Category: Sectors

News and events of Malawi – Mozambique – South Africa – Zambia Sectors of SAP

SAP Financial Council Meeting

The bi-annual SAP Financial Council meeting took place on the 13th and 14th February in a new building recently opened in FENZA. Gotthard Rosner, the director, was pleased to welcome the participants.

01 SAP Financial Council 13-02-2013

From left to right, at the bottom: Jaya Bordhan and Jean de Dieu Bukuru. On top: Didier Lemaire, Christophe Boyer, Franco Pinna, Karl Kälin and René Garand.

Protected: Motomoto Echo February 2013, No 1

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Updates on the Antislavery Campaign in SAP

The Antislavery Campaign was officially launched in Rome on 9th November 2012. Each Province/Sector was asked to organize its own calendar of events already at the time of Richard Nnyombi’s visit which took place about a year ago. Though we got off to a somehow slow start, it doesn’t mean that nothing has been done yet.

Let us break the chains 01In South Africa Michel Meunier had a calendar and a book mark printed for the occasion, gave an interview on Radio Veritas and a talk in Pretoria. In Malawi, as Bill Turnbull told us, “at the 8th December celebrations in Balaka, our students presented two excellent plays and a poem. The topic of the plays was human trafficking. They were lively, humorous, educative and straight to the point”. There is now a plan to repeat the performance in Lilongwe in front of a wider audience. In Zambia, on 26th November, our confreres in Kasama combined our Founder’s Day with their own little opening of the year of anniversary for the Antislavery Campaign. As part of their celebrations, they had an input on the Antislavery campaign of Lavigerie and its place within the history or our Society by Paul Johnston. FENZA centre is planning a conference on the topic in the next few months. At the moment we are also preparing a leaflet explaining a few basic facts about the campaign. It should be distributed in parishes at the beginning of Lent. I am sure that more initiatives were taken by others which I am not aware of. Please let me know directly or use this forum to share them.

Maybe this is the time to set aside a few commitments and concentrate more on this strong appeal that is coming from the Society. All of us are asked, as individuals and in our communities, to continue praying, sharing, reading and being up-to-date on the event.

For those in parish work is just a question of using the various means already at their disposal: talking about the campaign and its meaning in homilies, talks, Parish councils meetings and newsletters. Lent is coming soon: we received from Rome the Stations of the Cross adapted to what we are celebrating; if we are not happy with them let’s come up with something new but let’s make the most of this opportunity!

On a different level, in our countries we can easily go into schools, give interviews on the radio and have articles printed in the local newspapers. Our candidates in the different houses of formation are also warmly invited to give their creative contribution. Balaka has shown us the way, let others follow the example!

Following in the footsteps of the Cardinal who was capable of dropping everything and started touring the capitals of Europe to deliver his message, we are also asked to show some enthusiasm and determination in order to make known the slogan of the campaign: Let’s break the chains!

Finally, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the way we will close this year’s celebrations which should happen in September or thereabouts. The grand finale with the bus tour seems to be losing support by the day and surely it will not make sense if there isn’t an adequate preparation in the months leading up to it. Maybe the project was not properly presented and/or understood but it is becoming increasingly evident that it will be difficult to pull it off. Malawi has already withdrawn and Zambia will take a decision in the next few days. But even if this particular project does not get off the ground it does not mean that we should give up all.

In February, March and April I will be visiting the communities in South Africa, Mozambique and Malawi and I hope that suchClaudio Zuccala 2013 occasion will present us with an excellent opportunity to find out where we are at, to clarify some issues and to share ideas and plans for the coming months.

Best wishes in all your endeavours,  Claudio Zuccala, M.Afr

Our confreres in Malawi

– Father Jean Arnaud, French, Chezi Parish – Father Claude Boucher, Canadian, Kungoni Centre – Father Christophe Boyer, French, Lilongwe, CfSC – Father Michel Côté, Canadian, Lilongwe, Sector House – Father Richard Deschênes, Canadian, Mzuzu – Father Filiyanus Ekka, Indian, Chezi Parish – Father Ortega Julio Feliu, Spanish, Lilongwe, Sector House –  Father Bonaventure Gubazire, Ugandan, Balaka, Lechaptois – Father Sebastien Kalengwe, Congolese, Mua Parish – Father Simeon Kalore, Ethiopian, Chezi Parish, Father Julian Kasiya, Malawian, Mua Parish – Father Willem Kerkhof, Dutch, Lilongwe, Sector House – Father Jos Kuppens, Dutch, Lilongwe, CfSC – Father Michael Mawelera, Malawian, Balaka, Lechaptois – Father Philip Meraba, Nigerian, Lilongwe, Kanengo – Father Didasio Mwanza, Zambian, Balaka, Lechaptois – Father Paul Namono, Burkinabe, Mua Parish – Father Brendan O’Shea, Irish, Mua Parish – Jacques Pallas, Canadian, Lilongwe, Sector House – Bishop Rémi Sainte-Marie, Canadian, Lilongwe – Father Michel Sanou, Burkinabe, Lilongwe, Kanengo – Father Robert Tebri, Ghanaian, Balaka, Lechaptois – Father William Turnbull, British, Lilongwe, CfSC – Father Piet van Hulten, Dutch, Mzuzu – Father Moïse Kombe Yébédié, Malian, Chezi Parish

