Standing (from left to right): Jean-Baptiste HABONIMANA, with spectacles (Burundi), Lema Eshetu DADI (Ethiopia), Levison Wallard Joseph GOODWELL (Malawi), Audace NIYONSABA, with a blue tie (Burundi), Bimal LAKRA (India), Mubalama Marcellin IRENGE, with a smile (DR Congo), Cirimwami Romain CUBAKA, with a blue collar pollo (DR Congo), Jacan Vincent de Paul WANOK (DR Congo), Justin Barera SEBAKUNZI (staff member ), Francis BOMANSAAN (novices master), Anthony Ifeanyichukwu EZENWEKE (Nigeria), Leonard HATEGEKIMANA (Staff member), Oswald MALYA (Delegate superior), Alvin ESCABUSA (Philippines), Jean-Louis GODINOT, “Mpundu” with a blue cap (staff member), John William NKHOMA (Malawi), Timoteo Jose CHOE, (Mozambique), Jean Paul MUNYANEZA (Rwanda), Geoffrey Mugeni MUCANI (Kenya).
Squatting position (from left to right): John Modrings, GONDWE (Malawi), Endale Nigusse, ABIDISA (Ethiopia), Armand BAMOUNI (Burkina Faso), Kokou Alain SOSSOU (Republic of Côte d’Ivoire-RCI), Niteesh EKKA (India), Lini AGABA (Uganda), Munga François NYEMBO
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