Forthcoming Oath and Diaconate in Merrivale, South Africa

From the Media Team of Merrivale, South Africa

Dear brothers, at the end of this missionary month, it is with great joy that as Media Team of Merrivale Formation House in South Africa, announce and invite you to the Oath and Diaconate ordination of our six brothers. Kindly join us or unite with us in prayer. Happy all Saint Day to all and the mission continue together with Jesus.

Chers frères, à la fin de ce mois missionnaire, la maison de Formation de Merrivale vous annonce et vous invite au serment missionnaire et aux ordinations diaconales de six de leurs frères. Associez-vous à nous dans la célébration de leur engagement. Bonne fête de tous les Saints et que la mission avec Jésus continue. 

Oath diaconate SA 2015To be ordained: Tanzanian Milanzi Konrad Simon, Burkinabe Kondemodre Albert, Rwandese Byishimo Alphonse Marie, Zambian Simbeye Robbin, Ugandan Damian Ahimbisibwe and Kenyan Ogato Douglas Momanyi.

Dates: Oath on the 27th November and the Diaconate on the following day at St. Raphael Catholic Church KwaMzimba


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1 Comment

  1. Jean Amour Tanoh

    “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of harvest to send out labourers for his harvest.” Then we thank God for choosing our six brother. May He guide them and send them in his harvest! Jean Amour Tanoh

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