Present Magazine, December 2014

 Present Magazine December 2014“At Christmas, we celebrate the great truth that our God entered human history. At the heart of Christianity is the belief that the most loving word God spoke became a person, Jesus… We rejoice in Emmanuel, God with us!”

This year 2014 is closing with a lot of good events. PRESENT would like to highlight some few points among many.

‘’Vocation is a gift, it is a call.’’ We are all invited to share, talk, and encourage vocations from all the various corners of our apostolic service.

Present Magazine December 2014 02This year, from 13th January to 12th June, we had in Kolibo centre our aspirants from Kasama, Samfya, Chingola, Ndola, Lusaka, Chipata, Chadiza for the Candidacy course. The experience was very nice and enriching, with a colourful cultural mixture. Beginning of September, they went to Balaka, Malawi, for Philosophy and they are flourishing, full of joy. (Up: Horris, Ivor, Patrick and Innocent; down: Evans and Francis).

The 2nd years and the 3rd years are supporting the 1st years in terms of integration and knowing the culture and realities of Malawi since they are veteran.

Present Magazine December 2014 03Present Magazine December 2014 042nd year: John, Saviour, Alfred and Leonard. 3rd year: Emmanuel, Peter, Biness, Benjamin and Grant

From 14th to 20th July 2014, and 13th to 20th October, we had ‘Come and See’ program in Kolibo. In total, nine aspirants attended. For both, we ended the session with a prayerful recollection day and picnic. We thank God for the gift of our aspirants!

On the 2nd August 2014, in Minga, we were blessed with the priestly ordination of Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga of Kalichelo Parish, Chipata Diocese. The first mass took place in his home parish on 3rd August. Blessed mission in Mali Fr. Emmanuel! Fr. Emmanuel and Deacon Remy (from Malawi, now priest in Uganda).

On the 10th of October, Fr. Francis Kangwa took off for his new mission in Uganda. Always smiling! Continue with the same spirit. Thank you for the work done in the vocational ministry and blessed apostolate in Katakwi Parish, Uganda!

24th October 2014, we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Zambia. The celebration took place in Lusaka at the Heroes Stadium. We pray and wish that we may remain: “One Zambia, One Nation” and show signs of good leadership not only in the southern African region but in the rest of the world. Happy Jubilee!

To all the candidates, aspirants and those who are searching for their vocation, the Missionaries of Africa are there for you. Don’t hesitate to “Come & See” for yourself. You may be misled by other friends and pear group.

From January to June: Candidacy course in Kolibo, Serenje. 9 aspirants are expected! In February, a “Come and See” program will be held for those who have completed Grade 12, with full certificate.

May this Christmas bring peace and joy in our heart. Happy and fruitful year 2015!

All the best and See you soon. Fr. Camille Kolibo, Vocation Director, Vocation Centre, Zambia.


Newsletter South Africa No 46 – 25th December, 2014


Death of relatives of Fidel Makara, Fr. Africano’s Mucunguzi and Patrick Sebyera


  1. Bernard Tremblay, M.Afr

    THANKS YOU for this message! It is quite encouraging !
    I join as attached piece the Christmas and New Year wishes from this Press Review Service.
    With warm greetings!
    Keep up the good work! I was vocation director from 1977 to 1985 in Mansa Diocese. I see that things have evolved and the vocations have really blossomed in the whole of Zambia.
    Congratulations! And may the Lord continue to bless your efforts! Keep up the Apostolate!
    Father Bernard Tremblay, M.Afr

  2. Chewe Mwape

    Its been a great achievement!!!! keep up with the spirit.

  3. leonard

    thank you for the visit, it was really enriching and encouraging…!!!!!

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