Interview with Michael A. King

Michael A. KingTreasuring the Dance of Life
Challenges to Religious Formation in an ever-changing World
New interview with Michael A. King who has been dean, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, and Vice President, Eastern Mennonite University, since July 1, 2010.
Michael shares with us his vocation journey, his vision on Seminary Formation in an ever-changing World and the way he treasures the Dance of Life.
He says: “We never encounter the world outside of a story or stories that have already told us countless things about the world, our place in it, and how we should then live.”
He invites us to be aware of the danger of living caught in a fictional world: “Even a script rooted reliably in history and God and able to tell us what is really true remains fictional unless we appropriate it.” Part one  Part two
Michael A. King 2Michael A. King 3


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1 Comment

  1. KITHA Paul Makambi

    True, we need to learn from the past.

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