Coming closer to the end of his trip to Zambia, as a way to express his gratitude to everyone who welcomed him so nicely, Guido Stuer is offering this poem as a reminder that God loves us all.
I dreamed one night I passed away,And left this world behind.I started down that lonely trailSome of my friends to find.I came to a signpost on the trailThe directions it did tell:KEEP RIGHT to go to HEAVEN,TURN LEFT to go to HELL.I hadn’t been too good on earth,Just a hopeless boozing rake,And knew there at the crossroadsThe path I’d have to take.So I started on that rocky pathThat leads to Satan’s place;And I shook within not knowingJust what I’d have to face.Old Satan met me at the gate,“What is your name, my friends?”I said, “I’m just old sober SamThat’s come to a sad end”.He glanced through some yellow files,“You’re listed as an ALCOHOLIC,We do not want you here.”I said, “I’m looking for my friends,”And a smile stole o’er his face.“If your friends are alcoholicsThey’re in the other place.”So I went back the way I cameTill the crossroads I did see.Then turned right to HeavenAs happy as could be.St. Peter smiled and said: “come in,For you I have a berth.You are an alcoholic.You’ve been through hell on earth.”I saw al Dud and old Pat too.Rill R. and a friend called Bell.And brother I was tickled‘Cause I thought they’d gone to hell.So brothers all take warning,Learn something from my trip.You’re got a place in heavenIf you try hard not to slip.If someone tempts you with a drinkWhen you’re not feeling well,Tell him you’ve going to heavenAnd he can go to hell!
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