Warm greetings from Kabwe, ordination of Humphrey Mukuka, June 2015

Humphrey-Mukuka-ordination-00Warm greetings from Kabwe, particularly from myself and all my family members and friends. Here we are very fine thank you. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all fellow confreres and to all those who in one way or another contributed to the success of my Priestly Ordination and my First Mass respectively on 27 and 28 June 2015. Special thanks to MIMSAF from Lusaka who came in big numbers to render support and encouragement. May our loving God richly bless each and every one of you. I am very touched by the warm support received from you all. Let us continue supporting and encouraging one another in this way as our commitment to serve our Lord continues. Thank you so much once more to every one of you. 

Fr. Humphrey Mukuka (M.Afr)

Click on the following picture to see the video:




Pontifical Mission Societies South Africa – July 2015


Farewell Party for Brother Karl Kälin, July 3, 2015


  1. I wish you all the best in your priesthood journey.You have just started your journey be strong and prayerful.

    Peter Chama

  2. The Poor Clares Lusaka

    Prayerful greetings of congratulations to you FATHER HUMPHREY MUKUKA, M. Africa! We have just heard of your ordination now after receiving this e-mail from SAP. We want to assure you our prayers especially this year for all the consecrated when our Community prays for each one in particular and all those being ordained this special year. Pray for us too and bless us all!
    Your Poor Clare Sisters in Lusaka, Zambia.

  3. Jean Chaptal

    Nous aurons une ordination ici à Lubumbashi le 18/07 et 1ère messe le lendemain de notre confrère Nicolas Dyemo nommé au Mali.Salutations. Jean Chaptal, M.Afr

  4. Sr. Chimwemwe Mgangira

    Thanks for all the news you faithfully send to us. good day
    God bless, Sr. Chimwemwe Mgangira

  5. Geoffrey Mucani

    Congratulations Mukuka!! Beaucoup de courage! Geoffrey Mucani

  6. Claude Galmiche, M.Afr

    Congratulations from an old father of 90 years,……. koma ndikhali moyo!!!
    Mulungu akudalitseni. Bambo Galmiche.

  7. Jules Roy, M.Afr

    Dear Humphrey,
    I received the news of your ordination with joy and thanksgivings. May the Lord fill you of his Spirit and strenghten you in order that the grace of your ordination follows you all the days of your life. Receive my blessings and be assured of my prayers. Bye! Jules Roy, M.Afr

    • Marien van den Eijnden , m.afr.

      Dear Humphrey,
      I enjoyed the photographs of your ordination, and wish you to become as happy in your vocation as I have been these past 50 years!
      Marien van den Eijnden, M.Afr.

  8. Congratulations my roommate! Welcome to the vineyard of the Lord. Fr. Vincent

  9. Josaphat Hitimana

    Quelle belle cérémonie d’ordination sacerdotale, splendide ! Je suis impressionné de voir même un tapis rouge. Josaphat Hitimana

  10. Congretulation padre. It really interesting to be a priest of God, most expecially in the missionaries of Africa. May God increase strength in you. Benjamin an aspirant of white father’s in Nigeria.

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