neralBy Amorain Wayikpo and Jean-Paul Basikaba, Media Committee, Merrivale.
Some of the young men in the Formation House in Merrivale, South Africa, professed their final Oath on the 27th November 2015. They are six: Albert Kondemodre (Burkinabe); Alphonse-Marie Byishimo (Rwandese); Damian Ahimbisibwe (Ugandan); Douglas Ogato Momanyi (Kenyan); Konrad Simon Millanzi (Tanzanian) and Robbin Simbeye (Zambian). Rev. Father Jozef Van Boxel, 1st Assistant of the General Council presided over the Eucharistic celebration and received the missionary Oath of these young confreres who have become full members of the Society of the M.Afr. After the community Morning Prayer, as it is required in view of a diaconate ordination, the candidates confessed their faith and belief in the Roman Catholic Church. They all signed the declaration of faith as their resolute will of serving and leading the people of God according to the official teaching of the Church.
In his homily, Father Jozef Van Boxel mentioned some similarities between the Prophet Samuel’s call (Sam 3:1-10) and the missionary call. This call to serve God comes from God. It is something very personal and intimate between God and those who are called. It includes listening, discerning and answering. The preacher pointed out some basis of the missionary call found in the Gospel (Matthew 11:25-30): the importance of a disciple to have a childlike trust and confidence in God that involves obedience to God and our Superiors in carrying out God’s mission and not our own; living apostolic charity in our mission and remaining celibate for the sake of God’s kingdom.
Fr. Jozef invited the new confreres to a very deep, close and personal relationship with God through a prayerful life which is a best means of fulfilling peacefully and joyfully God’s call.
The next day, on the 28th November 2015, the six new M. Afr, joined by three other candidates namely one Dominican, Clement Mweni (Zambian) and two Sacred Heart of Jesus, Blaise Bonkondi Biane (Congolese) and Ushinde Kambale Sahani (Congolese), were ordained deacons at St. Raphael’s Parish – Kwamzimba by Most Rev. Bishop Barry Wood, Assistant Bishop of the Archdiocese of Durban.
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