A dozen members of the Lay Association of the Missionaries of Africa (MIMSAF) had a recollection on Saturday June 20 under the theme of Consecrated Life. The theme appealed to them as the first consecration of our Christian life comes from our baptism. Invited to be vigilant, Saint Paul is commanding us to God and his WORD that can build us up, that has the power to make us grow. We are all consecrated and remain so as long as we work hard to support the weak. (Acts of the Apostles 20: 28-38)
Jesus himself in John 17: 11-19 is passing on to us the WORD of his Father. It is the same WORD which has the power to build us up. But Jesus is warning us that fierce wolves are perverting the truth in search of imposing their earthly power or domination. It can be financial, political, ideological or even religious. All of them lead to exclusion, extremism, fanaticism and death.
We are in that world but not IN the world because of our consecration. We are consecrated in the truth as long as we work hard and help or support the weak.
Through meaningful community and family life.
Through respectful sharing of ideas, inspirations and visions.
Through faithfulness to our vows, promises and commitments.
Through prayers and joyful spirit.
Through faith and love as the Servant Jesus has taught us to be, in self-giving for the kingdom of God.
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