obedience to God and our Superiors in carrying out God’s mission and not our own; living apostolic charity in our mission and remaining celibate for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Fr. Jozef invited the new confreres to a very deep, close and personal relationship with God through a prayerful life which is a best means of fulfilling peacefully and joyfully God’s call.

The next day, on the 28th November 2015, the six new M. Afr, joined by three other candidates namely one Dominican, Clement Mweni (Zambian) and two Sacred Heart of Jesus, Blaise Bonkondi Biane (Congolese) and Ushinde Kambale Sahani (Congolese), were ordained deacons at St. Raphael’s Parish – Kwamzimba by Most Rev. Bishop Barry Wood, Assistant Bishop of the Archdiocese of Durban.

SAP Pre-Capitular Assembly – November 2015

SAP_Pre-Cap_Nov_2015_02SAP Pre-Capitular Assembly took place in Mid-November 2015 at Kasisi Retreat Centre in Lusaka. Those who attended the meeting were Fons Vanden Boer, Remacle-Lamec Ciza, Deogratius Ngowi and Raymond McQuarry from South Africa. Then Robert Tebri, Michel Sanou, Paul Namono, Filiyanus Ekka and Simeon Kalore form Malawi, Julian Kasiya, Fidel Salazar del Muro, Jean-Bosco Nibigira and Boris Yabre from Mozambique, Norbert Nkingwa, Bernard Udelhoven, Benjamin Itungabose,  John Itaru, Adelarde Munishi, Patrice Sawadogo, Romaric Bationo, Francis Bomansaan, Venerato Babaine and the Provincial Stanley Lubungo from Zambia. The Animator was Luigi Morell and the Secretaries were Serge St-Arneault and Didasio Mwanza.

Most discussions took place in the main hall though five groups studied the content of SAP recommendations for the 2016 General Chapter.

The last day saw the confreres enjoying an outing at Chaminuka private Park situated is about 45 minutes from the venue of Kasisi. They enjoyed a time of relaxation exploring the environment were a variety of animals can we seen on the ground and by boats. Enjoy the pictures. Chaminuka is also well known for its artifacts, sculpture collections for all Africa (quite a few from West Africa), paintings and modern sculpture made out of cars’ spare parts.

Lavigerie’s Day in Lusaka

MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1Cardinal_Lavigerie

MIMSAF, the Friends of the Missionaries of Africa in Zambia, invited all the M.Afr and M.S.O.L.A. for a special Mass at the Good Shepherd’s church, Kabwata, Lusaka, to commemorate the death of our founder Cardinal Lavigerie. A snack was offered after Mass for everyone including the altar boys. Antoon Oostveen was the main celebrant. He enlightened some aspects of the personality of our founder thanking God for his inspirational strength which is helping us to accomplish our mission in Africa up to now.

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