It is a great abundance from God to have a Priest in the Farm of Hope.

Phelim Malumo Philipines 2014 02logo_fazenda_2013A Missionary of Africa in the Philippines
By Phelim Malumo, M.Afr
“My name is Fr. Phelim Malumo, 42 years old and I am from Zambia. I have 8 siblings at home. I finished my secondary education in 1992 at the Christian school in Mongu. I joined the society of Missionaries of Africa as a postulant in 1994. Thereafter, I was selected to start my Philosophy in Tanzania for 3 years (1994-1997). I went for novitiate in Kasama, Zambia. Thereafter, I went for my 2-years pastoral experience in South Africa. I did theology in Nairobi, Kenya from 2002-2004. I made my Missionary oath in 2003, I was ordained Priest in 2004 in the Diocese of Mongu, Zambia. My first Missionary appointment was to South Africa, Siyabuswa Parish. After 3 years, I come back to Zambia and worked in different Parishes in Zambia.
I had issues related to alcohol addiction, and then I tried therapy in Zambia, Tanzania and Canada. In 2012, I fully recovered. So, I was to appointed to Lumimba Parish for 2 years from 2012-2014.
After a positive and fruitful experience there, the province of Southern Africa thought that I could use my experience to help other people facing various kinds of addiction. And due to the experience of the other priests at Fazenda in Mozambique and Brazil, it was thought that I should go to one Fazenda community to live, discover and learn the Fazenda way of helping people with their addiction. Fortunately, being connected before with Bishop Ian de Groef spoke positively about Fazenda activities and I was very much inspired to start something like that in Bethlehem Diocese in South Africa. And in collaboration with Father Hans, Nelson, Roland and Richardson together with SAP Provincial Council and our General Council in Rome, I was welcomed to make my experience in their community here in Fazenda Masbate.
Now, from November 2014, I am part of Fazenda in Masbate, Philippines. For 1 year, I will live here to understand better the charism, spirituality and mission of Fazenda to the world. We feel that there are rule of Prayer, community life and their mission can make us easy in collaborate and profit from each other’s spirituality. Currently, the Chairman of Fazenda Masbate is Richardson da Silva from Brazil. So far, I have been very much touched by the spirit in Fazenda with lay people, sister’s, priests, and even married people working together to help the boys and girls. I admire the spirituality of Chiara, the Word of Life which guides our community living based on the gospel. Our sharing of goods helps us to form a united family. I help at this community through Mass and spiritual guidance together with the Sisters and the Missionaries. I hope that after this experience, the society of Missionaries of Africa could establish something like this in South Africa where we have issues in addiction and other related problems.
Our community in Cebu is also connected to Fazenda through Group of Living Hope, regularly meets in their house, and slowly, they seem to have more collaboration. And I’m happy to be connected to Focolare Movement. Recently, I learned a lot from Mariapolis which was held here in Fazenda. Fazenda opened me to expose in different kinds of people with different skills.
We strongly believe that the Spirituality of Hope. Fazenda is a place where people were facing with various addiction and issues gets new hope and meaning in Life through prayer, community life and work.
It is my conviction that this experience will be of help to me, the church, society and all people facing with various kinds of addiction and related issues thereby fulfilling Christ’s words in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life, life in its fullness and abundance”


Hervé Tougma renouvelle sa Déclaration d’intention à Jérusalem


If I forget SAP, let my right hand wither!!!


  1. pam

    I’m glad to meet you Fr Phelim and together let’s unite ourselves in becoming ambassadors of hope. Warm welcome to our country!

  2. Marcel Boivin M.Afr

    I first met Phelim in Arusha, I heard of his achievements and of the difficulties he met on the road of life. Somehow, I always remained confident that problems would be resolved and he would come back to the ministry a wiser and better disciple of Jesus. I am glad to hear his is fine again and looking forward to be a good shepherd in his own way..

    I knew of the Brazilian Fazenda, not of the one that has been started in the Philippines. I am delighted to hear there now is one, that Phelim is of the volunteer. I sahall be even happier when I learn that a healing-center for persons suffering from addictions or other personal diddiculties, has at last been opened in one of our Provinces — congratulations to the SAP for taking the initiative to opened one in South Africa.

  3. Charles Obanya, M.Afr

    Dear Phelim, Greetings.
    I am happy for you. God bless,
    Charles Obanya, M.Afr

  4. Fr. Baptiste Mapunda, M.Afr

    Very good article indeed and inspiring. Congrats! Phelim was among my first group of postulants at Kolibo in Serenje in 1994 before “I got drunk’. Maybe I gave bad examples at that time! I am so happy and pleased. God is so great indeed. At the moment I am preparing to give four days retreat to priests, religious and pastoral workers of the Archdiocese of Tamale in Ghana. Greetings to all and thanks for this good news. Fr. Baptiste Mapunda, M.Afr

  5. Dear Phelim, I am happy to read that you started since a few years a new life. “Praise the Lord ” Both of us have been in the hell of alcoholism …but kept believing in Gods grace . Now, sober since years we are the happiest people and cannot keep silence about our experience .
    Thanks for your witness and I remain united as your elder brother who shared his alco problem in Nairobi in 2003 when you were still a scholastic . Yes God is great … Guido Stuer w.f.

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