Farewell Party to Oswald Mallya – Woodlands July 14, 2015

Farewell-Party-July-Oswald-Tanzanian, born in 1969, Oswald Mallya spent most of his missionary life in Zambia since his ordination in 2003. He was Parish Priest in Kabwata and later on in Serenje before being elected as Delegate Superior for Zambia in 2013. He got a M.A. in counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwish, United Kingdom.

The lay Association of the Missionaries of Africa MIMSAF invited friends and confreres to say goodbye to Father Oswald Mallya at Kabwata parish. Oswald was very instrumental in helping to set up MIMSAF which has grown over the years. Thanks to the effort of them all to share the spirit of prayer and the spirituality of our founder Cardinal Lavigerie.

The confreres gathered also for a Farewell Party in Woodlands to thanks Oswald for his work and dedication at the service of all. As a gift, he received a beautiful chitenje shirt. In his speech, the new Delegate Superior in Zambia, Veverato Babaine, in his own sense of humour appreciated by everyone said: “We are very grateful to Oswald for his dedication to the confreres of Zambia but, you know, being the new Delegate Superior, I need to tell you, the sooner you go, the better!”

Oswald is on his way to Uganda to become a member of the staff in our formation centre in philosophy in Jinja. We wish him a safe journey and blessed apostolate in his new mission.


Invitation to the African Traditional Medicine (ATM) conference


God call me to be at the service to others – Father Humphrey Mukuka


  1. Charles Kabeta

    Thank you for the farewell of Fr. Oswald Mallya and his contribution in Zambia since his ordination. That was indeed a missionary spirit and stability of his ministry. We wish him the best in his future endeavours! Brother Charles Kabeta

  2. Chilufya Sikateyo, Theresa C.

    Thanks for this. Chilufya Sikateyo, Theresa C.

  3. Guido Stuer, M.Afr

    Thank You Oswald for your friendship and good care especially last March during my visit to Lusaka. May the Good Lord guide you in your further apostolate .
    Guido Stuer Antwerp.


    I wish you all the best Fr Mally as you start a new mission in Uganda you have been such an inspiration to new and a psycho -socialist who guided people including me!!! i will not forget the teaching and interaction you had with me which was helpful for me and also the question you asked me which i will always remember and continue answering, which yet i havent answered its still cricking and searching for the answer. And you said Emmanuel!! Who are you? little did i know that you wanted me to know who am i, of which it helps me in one way of the other whenever i sit down and answer it, I pray to God for the guidance and protection.

  5. Beatus Leon

    I thank God for the progress Fr Oswald has made in his apostolic life. I pray that he continues to uphold the apostolic and missionary spirit. Oswald is our star, there were 22 of us heading this way in 1992, four from the same school Old Moshi. Oswald ukatutoa kimasomaso! We thank God for your wonderful service and pray for you always. Looking forward to meeting you when you visit Tanzania.

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