Tag: Priestly ordination

Priestly Ordination of Dago do Rosário Estima in Dondo, Mozambique

On Saturday 26th June, the Southern African Province (SAP), most especially the Sector of Mozambique was blessed with the priestly ordination of our confrere Dago do Rosário Estima. The journey has been long but finally the light has shined, God made it possible. His time is always the best. Our joy has been complete. What we wished our brother on the day of his first mass, is to treasure, care and keep safe the great gift received in jars of clay (2 Cor 2:7) till the day he will go to return it to the Owner. Within the period of two years, Mozambique has given to the Society and the Church at large three priests.

The journey has been long for Mozambique as a sector, but also for our newly ordained confrere. However, God made it possible. Meant to be the second Mozambican confrere, Dago ended up being the fourth. During the fourth phase of formation, Dago paused for two years before going back to finish his theological studies. It was a special moment but when God calls, He knows how to guide, to strengthen and lead us through. Dago made good use of the two years of time out as a teacher in a private school, after which he went back for the last year of his formation in Nairobi. After his theological studies, Dago returned to Mozambique where he took his Missionary Oath and got ordained as a deacon.  The Oath took place in the Sector House of Inhamizua (Beira), while the ordination itself took place in his home parish (Dondo Parish), during the priestly ordination of Timóteo Cheiro, the first confrere from this new generation.

After his diaconate ordination, Dago was appointed to Nigeria which is part of Ghana-Nigeria Province where he rendered his diaconate service. After his diaconal service, he was Called for his priestly ordination which brought together all the confreres within the Sector. After which we negotiated with Archbishop Dom Cláudio Dalla Zuanna of Beira Archdiocese to fix the date of the long-awaited event. At the beginning, looking at the schedule in our communities and parishes, as well as the situation of covid-19 pandemic, the confreres agreed to have the ordination in July. However, the Archbishop suggested 26th June since his program for July was too tight.

We believed and trusted in God’s providence as we planned for Dago’s ordination, and surely, we witnessed His providence. With the covid-19 pandemic situation, the president of Mozambique announced a situation of calamity in the country, hence restricting the number of participants for any Eucharistic celebration to at most hundred and fifty (150). It is with this number in mind that we had prepared for the ceremony. However, on the 24th June, the president restricted the number further to forty (40) due to the worsening nature of the pandemic. How could we have managed a priestly ordination with only forty people? God has made it possible and we were lucky since the new directives were only effective from 26th June at midnight. The date suggested by the bishop, which at the beginning seemed not to satisfy the majority, ended up miraculously being something positive which solved our concerns. The confreres gathered together with their brother Dago, as he received the great gift of priesthood on Saturday. The following day, which was a Sunday, Dago presided over his first mass. For each of the two celebrations, we managed with the permission of the authorities to welcome about hundred-fifty people while respecting the covid-19 regulations and measures.

No matter how long the night might be, the daylight will always show up. Indeed, after twelve good years walking humbly with the Lord to discern His project and will, Dago was ordained priest Missionary of Africa, for and in the Church. At the end of the celebration, after thanking the ordaining Archbishop of Beira, Most Rev. Dom Cláudio, and the parishioners, the Provincial Delegate, Rev. Fr. Raphaël Gasimba (M.Afr.) announced that the newly ordained confrere has been appointed to Nigeria where he was as deacon to continue with the work he has already started. We pray that Dago may find joy and fulfilment in his ministry as priest in the footsteps of Christ.

By: Hervé Tougma, M.Afr.

Warm greetings from Kabwe, ordination of Humphrey Mukuka, June 2015

Humphrey-Mukuka-ordination-00Warm greetings from Kabwe, particularly from myself and all my family members and friends. Here we are very fine thank you. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all fellow confreres and to all those who in one way or another contributed to the success of my Priestly Ordination and my First Mass respectively on 27 and 28 June 2015. Special thanks to MIMSAF from Lusaka who came in big numbers to render support and encouragement. May our loving God richly bless each and every one of you. I am very touched by the warm support received from you all. Let us continue supporting and encouraging one another in this way as our commitment to serve our Lord continues. Thank you so much once more to every one of you. 

