La Missive page couvertureEugénie Lacoursière 02

 It is with joy and a sense of pride that I am sharing with you a recent discovery that I made about my family background. I share the same family three than Mgr. François-Xavier Lacoursière who was a White Father and a Bishop in Uganda. Our common ancestor is Paul Bertrand dit Saint Arnaud who came to “Nouvelle-France”, nowadays Québec, around 1690. The mother of Mgr. Lacoursière is Emma Saint-Arnaud, 5th generation from the ancestor while I am of the 10th generation. Moreover, the sister of Mgr. Lacoursière, Eugénie, 2 years older than him, became a White Sister. She is the one who influenced the decision of Father Voillard, General Superior, who appointed François-Xavier to Uganda instead of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) in 1913.
François-Xavier Lacoursière was born on the 26th January 1885 at Batiscan. He is the son of Louis-Philippe Lacoursière and Emma Saint-Arnaud. He died on the 15th March 1970.
My thanks go to the Chief Editor of the magazine La Missive, André St-Arnaud, who authorised me to share with you the articles published in the winter edition of the magazine, volume 8, number 2. The documents are written in French-Canadian.

Eugénie Lacoursière        Mgr François-Xavier Lacoursière