It is with joy and a sense of pride that I am sharing with you a recent discovery that I made about my family background. I share the same family three than Mgr. François-Xavier Lacoursière who was a White Father and a Bishop in Uganda. Our common ancestor is Paul Bertrand dit Saint Arnaud who came to “Nouvelle-France”, nowadays Québec, around 1690. The mother of Mgr. Lacoursière is Emma Saint-Arnaud, 5th generation from the ancestor while I am of the 10th generation. Moreover, the sister of Mgr. Lacoursière, Eugénie, 2 years older than him, became a White Sister. She is the one who influenced the decision of Father Voillard, General Superior, who appointed François-Xavier to Uganda instead of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) in 1913.
François-Xavier Lacoursière was born on the 26th January 1885 at Batiscan. He is the son of Louis-Philippe Lacoursière and Emma Saint-Arnaud. He died on the 15th March 1970.
My thanks go to the Chief Editor of the magazine La Missive, André St-Arnaud, who authorised me to share with you the articles published in the winter edition of the magazine, volume 8, number 2. The documents are written in French-Canadian.
Eugénie Lacoursière Mgr François-Xavier Lacoursière
Cover of the La Missive
Sister Eugénie Lacoursière in Uganda
From the archives of the MSOLA
First local Sisters, MSOLA, Bannabikiri, Fr Mischler, Mgr Lacoursière and Fr. Léopold Bélanger
The New Convent in 1942
The last days of Mgr. Lacoursières
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