Stagiaires who came to their meeting held in Lusaka from the 18th till 23rd February. In brackets: Nationality/Stage.
First row: Jean-Baptiste Todjro (Togolese/Zambia), Emmanuel Lyabonyende Rulinyuma (Congolese/Zambia), Humphrey Andibah Lyubah (Kenyan/Zambia), Fitiwi Abraha Yohannes (Ethiopian/Zambia), Fidèle Mugalihya Macara (Congolese/Zambia)
On top: Jean-Paul Basikaba Evi (Congolese/Zambia), Maurice Aduol Odhiambo (Kenyan/Mozambique), Venance Bharotota Shundu (Tanzanian/Zambia), Raphaël Patrick Sebyera (Congolese/Zambia), Facilitator Paul Namono (Burkinabe/Malawi), Clayb Caputolan (Filipino/Malawi), Joseph Prabhu (Indian/Zambia), Élie Nyembo Sango (Congolese/Zambia), Serge Kabwakila Kasongo (Congolese/Mozambique), Hervé Tougma (Burkinabe/Malawi), Jonas Michael Mensah (Ghanaian/Zambia), Alfred Nkundimana (Rwandese/South Africa), Facilitator Camille Konkodo, (Burkinabe /Zambia), Erick Balderas Vega (Mexican/Zambia)
The meeting started on Monday 18th February at FENZA. It was facilitated by two Missionaries of Africa priests: Camille Konkobo and Paul Namono. We were 18 (1 SA, 2 Moz, 3 Mlw, 12 Zmb). Fr Christopher Chileshe, the provincial of SAP, gave us the opening speech and welcoming remarks to us all gathered. After adopting the timetable and sharing the responsibilities, we received Fr. Bernard Udelhoven who gave us an input on “the Church and the Culture”. He invited us to listen to the culture and to be open before any judgment.
Our expectations during this meeting were to know each other better, to know the joys, the difficulties and the challenges in community and apostolic life. We also hoped to enrich each other with the experiences and to strengthen our brotherhood. We also expected to have clarity on stagiaires’ dues and duties within the province. We then shared our experiences, focused mainly on our life story, prayer life, language course, community and apostolic life, transport and allowances. Each one was given twenty minutes of sharing after which time was given for questions.
This year 2012-2013, there are eighteen stagiaires from twelve different nationalities. Ten of them are finishing their stage and joining different centers for fourth phase of formation. The others eight are beginning their apostolic experience. All of us were happy to hear that we are coming from Christian families. The experience of the spiritual year has helped us to be aware of the love of God for us, to deepen our faith, and to be taken by Christ’s love through our apostolate. The experience of stage is helpful and quite challenging at the same time. For some of us, the community was prepared in advance, while elsewhere the place was not ready to receive the stagiaire: Just at the arrival, some of the stagiaires entered into the program of the community through youth camps and sessions for youth, while others found conflicts between members of the community.
The meeting was a great opportunity for us to be together as brothers and encourage each other. Our responsibilities in communities and pastoral field differ. The experiences help us to be prepared for the future ministries as Missionaries of Africa. We feel sharing the same mission with our confreres, and being part of the Society. We participate in everything apart from administrating the sacraments. Most of our missions are in a primary evangelization milieu. We are aware of our limits, not being Eucharistic ministers; we offer our service (help) in order to bring Jesus to people and people to Christ.
The sharing was appreciated by all of us. This is because it was done in respect for each other and great listening. Our expectations were fulfilled throughout the meeting. The visit of the confreres in Lusaka, during the meeting, was a blessing for us. We feel being part of the big family of Missionaries of Africa in the Southern Africa Province. The picnic and visit to our 2 parishes in Lusaka town were a time of relaxation, joking and enjoying a different atmosphere together.
By Alfred Nkundimana, Lebombo Community and Elie Sango, Namushakende community
See also:
Christopher Chileshe
Lovely indeed! I hope you all enjoyed your stay at the new house (the outstation too!). Safe trip to all who are still travelling back home and to you all; come again!