Ukarimu in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, Tanzania

Bernard Chowa 02By Bernard Chowa, M.Afr
“Wiki ya Ukarimu” (Week of Charity) takes place towards the end of every year in the Archdiocese of Mwanza. This year this event took place from 11 to 18 August 2013. Each day of the week, different groups such as the Lay, the children, the youth (Viwawa), the catholic women (Wawata), the consecrated, and many more other groups get the opportunity to have a seminar and a talk with the Archbishop. Each day ends with the Holy Mass presided by the Archbishop and many priests. The event takes place on the hill at the “Kawekamo Marian Shrines” once visited by then the Holy Father Pope John Paul II.
This week ends on Sunday and nearly all the priests of the Archdiocese attend. On this day, Mass starts at 10.00 hrs attended by members of all lay groups and many other Christians. After the Mass all return first for entertainment. At this time dances and plays are performed especially by the Sukuma Cultural Group from Bujora. (The Cultural Center has gone on well since it was founded by the White Fathers). After that, somebody gives a seminar to all the attendants. Then follows the most important event where by each parish is called to bring in money intended for the Archdiocese, for the building of the Cathedral, for the Catholic Radio and TV stations, a certain amount that every baptized has to give to the archdiocese among many more other “michango” (contributions). The lay may also give gifts like bags of cement and bags of rice from the previous harvest. At this occasion, other amounts are mentioned for each Parish in its capacity to be contributed for the next year/s to come.
Later the Archbishop (this time His Grace Jude Thadaeus Ruw’aichi, OFMA) addresses the whole congregation to explain important issues, during which he also invites questions. 
Ukarimu in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, TanzaniaUkarimu in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, Tanzania - part 2


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1 Comment

  1. is really cool!!

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