Young confreres meeting in Ndola 03 - Copie

Florent Sawadogo (Burkinabe/Mozambique), Saju Akkara (Indian/Zambia)
Philip Meraba (Nigerian/Malawi), Patrice Sawadogo (Burkinabe/Zambia)
Jean de Dieu Bukuru (Burundian/Mozambique), Alfred Awogya (Ghanean/Zambia)
Felix Kamunenge (animator) (Zambian/Zambia), Didasio Mwanza (Zambian/Malawi)
Frederic Ajaruva (Congolese/Zambia), Jules Roy (Canadian/resident in Ndola)
and Filianus Ekka (Indian/Malawi)
The SAP Province organised a Young Confreres meeting for all those in their first term serving in the Province. The meeting was convened in Ndola. Those who attended the meeting were hosted in our community in Ndola. Bob Tebri, the Rector of Balaka, and Felix Kamunenge serving in Kitwe Parish acted as moderators. Dioscoro Malugao, the Sector Superior of Zambia, accompanied the group throughout and Christopher Chileshe, the Provincial, was present for two days.
The meeting began with a recollection animated by Dioscoro. He called the participants to reflect upon their vocation and identity as Missionaries of Africa called for a humble service in the vineyard of the Lord. While it is at times difficult to reveal our priestly identity to those we meet for the first time, there has been some reward for doing so.
The most important moment of the meeting was the personal sharing. All the participants, including the animators, were given ample time to share with others their joys, hopes and sources of strength but also their sorrows, challenges and difficulties. After each sharing the participants manifested their interest through questions, comments and clarifications.
The animators of the meeting enlightened the young confreres by an input built upon their personal experiences. The theme was: “The Challenge of being a Missionary of Africa Today”. Bob highlighted the changing nature of our Society as far as age and main sources of vocations are concerned. He underscored the point that our commitment to JPIC/ED must start at home by the way we treat one another and our workers. Our call has a prophetic dimension which must take seriously the challenge of leadership in Africa but also in our Society and in the Church.
The Provincial of SAP presented the vision and pastoral priorities of the Province. The participants were satisfied and enriched by this insightful interaction.
The mood of the meeting was kept high by the good food offered by the kitchen staff with the well appreciated collaboration of Dioscoro who kept himself busy in all logistic arrangements for the meeting. The participants were also cheered up by the two outings to Msogbe Camp and the visit to our confreres in Kitwe.
By Jean de Dieu Bukuru, M.Afr