Jones Kawisha

Jones Kawisha 2013I am Jones Kawisha from Kabwe, Zambia. I was ordained priest in 2008 and appointed to the Maghreb province. I am in the community of Tizi Ouzou in Algeria since 2009. Encounter has been my priority and my main apostolate. My experience has been positive and rich. In September this year, I will be going to Paris to study Theology of Religions in order to have a broader understanding of different religions to enrich my encounter apostolate. I am currently in Zambia for my holiday.


Speech on the human trafficking and forced labour choral competition


So called Zone of Primary Evangelization!


  1. John ITARU. M.Afr

    Especially in the growing number of ”new sects – and expansion of Islam” in Africa, I believe you will be very useful!

  2. John ITARU. M.Afr

    Especially in the growing number of ”new sects – and expansion of Islam” in Africa, I believe you will be very useful!

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