Category: Priestly ordination Page 2 of 3

Words of thanks from Father Robbin Simbeye, M.Afr

I want to thank you all for your support in various ways during the preparations and after my ordination to the priesthood. Everything went on very well because of your support, both spiritually and financially.

robbin-simbeye-ordination-nov-2016-06-bI am so grateful to my Parish Priest, Fr. Peter Tembo, and to all the parishioners of St. Monica – Lukanga of Kabwe Diocese who sacrificed their time and money to ensure that my ordination be a success. Indeed it was a beautiful celebration. I am grateful to my siblings and to Fr. Isaac Mbewe who have always supported me since the first day of my initial formation, you are such a blessing to me.

It has been a blessing for me and for my entire family to have had Didasio Mwanza involved in the ordination preparations. The days and nights he spent in my family before the ordination will never be forgotten, they meant a lot to me and to my family. May the good Lord keep blessing you abundantly!

Looking at the people who came from different parts of Zambia, from Congo, and from Malawi, and also looking at my confreres who, regardless of their tight programs like the Post-Capitular meeting but managed to come and participate and witness to my ordination, I have no reason why I should not carry you all in my prayers and ask the good Lord to guide and protect. Thank you very much.

Link: Priestly Ordination of Father Robbin Simbeye, M.Afr, at St Monica parish in Kabwe, Zambia.

Priestly Ordination of Father Robbin Simbeye, M.Afr, at St Monica parish in Kabwe, Zambia.

robbin_simbeyeBy Camille Konkobo, M.Afr

On the 19th November, the Diocese of Kabwe celebrated the closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy and the priestly ordination of Father Robbin Simbeye, M.Afr. The celebration was colourful and joyful in a crowded church. Sixty priests, among them seventeen Missionaries of Africa, were present.

This ordination was quite appropriate for the closing of the Year of Mercy as Bishop Clement Mulenga, SDB, emphasised on the attitude of all priests to be merciful. He encouraged them to collaborate and seek advice unceasingly.

The Provincial, Felix Phiri, M.Afr, thanked the Bishop and his clergy for this timely feast within the diocesan calendar. He also thanked the parishioners of St. Monica and sent Robbin officially to his mission in Tunisia. He then invited all the M.Afr present to come around him for a solemn blessing by singing the Sancta Maria.

The first Mass took place at the same parish the following day. The church was vibrating from the beginning till the end. The family members of our newly ordained priest were full of joy and we could see it on their faces. It was a bright and appropriate time for missionary awareness. At the end of Mass, the Vocation Director, Camille Konkobo, made an appeal for more vocations.

Robbin Simbeye studied philosophy in Arusha, Tanzania, made his spiritual year at Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, his apostolic training of two years in Rwanda and his theology at our Formation House in Merrivale, South Africa.

Let us unite our voices and prayers for his mission and for the parents of Father Simbeye.

Invitation card for the ordination to the priesthood of Robin Symbeye, M.Afr – November 19, 2016


Priestly Ordination of Douglas Ogato, M.Afr, July 29, 2016

ogato-ordi-2016-bbBy Douglas Ogato, M.Afr

My ordination to the priesthood took place on 29th July 2016 at Holy Family church, Gekano Parish in Kisii Diocese in the western part of Kenya. I was ordained by my Bishop, Joseph Mairura. Many Christians travelled from near and far to witness my ordination and to celebrate with me and my family this joyful occasion. Among those who attended were: religious sisters and brothers from within and outside the diocese, diocesan clergy, East African Provincial and other Missionaries of Africa from the Sector of Kenya accompanied by members of Lavigerie Family (a lay associate group), a delegation from Zambia led by Mama Grace Shawa of Regiment Parish, and Nyamira County Government officials led by His Excellency the Governor, John Nyagarama.

In his homily, Bishop Mairura talked passionately about the tremendous missionary work the Missionaries of Africa have done and continue to do in the continent of Africa. He expressed his joy that one of his own sons from the diocese of Kisii has responded to the call of missionary life.

The entire ordination celebration was a very touching experience in my life, one that will remain indelible in my heart and mind. I am very much grateful to God who has called me to his vineyard, and to my family, friends and parishioners of Gekano Parish for having supported my answer to the missionary call, and above all, to the entire fraternity of the Missionaries of Africa and all those who contributed in one way or the other towards the success of my ordination. To Him be glory for ever and ever!