Our confreres in Mozambique

Father Timothée Bationo, Burkinabe, Matacuane – Father Jean de Dieu Bukuru, Burundian, Dombe – Father Fernando Pérez, Spanish, Nazaré – Father Marcin Perfikowski, Polish, Sussundenga – Father Franco Pinna, Italian, Beira, Inhamizua – Father Fidel Salazar del Muro, Mexican, Nazaré – Father Florent Sibiri Sawadogo, Burkinabe, Dombe – Father Hugh Seenan, British, Nazaré – Bishop J. Francisco Silota, Mozambican, Chimoio – Father Richard Ujwigowa, Congolese, Sussundenga – Father Bernhard Wernke, German, Dombe -Father Boris Yabre, Burkinabe, Sussundenga – Father Claudio Zuccala, Italian, Nazaré.

Our confreres in South Africa

Brother James Calder, Canadian, Merrivale – Bishop Jan De Groef, Belgian, Bethleham – Father Philippe Docq, Belgian, Henley Parish – Brother René Garand, Canadian, Henley Parish – Father Raphaël Gasimba, Congolese, Merrivale – Father Quinbert Kinunda, Tanzanian, Merrivale – Father Jean-Pierre Le Scour, French, Lebombo – Father Didier Lemaire, French, Edenglen – Father Raymond McQuarrie, Irish, Lenasia – Father Michel Meunier, Canadian, Edenglen – Father Didier Michon, French, Edenglen – Father Deogratius Ngowi, Merrivale – Father George Okwii, Ugandan – Father Seán O’Leary, Irish, Edenglen – Father Mathieu Van Vlierden, Belgian, Lenasia – Father Chrispin Vungwa, Tanzanian, Lebombo

Our confreres in Zambia

Frédéric Ajaruva Bedijo, Congolese, Lumimba, Lundazi – Saju Jose Akkara, Indian, Kasama, St Charles – Luc Antaya, Canadian, Kasama, St Joseph – Alfred Awogya, Ghanaian, Namushakende – Venerato Babaine, Ugnadan – Romaric Bationo, Burkinabe, FENZA  – Reinhold Bloching, German, Ndola – Francis Bomansaan, Ghanaian, Kasama, Lua Luo – Jaya Bordhan, Indian, Lusaka, Woodlands – Christopher Chileshe, Zambian, Lusaka, Woodlands – Robert Chipumbu, Zambian, Namushakende – Dave Cullen, British, Chipata, Kalongwezi – Vitalis Dero, Kenyan, Lusaka, Kabwata – Jean-Louis Godinot, French, Kasama, Lua Luo – Jean-Luc Gouiller, French, Chipata, Kalongwezi – Léonard Hategekimana, Rwandese,  Kasama, Lua Luo – Karl Kälin, Swiss, Lusaka, Woodlands – Felix Kamunenge, Zambian, Kitwe – Francis Kangwa, Zambian, Lusaka, Woodlands – Faustin Kerumbe, Congolese, Serenje – Camille Konkobo, Burkinabe, Kasama, St Charles – Pierre Lafollie, French, Kasama, St Joseph – Robert Lavertu, Canadian, Namushakende – Oswald Mallya, Tanzanian, Woodlands  – Phelim Malumo, Zambian, Lumimba, Lundazi – Emmanuel Mambwe, Zambian, Serenje – Pawel Mazurek, Polish, Lumimba, Lundazi – Joseph McMenamin, Irish, Chipata, Kalongwezi – Michel Merizzi, Canadian, Kitwe– Patrick Mumbi, Zambian, Lusaka, Fenza – Adelarde Munishi, Tanzanian, Lusaka, Kabwata – Norbert Nkingwa, Tanzanian, Serenje – Marc Nsanzurwimo, Burundian, Lusaka, FENZA – Antoon Oostveen, Dutch, Kasama, St Joseph – Jacek Rakowski, Polish, Lusaka, St. Lawrence – Dieudonné Rizinde, Congolese, Kasamba  – Jules Roy, Canadian, Ndola – Jean-Pierre Sauge, Swiss, Serenje – Patrice Sawadogo, Burkinabe, Kasamba – Serge St-Arneault, Canadian, Lusaka, Woodlands – Bernhard Udelhoven, German, Lusaka, St. Lawrence  – Piet van Heijst, Dutch, Kitwe – Antoon van Kessel, Dutch, Lusaka, St. Lawrence – Henk van Kessel, Dutch, Chipata, Kalongwezi – Piet Verkleij, Dutch, Ndola 

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