Dear confreres. It’s with regret that I announce to you the death of my uncle, Mr Thaddeus Chileshe. He is the elder brother of my father. He died yesterday in Ndola where he stays. The funeral is in Mushili, Ndola near the UCZ church. Asking for your prayers. Yours, Robert Chipumbu, M.Afr
Vigilius Kawama, M.Afr
Dear Chips! My condolence to you! Praying for your uncle. Life is so strange sometimes. Today I just witnessed the death of our lector, announcer and chorister who even made announcements for night mass. Just to say, such is life! We need to pray for one another. God bless you and be a consolation to your family! May your Uncle Soul Rest in Perfect Peace. Vigilius Kawama, M.Afr
Michel Meunier, M.Afr
Dear Robert, my condolences and prayers. Michel Meunier, M.Afr
Camille Konkobo, M.Afr
We pray that his soul may rest in peace. That the Lord assist the family members. Camille Konkobo, M.Afr
Rodgers Mulenga
My sincere condolences Robert. May his soul rest in peace.
Jones Kawisha
My sincere condolences to you and to your family. MHSRIP
Vickness Nangogo Muleya, M.S.O.L.A.
Dear Robert, very sorry for the passing on of your Uncle, my condolences. Will be praying for him to have eternal peace with Lord Jesus. United in prayers, Vickness Nangogo Muleya
Richard Mulenga
Dear Robert, my condolence. May his soul rest in peace and my the Almighty God console the family.
Linah Siabana, MSOLA
My sincere condolences Robert. May his soul rest in peace. We are united in prayer
Piet van Heijst, M.Afr
Dear Robert, my sympathy with the death of your uncle. Together with our stagiare Jaques Natal I went to the house this morning. I found also your sister from Kitwe. I was informed that the funeral will take place tomorrow, but since tomorrow I will preside H Mass in St. Elizabeth parish, Nkwazi, I will not be able to attend the funeral. I keep him and your family in my prayers.
Remaining united in prayer. Piet van Heijst, M.Afr
Jean-Louis Godinot
Hi Robert! I remember I met you some times ago, July I think, in Kasama. Yourself, your uncle and your family were present in my poor prayers this morning at Mass. Takuya na mabwe… On se retrouvera un jour! Mpundu Kasakula.
Christopher Nkandu
Dear Robert, we are together in prayers for the entire family that the Almighty may strengthen the faith of the family during this trying and sorrowful moment. I am aware that death is something that is beyond us and every time it occurs it seems strange and disturb our peace and it is this time to look up for consolation in the peace of Christ, who are alone the life and the resurrection. May the soul of Mr Thaddeus Chileshe rest in eternal peace.
Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr
Mwaculeni mukwai. Yes indeed it is very sad to loose icikolwe. May the good Lord console you and your family in these very painful moments. Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr