The beginning of the academic year 2014-2015 at Fraternité Lavigerie of Abidjan

Official opening of the academic year 2014 6 copieThis academic year at Fraternité Lavigerie announces itself with a blessing of thirteen new community members. Among the thirteen, two of our brothers are originally from our province (SAP). These are: Michael Mpindo (Malawi) and Moses Simukonde (Zambia). We are very happy of their being part of our community. For this reason, we wish them a warm welcome at Fraternité Lavigerie. Akwaba to you our brothers! Our community consists of 37 members, 33 candidates and 4 formators.
The official opening of the academic year 2014-2015 for our community took place on Friday 19th of September 2014. In order to mark our Eucharistic celebration with the event of the day, it was presided by Fr Jean Bipendo who was celebrating his birthday. In addition, we were equally happy to witness to the declaration of intent of nine second year brothers. For this reason, we address our congratulations to Martin Kasongo (Zambia), Fredrick Mulenga (Zambia) and Peter Nyirenda (Malawi). We wish them all the best of luck and may the good Lord continue nourishing their intelligence in their Theological studies so that they become his true servants tomorrow.
This year’s uniqueness presented itself in the way our community project was formulated.  With the help of the image of a tree, we formulated it. In fact, as compared to previous years, this approach was new and was equally appreciated by a good number of community members. In this case, we officially inaugurated our theme for the year. Here it is: “Vivons Notre Arbre” which literally means “Let us live our tree”. To symbolize our theme in a special way, we planted a mango tree just after the Eucharistic celebration. This was done in our community compound. It was after this symbolic action that we continued with our celebration outside the dining hall. We wish our community of Fraternité Lavigerie a happy and successful academic year 2014-2015. We pray that the Lord helps us build a community worth of its name: Fraternité Lavigerie. 
Humphrey Mukuka



Mafrwestafrica – lettre du 21 septembre 2014


Tragic death of the younger brother of Audace Niyonsaba, stagiaire in Zambia


  1. Jean-Marie Béliveau, M.Afr

    I wish the very best to the students of Fraternité Lavigerie and wisdom to the staff members. Have a nice year. Jean-Marie Béliveau, M.Afr. Québec community


    I wish you the very best Moses as you start another stage in your formation. I was waiting for you as you promised to come and see us. God bless you Moses.


    Praise God Br Moses us you start another formation

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