Welcome to Zambia 2014 course attracted eleven participants: six students of the Missionaries of Africa who are appointed to Zambia for two years of pastoral experience in parishes; two Comboni sisters who have been working in Zambia for some time; a Fidei Donum priest from Poland who has just taken up an appointment in the Catholic Diocese of Kabwe and finally a couple from the USA.
An input on intercultural communication was added to the program this year. It aims at helping the participants to mitigate the cultural shocks they might experience.
The speakers were the staff of FENZA and invited professionals or experts in topics covered. They enthusiastically came to share insights with the participants to help them deepen their knowledge and appreciate better the dynamics of life in Zambia.
Beneficiating from an active participation of the attendants, the updated insightful presentations from the speakers and the chance to encounter or interact with different people, we are glad to say that the program has been successful. 
Picture: Daniel and Andrea Kaiser