Lavigerie’s Day in Lusaka

MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1Cardinal_Lavigerie

MIMSAF, the Friends of the Missionaries of Africa in Zambia, invited all the M.Afr and M.S.O.L.A. for a special Mass at the Good Shepherd’s church, Kabwata, Lusaka, to commemorate the death of our founder Cardinal Lavigerie. A snack was offered after Mass for everyone including the altar boys. Antoon Oostveen was the main celebrant. He enlightened some aspects of the personality of our founder thanking God for his inspirational strength which is helping us to accomplish our mission in Africa up to now.


Newsletter South Africa No 57 – 26th November, 2015


SAP Pre-Capitular Assembly – November 2015

1 Comment

  1. Also in Rome we had a beautiful celebration which began with a visit of the tomb of our founder in the renovated crypt of the Generalate.

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