Fr. Humphrey Mukuka (M.Afr)

Click on the following picture to see the video:



Priestly ordination of Remi Nyengere in Malawi

05-Presentation-of-the-son- - CopyOn Saturday 16th August, Christians gathered together in the compound of Lilongwe Cathedral to celebrate the Jubilee of three diocesan Priests and witness the priestly ordination of five deacons, among them one of our confreres; Remi Nyengere. With songs of praise and thanksgiving, people came to welcome their new pastoral leaders. A good number of Missionaries of Africa, MSOLA, the delegation of Zambia and some visitors from Spain were present to support him in his new commitment.
In his homily, the Archbishop of Lilongwe, Most Rev. Tarcisio Ziyaye, explained the importance of prayer in the life of a priest. “Prayer, he said, is like an engine of a car in the life of a priest’’. He also invited parents to offer their children to the Church for the sake of salvation. The six hours Mass ended with a reception organized in the bishop’s house for all religious.
Remi celebrated his first Mass the following day in his home Parish at Mponela which is about 55km north of Lilongwe. Remi is the first Missionary of Africa from his Parish. “His ordination, said Monsignor Sonkani, Parish Priest of Mponela, is the opening door of missionary vocations’’. During this celebration, the family members of our confrere expressed their gratitude to the entire family of Missionaries of Africa for accompanying Remi during his formation journey.
Remi is appointed to Katakwi Parish, Soroti, in Uganda. We wish him all the best!
Etienne Ngoma – Stagiaire at Chezi Parish, Malawi


Priestly Ordination of Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga, M.Afr

???????????????????????????????Emmanuel-Mubanga-JPGSAP Province, Sector of Zambia, is proud to announce the priestly ordination of Deacon Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga, M.Afr which will take place on the 2nd August 2014 at Sainte Thereza Parish in Minga at 9:00 hours by His Lordship George Cosmas Zumaile Lungu, Bishop of Chipata, Zambia.

Thanksgiving and First Mass will be on Sunday 3rd August at 10:00 hours at Christ the King Parish, Kalichero.


Links:  Missionary Oath in Jerusalem

Diaconate of Emmanuel Mubanga Chisanga in Jerusalem

Priestly Ordination of Simeon Kalore M.Afr

simon_kalore003 - Copie_modifié-2Saturday 20th July 2013
Dear brothers,
We have just coming back from the ordination of Simeon Kalore by Right Rev. Mgr Woldeghorgis Matheos, bishop of Hosana Vicariate in Ethiopia. Abune Weldegiorgis Matheos ordained him on 20th of July and his thanksgiving mass was on the following day. The ordination day was not as full as was Simeon thanksgiving mass. Though all his brothers and sisters have converted to Evangelical church, we had a beautiful celebration with all of them. So it was an ecumenical celebration. We were five confreres, students and the FROMA (friends of the missionaries of Africa) who accompanied him from Tigray. Despite the fact that it is rainy season, the Lord of rain protected us from disruption. We had beautiful weather and it was only the day we were leaving Taza that we got a shower that lasted till 10am. Indeed the Lord provided us with all the reason to celebrate our brothers’ priestly ministry. Now we need to continue accompanying him differently.
Bonaventure Mashata, M.Afr
Delegate Superior Ethiopia- Proche-Orient

Invitation to the priestly ordination of Lowrent Thokozani Kamwaza

Lowrent Thokozani KamwazaI know in whom I have put my Trust, and I have no doubt at all” (2Timothy 1: 12)

In a profound way these words synthesize my missionary vocation journey. The ten years of my initial formation have been in many ways a journey of trust in the One calling me: Jesus Christ. Trust in that voice so deep within me: “Oh! The word of my Lord deep within my being… Before I formed you in the womb I knew you through and through and had called you to be my son.” Everything has been about trust and experiencing the love of God. Trust in those accompanying me and trust in myself that with God’s grace, I respond positively to my sensed call to priesthood as a Missionary of Africa. I pray and believe that this will mark my whole missionary journey: “I know in whom I have put my trust, and I have no doubt at all” (2Timothy 1: 12). Indeed a journey of love and trust in God’s graces that have led me this far in life. I remain grateful to all of you, confreres and friends, who have helped me to experience this trust in the one calling me into his vineyard as a priest of the order of Melchizedeck.

It is on this beautiful note that I invite you all to join me on this wonderful day of my priestly ordination, Saturday 13th July 2013 at Kasina parish of Dedza Diocese in Malawi by His Lordship Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama and thanksgiving mass on 14th July 2013 in my home village Mtenje of Kasina Parish. I look forward to be united with you all in presence and prayers.

Yours fraternally,

Lowrent Thokozani Kamwaza, M.Afr

Priestly ordination of Norbert Nkingwa in Tanzania

diacre_Norbert_R_NkingwaArchbishop Jude Thadaeus Ruwa’ichiDear C. Chileshe,
It is my hope that you are doing well and carrying on with your daily activities. I wish to invite you for my ordination to priesthood on the 25th July 2013 in Malya Parish, Mwanza Archdiocese in Tanzania by the Archbishop Jude Thadaeus Ruwa’ichi.
I understand it might not be possible for you to attend but, at least, I am assured of your prayer. Mwaiseni
Norbert Nkingwa, M.Afr

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