Tag: Satanism

Official launching of the “Unseen Worlds” – 27th February 2015 at FENZA, Zambia

Romaric BationoBy Fr. Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

The latest FENZA book “Unseen World” by Bernhard Udelhoven was launched to great compliments at an event organised and hosted by FENZA on Friday 27th February 2015. The book launch attracted good number people; well-wishers, friends and partners of FENZA. Among other attendants, there were the archbishop of Lusaka, Bishop Telesphore Mpundu; the German Ambassador to Zambia, his Excellency Mr Bernd Finke; the ZEC secretary general, Fr Zulu; the secretary of the Apostolic Nuncio, Fr Marco Formica; the National Pastoral Coordinator, Fr Justin Matepa; and the Provincial of the M.Afr in Southern Africa, Fr Christopher Chileshe.

Radio Yatsani represented by its director, Fr Singini, was there to record the event for a later broadcast.

Launching Unseen Worlds Feb 05The featured speakers were Bernhard Udelhoven the author of the book, Fr. Thomas Banda, the Diocesan pastoral coordinator for Lusaka archdiocese, and Chuma Peter Mfumu, one of the “Fingers of Thomas”.  Fr Bernhard explained succinctly how the book came about and its contributors. Fr Thomas spoke powerfully of the book. He commented that the book makes the case for urgent pastoral intervention gives hope and provides pastoral insights to deal with cases of witchcraft, Satanism and spirits possessions. He concluded with a glowing tribute to the book as sensible and a “must-read”.

After the interventions of the panelists, the audience was given the opportunity to comment on the book or ask questions. Many shared their experience and struggle to come to term with the issue of witchcraft. Others expressed their happiness that the book will elucidate the overwhelming issues of witchcraft and Satanism. Most of them congratulated Bernhard and FENZA and commended the book as timely. As the observations of participants sparked off a lively discussion, Mr Denis Wood, a contributor to the book urged all to buy it, read it, use it and promote it.

Unseen Worlds 01Several copies of the book were sold out, picked like hot cakes even before the opening of the launch. At the end of the launch many of the participants complimented FENZA for a memorable event.  Of this book launch, Fr Bernhard commented that it was “FENZA at its best”.

“Unseen Worlds” is available at FENZA, in the Catholic Bookshop of Lusaka and soon it will be available in other bookshops at K80. You can also buy it online at www.fenza.org

UNSEEN WORLDS, Dealing with Spirits, Witchcraft, and Satanism

Unseen Worlds 01“This book is dedicated to all those who experience evil or ambivalent spiritual powers in their lives. In a special way, I dedicate it to the people who have shared with me and with our pastoral groups their inner experiences with such powers. They have proven that encounters with these forces do not need to lead to suspicions, accusations, fear and despair. This book is a witness that they can lead to growth, reconciliation, and to a wider sense of belonging.”

Those are the words of the author, Bernhard Udelhoven, M.Afr, who has just published an outstanding book of 453 pages on a very difficult but increasingly important subject in today’s life in Zambia. Themes such as spirits, devil, power, deliverance, prayer, ritual, witchcraft, Satanism, inculturation and the charismatic Church, are abundantly studied in the book. It is a masterpiece that every pastoral worker should read.

How to help people affected by witchcraft or demons. How to intervene when witchcraft accusations rip communities apart. How to help pupils who claim contact with occult forces. 

Bernhard Udelhoven 03Already available at the price of 100 Zambian Kwacha, the book will officially be launch at a later date which will be announced in due time. Please contact FENZA or the Office of the Secretariat of the Missionaries of Africa in Woodlands, Lusaka.

By Bernhard Udelhoven, M.Afr, FENZA Publication, Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia, Lusaka, 2015.

Click on the following picture to order the book on Internet. Then, simply click on “Add to Cart” and follow the normal procedure. Enjoy the reading.

Unseen Worlds createspace.com pageSee also the following link: 


Slavery, witchcraft and fear

Slavery, witchcraft and fear 03Bernhard Udelhoven 03By Bernhard Udelhoven, M.Afr

Published in the Saturday Post, Saturday August 10, 2013

Breaking Free from Witchcraft – Exposing the Bondage to Demons – Prayer Points to Break the Chains of Satanism.

These are some book titles in our Christian bookshops that remind us of spiritual forms of slavery that hold us hostage today. Thousands of new deliverance ministries witness in Zambia to bondages to witchcraft and demons. The need for liberation from the slavery to evil forces seems enormous. Many people testify to the inner freedom and the new start which they found after undergoing sound deliverance services.
P1090122Yet, while the number of new churches and deliverance ministries has been multiplying steadily over the last decades, sometimes coming with the promise of a fast-track to divine blessings and prosperity, demons and witchcraft are in no way diminishing. The opposite seems true. Demonic entities are increasing. This is strange. One should think that the demons surely must be useful to some of us; else they would hardly hang around given that they are beaten, cast out and insulted so often by so many churches. Is it not also pastors, prophets, and churches who profit? READ MORE

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