- Traditionally, we give drinking water to our visitors as a sign of welcome.
- The whole community of the Fraternité Lavigerie of Abidjan 2014-2015.
- Moses Sense Simukonde and Michael Mpindo
- The group of the first year candidates at Fraternité Lavigerie 2014-2015.
- Martin Kasongo, Fredrick Mulenga and Peter Nyirenda.
- After the Eucharistic celebration the second year candidates take a promotion photo around the just planted community mango tree.
- Nine second year candidates pronounce their declaration of intent.
Jean-Marie Béliveau, M.Afr
I wish the very best to the students of Fraternité Lavigerie and wisdom to the staff members. Have a nice year. Jean-Marie Béliveau, M.Afr. Québec community
I wish you the very best Moses as you start another stage in your formation. I was waiting for you as you promised to come and see us. God bless you Moses.
Praise God Br Moses us you start another formation