2015 SAP Province Blog – Annual Report from WordPress.com

Review SAP Blog 2015 00SAP Blog started three years ago. WordPress.com is offering us today the highlights of 2015. The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 30,000 times in 2015 (33,372 times to be exact). If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 11 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. There were 1002 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 289 MB. That’s about 3 pictures per day. The busiest day of the year was January 16th with 355 views. The most popular post that day was ‘Tragic death of Bishop Rt. Rev. Joseph Mkasa Zuza in Mzuzu, Malawi.’In 2015, there were 204 new posts, growing the total archive of the blog to 823 posts. Among them, the following attracted quite of lot of attraction in 2015: Collection of a 1000 Chewa proverbs, Zambia on April, Some news of Jean-Louis Godinot (Mpundu) who was attacked by a crocodile in December 2014 in January and Warm greetings from Kabwe, ordination of Humphrey Mukuka, June 2015 in July. SAP BLOG CHART 2012 - 2015The number of visitors increased a lot through the SAP Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/mafrsaprovince/?ref=hl). Most of them came from The United States, Zambia and European Union though SAP Blog was seen in 144 countries in all! These were our 5 most active commenters: John Itaru, Jean Amour Tanoh, Adrien Sawadogo, Calvalho Assamo and Camille Konkobo. The number of views is increasing by 5000 each year. Let us hope that we will get up to 35,000 by the end of 2016. SAP Blog is always eager to hear from you. Bring your own story on board!


MIMSAF Calendar – January 2016




  1. Congratulation and many thanks for this excellent blog. Best wishes for 2016!
    Fritz Stenger

  2. Geoffrey Mucani

    Wow! This is great! Bon courage à vous! Que Dieu nous bénisse! Amen! We pray for each other! Geoffrey Mucani, Sent from Toshiba Tablet

  3. Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

    Congratulations to the blog-master Rev. Serge St-Arneault! We wish you a good continuum for 2016! Keep well! Happy new year 2016. Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

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