Ivan PaulFather Julien Cormier, Provincial of The Province of the Americas informs you of the death of Father Ivan Paul, M. Afr. He died on May 28, 2014, in Sherbrooke (Canada) at the age of 87 years of which 57 of missionary life in Zambia and Canada.
The funeral service will take place on Monday, June 2nd, 2014 at 10h30 a.m. at 100 rue du Cardinal-Lavigerie, Sherbrooke.
Let us pray for the repose of his soul and for his family.
01/01/1958 Vicaire Chilubula, Diocèse Kasama, North Rhodesia
01/04/1960 Kasama
05/04/1964 Supérieur Kasama, Zambia
20/09/1969 Vicaire Mpolokoso
02/03/1970 Hospitalisé Ndola
01/03/1971 Vicaire Lubushi
01/01/1973 Vicaire Ipusukilo
30/06/1976 Audio-Visuel Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
01/09/1985 Grande Retraite Jérusalem
10/11/1992 Animation missionnaire à Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
24/11/1995 Responsable Audio-Visuel 12/97
01/01/1998 Aumônier Mouvement Charismatique Montréal, St-Hubert, Canada
10/09/2003 Session 70+ Roma
01/09/2012 Résidence Montréal, Canada
01/09/2013 Résidence Sherbrooke, Canada
28-05-2014 : retour auprès du Père à Sherbrooke, Canada