See Video




Priestly Ordination of Fr Mathew W. Banseh, M.Afr in Ghana.

First Mass 02Text and pictures from Serge Boroto Zihalirwa, M.Afr

Ordained on Saturday 20/8/2016 by the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, His Excellency Most Rev. Jean-Marie Speich, at Christ the King Parish, Sandema, Fr Mathew W. Banseh, M.Afr led us to the altar of the Lord as he presided for the first time over the Eucharistic celebration at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Minor Basilica, Navrongo on Sunday 21/8/2016. May you shine in the Lord’s vineyard!

Fr Banseh has been appointed to the parish of Lumimba, Zambia.

Words of thanks from Sylvester Chimenge, M.Afr

Rev. Fr. Sylvester Chimenge cardDear my Confreres, families and friends of the Missionaries of Africa. My heart is full of joy and gratitude for the graces and blessings that the Almighty God has showered on me in this month of August. I am really grateful to God for choosing me, consecrating me and sending me into his vineyard as His humble servant. I acknowledge that the ordination I received on 4th August was not as a result of my own merits but as a result of God’s own grace and mercy towards the sinners. It is for that reason that I salute Him. Many thanks go to all of you my confreres for the support you gave me before, during and after my ordination. I really feel that I belong to a caring family of Cardinal Lavigerie. With my heart full of joy, am very grateful to my confreres in the community of Ndola (Piet van Heijst, Franciszek Szczurek and Didasio Mwanza) for their love, care, support and encouragements. During my three months stay in this community, I have really experienced true brotherhood and I have learnt how to be at the service.

Invitation card for the priestly ordination of Mathew Wedamdaga Banseh in Ghana.

Invitation card Ordination Mathew Banseh

Invitation for Priestly Ordination.

The Society of the Missionaries of Africa and the Family of Mr. Barnabas Ogato and Mrs. Prisca Moraa is pleased to invite you to the Priestly ordination of their son Rev. Deacon Douglas Momanyi Ogato on the 29th July 2016 at Kisii town parish by his Lordship Joseph Mairura Okemwa, Bishop of Kisii Diocese.  

Fr. John Aserbire, Assistant Provincial, EAP (On behalf of the Provincial Secretary EAP)


Priestly ordination of Sylvester Chimenge, M.Afr

Ordination Card SylvesterThe parish of Mary Immaculate – Chibuluma and the Chimenge’s family, cordially invites you to the priestly ordination of Rev. Sylvester Chimenge, M.Afr on 4th August 2016 at 09:30, by Rt. Rev. Alick Banda, bishop of Ndola diocese at Christ the King Cathedral in Ndola.

First Mass: 7th August 2016, at St. Mary Immaculate parish – Chibuluma.

Thanksgiving Mass: 14th August 2016, at Martyrs of Uganda – Chikumbi parish.


Ordination Card Sylvester 02

Ordination and First Mass of Fr. John Mubanga, M.Afr

19 Kitwe_modifié-2By Peter Mutasha, Student, and Camille Konkobo, M.Afr, Vocation Director

On 6th August, the Church commemorated the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. On this very day, the Catholic Church of Ndola Diocese elected eight deacons to the order of Melkisedek, among them our brother John Mubanga. The colourful ceremony was held at the Cathedral presided by Rt. Rev. Dr. Alick Banda, Bishop of Ndola, and concelebrated by Bishop Kasonde of Solwezi Diocese. Many priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers and seminarians were present together with the Missionaries of Africa. The liturgical celebration was magnanimous even though it was held on a working day.

In his sermon, Bishop Banda emphasized on three things which are important for one to be a good priest namely to serve God’s people by remaining in communion with the Lord, to be men of prayer and, finally, the need to meditate the Word of God.

According to the Bishop, the ordination was an “affirmation of God’s love for us” as He did to our Lord Jesus Christ at the Transfiguration.

The First Mass was held on the 9th August at St Mary’s Parish, Twatasha, in Kitwe which is the home parish of the newly ordained. Started at 10:30, the Mass ended at 15:30. The celebration was “wonderful,” with lots of joy, dancing and singing. Family members from various Churches joined in to witness the First Mass of their son. The church was packed, in and out. We were 15 M.Afr and 2 M.S.O.L.A. and few M.Afr students. There were also some other Religious who attended the thanksgiving Mass.

We wish God’s blessings on Fr. John Mubanga as he begins his mission in God’s vineyard.

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