Tag: Missionary Oath

Oath of Elvis Ng’andwe, M.Afr

Invitation card Oath ElvisThe Ng’andwe’s family & the community of Kapisha Parish have the joy to invite you to the Missionary Oath of their brother and son Rev. Br. Elvis Ng’andwe, M.Afr. The Oath will be received by Rev. Fr. Stan Lubungo, Superior of Missionaries of Africa for Southern Africa Province. Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Ngosa, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Ndola.

Date: Saturday, 2nd July 2016 at Kapisha Parish (Chingola) at 10:00hrs.

Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, 3rd July 2016 at Kapisha Parish (Chingola) at 10:00 hrs.

Invitation card Oath Elvis 2

Missionary Oath and Diaconate of John C. Mubanga

John_MubangaDear Elder Brothers,
Peace and goodness to you all! As for me, I am doing fine.
Well, this is just to express my gratitude for recommending me to take the Missionary Oath and receive the ministry of Deacon in the Church. I received the News with joy. I did not reply as soon as I received it because I was busy preparing for my 8 days retreat (from 21st to 28th Feb, 2014) and I could not have time to stay on the ‘net’ for so long. However, as expressed above, I am very happy and I ask you to continue praying for me to God so that he may grant me the graces I need before and after I take this importance step in my vocation journey. What the Lord has done is indeed what no one ever thought could happen and yet it is the very thing God prepared for those who love him in humility (cf. Dt 32:3). ‘For God, nothing is impossible’.
The Missionary Oath will be on 16th of May, 2014. Whereas, the Diaconate Ordination will be on 17th of May, 2014 at our Lady Queen of Peace Parish-Nairobi-Kenya.
Thank you very much once again and pass my regards to all.
Stay blessed.
John C. Mubanga

Oath and the Diaconate in Abidjan

Fraternité Lavigerie, Abidjan Ivory Coast

The Missionaries of Africa are pleased to invite you to the Oath and the Diaconate of 5 Missionaries of Africa. See Invitation card.

Fr. Ignatius Anipu, Provincial, will receive the Oaths on Friday the 6th December 2013 at la Fraternité Lavigerie.

Bishop Claude Rault M.Afr., Bishop of Laghouat (Algeria), will confer the Diaconate on Saturday the 7th of December 2013 at 9.00 pm at St Jean-Baptiste d’Abobo-Avocatier Parish on Sunday 8th December Thanksgiving Mass. We congratulate them wholeheartedly as well as their families.

Fraternité Lavigerie
Missionnaires d’Afrique, Pères Blancs
13 BP 3110, Abidjan, 13
Côte d’Ivoire

Missionary Oath in Jerusalem

Missionary Oath invitation Card Jerusalem 06 (2)The Missionary Oath of Bonaventure Bwanakweli, Emmanuel Mubanga Chisanga, Fredrick Limo Ng’etich and Vincent Kyererezi will take place in Jerusalem on Tuesday the 30th April 2013 at 17:00 hours in Saint Anne’s Basilica.
We as the SAP are proud of all of you.
May the good Lord bless this day always and make it a memorable day for your missionary journeys.
United in prayer.
Christopher Chileshe, SAP Provincial

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