Emmanuel-Chisanga-Mubanga-00bThe 2nd August 2014 was a blessing to the Church in Chipata Diocese as seven of its sons, together with our confrere Emmanuel Mubanga, were ordained priests in Minga:  one for the Missionaries of Africa, one for the Comboni  Missionaries, one for the St Patrick Missionaries and  four for the Diocese of Chipata.  A rare event of its kind! An “amazing harvest”! A special gift on this Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Zambia and on the 25th anniversary of the visit pope John Paul II to Zambia, as Bishop George Lungu remarked.
On this special occasion, crowds of lay faithful, missionaries, priests and religious from all corners of Chipata Diocese and beyond flocked to Minga to witness  the event, to thank God and to support the seven young men. The M.Afr representation was equally impressive.  A delegation of 25 M.Afr, MSOLA and friends, led by the Provincial of the SAP and the Delegate Superior of Zambia Sector, was present at the ordination in Minga and the Thanksgiving Mass of Emmanuel Mubanga in Kalichero.
As the number of Zambian confreres keeps growing, we are likely to have more of these celebrations even though this one will remain unique.
They go out carrying seeds for the sowing; they come back, they come back full of song! (Psalm 126:6).
Congratulations and Fruitful ministry to Emmanuel Mubanga and his companions!
By Romaric Bationo, M.Afr
Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga on the 3rd August 2014 at Kalichelo.
 After the solemn Mass of ordination of the seven deacons, i.e. four diocesans, one from St. Patrick Missionaries, one from Comboni Missionaries and our very own Emmanuel M.Afr, by Bishop George Lungu at Minga Parish, we went to Chipata were we would spend the night in readiness for the thanksgiving Mass the following day at Kalichelo Parish.
On Sunday 3rd August, we all left for Kalichelo which is about 45km from Chipata town. Upon arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the “amai apamtondo” (Catholic women) and the Parish Priest Fr. Mathias and his assistant Fr. Vincent. Shortly after dressing up we began the procession. It was colorful with about 14 priests and 10 stagiaires all in their “ganduras”, and one MSOLA sister. The Holy Mass started at 10:20 hours presided by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mubanga. We were welcomed with a song by the choir and the whole congregation. After the Gospel reading, Fr. Didasio Mwanza gave the homily. He urged the Christians to be always ready to offer themselves to the service of the Church in following Christ who offered himself for the salvation of all as a good shepherd. He further advised Fr. Emmanuel to love Christ, the Church and its people now that he has offered himself in “marriage” to the Church.
After communion, Fr. Emmanuel thanked different people who had been instrumental in his vocation journey and asked the people to pray for him as he would pray for them also. Speeches from the Parish council, the Parish priest, and Fr. Oswald the delegate superior followed.
Before the solemn blessing, the new priest was “commissioned” and sent. He carried the cross around the church escorted by all the Missionaries of Africa present and MSOLA as a symbolic gesture. We then committed our brother in the hands of our Mother Mary by singing the “Sancta Maria”.
After the Mass, we were all invited for the a special meal in the Parish hall were we interacted with the leaders of the church council, the religious who were present, friends and family of Fr. Emmanuel.
We wish Fr. Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga God’s favor and blessings as he prepares to go to his first mission in Mali.
“….who will go for us? Here I am, I said… send me” (Is 6:8)
By Leandre Chembe, M.Afr