From Antoon Oostveen: I received Friday night the sad news that my sister, Tonny, passed away. She had just become 84 years. Though her mind was very clear and alert, her physical health had been diminishing more and more over de past years. She was the first born of 14 children and had been a very loving 2nd mum to all of us. May she now rest in peace with God.
From Luigi Morell: Dear Confreres, this is to inform that we received the news that the father of Fr Deogratias Ngowi died on the 9th January in the hospital at Moshi. He will travel to Tanzania on Monday. The burial is expected to take place on Wednesday or Thursday near Moshi, where the family plot is. Deo’s father was hospitalised a few days ago. They found the sugar level quite high and he was confused. They managed to lower the sugar level to the usual level, but the situation did not improve. So other tests were taken. But his condition deteriorated and died around 16:00. He was 77 years old. Deogratias plans to be away until 4th February.
Lamec Ciza, M.Afr
May God grant them eternal rest in his peace and love. Lamec Ciza, M.Afr
Didier Michon, M.Afr
Paris, January 10th 2016. Forward my sympathy to Deogratias and tell him that we pray for his father and for Tony’sister. Didier Michon, M.Afr
Camille Konkobo, M.Afr
Forward my condolences to both Antoon and Deo. May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace. We pray for them. Camille Konkobo, M.Afr
Filiyanus Ekka, M.Afr
Hearty condolences to our brothers Antoon and Deogratius. We are United with you in prayer. During Eucharistic celebration we remember then In special way. United in prayer. Filiyanus Ekka, M.Afr
Charles Obanya, M.Afr
Condolences to Antoon and to Deo. We are united with both of them and their families in this time of grief. Fraternally, Charles Obanya, M.Afr
John mubanga
My condolences to Antoon and Deogratias.May the souls of sister of Antoon and the Father of Deogratias rest in Eternal peace of Christ. John Mubanga
Roy Jules, M.Afr
Please convey my sympathies to Fr Toon Oostveen and Fr Deogratias. I pray for them and for their family. God bless them. Roy Jules, M.Afr
Venerato Babaine, M.Afr
Dear Antoon; my condolences upon your beloved sister whom you describe as your second mother in the family. I have been away in Tanzania and when I came the good internet was off in the house. I just learnt of the death just by opening the e-mail.
Mwakalosheni mukwai! Elder sisters normally jump in to take the mother position when a mother is no longer there. This is what your sister Tonny has been to all of her siblings. Tonny has done her part and has gone to rest. We thank God for all the good she did to you in particular, to the neighbours and many people that may have profited from her motherliness.
Human life is like a sun, it rises from the east and sets to the west. Its rising inevitably announces the sunset after a good hours of the season. What is important is that the sun gives some light and heat and marks the day. Tonny in her life gave warmth to many and was a support to the family. As she slips away into the darkness of a new life, we accompany her with prayer and hope the Lord will give her a new dawn of life where she will not ache anymore and worry about the cattle in the farm or to warn the tea for the children.
May the Lord grants Tonny new life of eternal joy in communion with Christ the Risen Lord. May her presence be ever felt in the family though she is no longer around physically! The spirit of goodness lives for ever.
May Tonny rest in peace; condolences to you and the whole family! Venerato Babaine, M.Afr
My condolences! May God comfort you, give you strength and courage. We will all meet our departed ones in GODS GLORY.