Welcome to Mission Press
Mission Press is a religious institution, an initiative of the Conventual Franciscan Friars in Zambia that specialises in printing, publishing and electronic media. At the moment Mission Press is the largest Christian NON PROFIT orientated printing and publishing institution in Zambia. Since its humble beginning in 1970, it has grown into a truly modern facility. This is possible because of the total dedication of all the Friars and workers at Mission Press during its 39 years of operation. It has never been easy for a religious institution to compete with professionals working in the field of mass media, it is even more difficult to achieve and maintain a leading role in such fields. We can proudly say that Mission Press has managed to do exactly that, be it in terms of state of the art equipment, highly competitive quality production and value of its message. Mission Press is wholeheartedly committed to fundamental Christian values in promoting social justice and respect of human rights.- Mulele Mwana Youth Skills Training Centre Tailoring Department, 2009 intake, Graduation on 1st October 2010
Allan CHANDA Sakeni
This is great and so inspiring to read about Fr.Marc, my former vocation director and Fr.Humphrey Mukuka, my former school mate.