My ordination took place in the parish grounds of Jene Parish in Ngozi Diocese. The Mass started by a long procession which began from the main church. Many priests and religious as well as thousands of Christians were present to witness the event. Mgr. Gervais Banshimiyubusa, Bishop of Ngozi, ordained nine young men to priesthood, eight to diaconate, six were instituted acolytes and ten received the ministry of reader. The ceremony took about four and half hours. A number of Missionaries of Africa attended the ceremony; Bigeziki Francois Xavier, the Assistant Provincial of PAC, Jean de Dieu Bukuru, Boguslaw Zero, Jean Bosco Nibigira, Bernard Lesay as well as some missionary candidates. The MSOLA Sisters were represented by Sr. Victoire Niyonzima. It was a joyful day. In his remarks the Bishop expressed his gratitude to the Missionaries of Africa who gave him the chance to ordain a Missionary of Africa for the first time. The Mass ended at 15:00 hrs and was followed by a reception. My mother Leoncie, my brothers Bosco, Bernard and Renovat as well as my sister Jeanine, my two aunts, Generose and Aloysia, my cousin Evelyn and my godfather Alexandre and his wife were present. It was a memorable event and I had never felt such a great joy in my heart. After the reception we went back to Nyamurenza, my home parish, to wait for the thanksgiving Mass which took place the following day. I give thanks to Almighty God who has chosen me to be his servant and sent me to share my missionary joy with the people of Kasamba Parish in Mansa Diocese in Zambia.Itungabose Benjamin, M.Afr
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