Nazaré Centre organised its 19th « semana teológica » or its theological week from the 16th till the 20th June 2014 under the topic: “A Familia Em Mocambique, Desafios Para O Terceiro Milenio” translated by: “a family in Mozambique, challenge for the third millennium”. People came from different areas of Mozambique such as Beira, Chimoio, Tete, Nacala, Quelimane, Inhambane and Maputo. Inputs, group works and the plenary helped the discussions surrounding family life; its challenges and what the Church is saying about it looking into various documents such as Vatican II, Familiaris consortio, Ecclesia in Africa and Africae Munus. The questionnaire of the synod “so Desafios pastorais da família no contexto da evangelização” was also explained. The family remains the cell of life where human beings give birth and develop. In this third millennium, we are invited to take into consideration the importance of living together as a family and to rediscover its value and identity, both human and spiritual. On the 29th June, the compound of the church of Inhamizua / Beira was full of joy and dance. There was something unusual on that Sunday Mass. Fathers Hugh Seenan and Fernando Pérez were celebrating respectively 25 years and 50 years of priestly ordination. The thanksgiving song was followed by many gifts from the parishioners where Hugo and Fernando worked. That day was also the official launch of the Friends of the Missionaries of Africa in Mozambique (AMAMO).Florent Sawadogo, Dombe parish, Mozambique
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