JIPD-ED October 2013Builder of Bridges between People – Passion for dialogue
Our confrere Etienne Renaud passed away in June this year. From the many testimonies offered at his funeral, two phrases seem to summarize his missionary vision and life: Builder of bridges between people – Passion for dialogue. This is the legacy that Etienne passes on to us as we continue on our missionary journey in our stormy world.
I invite you to meditate on Etienne’s words which he pronounced in his homily, 25 years ago, when for the first time as Superior General, he received five young men – from different races and nationalities – into the Society on the day they made their Oath (Toulouse, 2nd January 1988):
“You are going to find a continent in search for unity, countries confronted with racial and tribal conflicts. The communities of the Missionaries of Africa, not only international but also inter-racial will be a sign and a call. The group you form today is a symbol of what will be our communities of tomorrow.
You are going to find a continent in search of justice, countries confronting the problems of corruption, violation of human rights, inequalities in the sharing of meagre resources. You will have to open your hearts to be in solidarity with the poor and the oppressed. The struggle for justice is not optional. The Church everywhere must be a sign of hope.
In the countries where you will be sent, you will find people marching on the way to God, using other paths different from the one that Jesus opened for us. I think, in a special way, of Islam and all types of religious movements springing up in Africa. Remember that the unique solution for a Christian is to go up to the end of the Gospel demands, to be contagious of Jesus Christ, in the respect of other religious paths.”
May his soul rest in peace.
Nnyombi Richard, M Afr.
See Video funerals of Etienne Renaud 
And an article written by Fr. André Ferré